Saturday, May 1, 2021

Everything Nichiren Shoshu is fake

Regarding the Nichiren Shoshu. Everything is fake in the Nichiren Shoshu: Fake transfer documents; fake DaiGohonzon; fake Patriarchal Zen and Shingon-like transmission (fake Transfer of the Water of the Law; and fake Yuiga Yoga or the Oneness of living Master and Disciple principles); fake Three Treasures; fake Three Great Secret Laws; Nichiko Hori justified the inclusion of apocryphal [forged and altered] Gosho with the following quote: "In terms of doctrine, it's justifiable." -- "Collection of Study Essentials for the Fuji School, Nichiko Hori; fake unbroken lineage which has been broken more than a dozen times.

Me: It is logically unthinkable that something so "important" as the DaiGohonzon would never have been mentioned by Nichiren. There are only two possibilities. Nichiren never wrote about it because he never inscribed it or, at the very least, he never deemed it the most important Gohonzon OR there was a very far reaching conspiracy to destroy any and every mention of it. There is no evidence of such a conspiracy. 

NST member: The Daishonin did talk of the DaiGohonzon in the Gosho. What I am saying is that all you lot can say is that the Goshos in which he does are faked. 

Me: Not in one Gosho in Nichiren's or Nikko's hand is any mention ever made of a Gohonzon of 1279, let alone of a special Gohonzon. 

NST: What I say is that your argument is incomplete and facile because The DaiGohonzon was carved in 1279 and many Goshos were written before that. Me: What about those after 1279 in the Daishonin's or Nichiren's hand, none of which ever mentions the DaiGohonzon? Why is the first mention of the DaiGohonzon made in the 15th century, 150 years after the Daishonin passed? 

NST: Hundreds of Goshos have been lost or burned. We do not know the content of these Goshos. For this reason alone, you can not say that the Daishonin definitely did not write about the DaiGohonzon. 

Me: The burning of Gosho hasn't been evidenced, just asserted by Nichiren Shoshu. There are no first hand references to the "Dai-Gohonzon" no secondary references from any contemporary Priests or lay people and your claim would mean that such people as Toki Jonin and Shijo Kingo must have betrayed Nichiren too. The Daishonin would truly have to have been a very poor judge of character to have everyone dismiss his central doctrine and dictates so quickly after his death. There are not even any third or fourth generation references.

That's a bit too much burning Karla. Plus, the circumstantial evidence goes strongly against the "Dai-Gohonzon", the denunciation by Nikko's temple Honmonji and the fact that Wooden Mandalas were in style when Nichiu inscribed the DaiGohonzon. Nichiu's time There are dozens of Gosho written after 1279. Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lotus Sutra, the Daimoku, and the Gohonzon are referenced many dozens of time. Why not the most important doctrine and principle of all, the doctrine of the DaiGohonzon? The early Nikko Temples had not heard of such a thing and roundly denounced it when they did. So, the burning conspiracy would have been so far reaching that it would have had to have involved the other Nikko founded Temples who logically should have been on your side of the claim. The burning theory would simply have had to involve too many dispirit people, each and every one of them being required to betray their Master and totally ignore what you say is a central doctrine of the faith. Why is our forgery argument for the DaiGohonzon so ill conceived? The Daishonin wrote so many lines of warning about forgeries and appropriations, for example: The Bodaishin Ron attributed to Nagarjuna but really written by Pui-Kung; "fabricated sutras" such as the Platform Sutra of Hui Neng and the Meditation Sutra of Shan Tao; and the Lotus Sutra itself "fabricate their own scriptures" [Chapter 13]; and he claims of Kobo Daishi that Ichinen Sanzen is found in the Shingon Sutras. Nichiren also speaks about those who change and alter scriptures in the Kaimoku Sho. Nikko too speaks about those who forge writings. "How much worse will it be after his passing" [in this latter age]? All these individuals and sects were inferior. To make themselves appear superior, they falsified documents and relics. Taisekeji was in a bad state and needed something to bolster their membership/ What better than a "super Gohonzon". 

NST: Yet you believe that some time in the mid-fifteenth century, Nichiren Shoshu completely invented a DaiGohonzon and changed it's whole philosophy & doctored Goshos but no one noticed, left the religion in disgust, or even wrote about it. 

Me: Some did indeed notice and even referenced that Nichiu contracted leprosy for his transgression of forging the DaiGohonzon. Many others observed Taisekeji's aberrant doctrines and ignored them. Probably because they deemed them too outlandish. In retrospect, they made a big mistake. The Kansho accords from the late 1400s of which Taisekeji was a signatory, also make no mention of the DaiGohonzon: 

An Accord on the Principles of the Dharma:

"From ancient times there have been disagreements concerning the doctrines of our sect. This and that position have been taken, with no agreement, and differences of opinion exist until today. Further, these have become an obstacle to the prosperity of the Buddha-Dharma. This is too lamentable for words and is sad indeed to consider. So it is that now the worthy head monks of the temples of all lineages have discussed the situation and determined that as we try to propagate our teachings far and wide it will not do for our teachings to lack unity. For this reason we here synthesize the ancient disagreements of our past masters to express our intent to repay the debt of gratitude to our teachers. With glad hearts we declare the unity of main and branch temples alike and realize a unified harmony that will last forever. We wish from now on to be as inseparable as a fish and water, and that this firm covenant will never wither or be defiled. Let the lamp of the Dharma shine for more than ten thousand years and the blessed life of the enlightenment of the three assemblies endure forever." - Kansho Accord 

Sometimes the Nichiren Shoshu claim to have secret documents that purport to demonstrate the DaiGonzon's authenticity and other times, they claim that all references were destroyed by the evil Minobu sect. I propose that they do not release these secret documents because they too would be proven to be forgeries. Probably they have already shredded them. Karla also referenced that there is a writing of Nikko where "I Nikko transmit this DaiGohonzon to Nichimoku", naming the DaiGohonzon of the third month of Koan, 1279. Unfortunately, there has never been any document referencing the Ita-Mandala of Taisekiji independently authenticated by experts before the time of Nichiu. Nichiren and Nikko often labeled Gohonzon as "DaiGohonzon" or "DaiMandala". Nichiren also describes just what that supreme object of worship represents, a depiction of the Buddha's transmission of the Dharma to the Bodhisattvas from underground at the ceremony in the air. Therefore, any mandala would be a representation of the Gohonzon and all such depictions are DaiGohonzon. What the Nichiren Shoshu has done is to objectify that in a transubstantiated plank. This is similar to what the Roman Catholics have done with unleavened bread as the actual body of Christ. All Nichiren Shoshu would have to do is show us one document in Nichiren or Nikko's hand from the "many treasures of Taisekeji". But they can't!

As for the ephemeral burned or lost Gosho that may or may not have existed and which may or may not have mentioned the plank Gohonzon, no one can really speculate as to their content. Yet the Nichiren Shoshu goes beyond speculation to claim that they did indeed make reference to the DaiGohonzon of 1279. Similarly, their argument that Nikko in one writing actually mentioned the burning of Gosho. However, even were this writing authenticated, no mention is made as to their content, least of all a mention of the plank Gohonzon of 1279.The only thing he mentions is that the other senior priests were embarrassed because Nichiren wrote these Gosho in the common vernacular of the Japanese people. Again, this document has yet to be authenticated. It is a strange accusation since these same priests preserved dozens of Nichiren's writings in the Japanese vernacular.


  1. Once in a lifetime reprinted by permission of david byrne

    Things don't change and are getting worse
    Radioactive water flowing all around

    Watching the  years go by , once in a lifetime encircled by Radionuclide water flowing all around same as it ever was The nuclearapes , same as it ever was

    What good does all that 20 thousand sq footage  do for you. It is  in that  sparkling City .  A city full of motor cars, burning tons of gasoline with enough radium and uranium in the gasoline being burned, to create a mutant army of disabled people and 10 thousand new cases of cancer  a day.  Radioactive  pollutants and unburned hcs in everything creating pyrophoric storms and wildfires in, and around cities in murica

    That lovely suburban MC mansion  with 10 americium loaded radioactive  smoke detectors and three bathrooms

    The country house by the nuclear power plant

    1. The houses on the w coast as fukushima  continues and san onofre kills La jolla

      What good does that suburban House or downtown penthouse do for you?  You're breathing hot particles, radium and uranium from burning hydrocarbons millions of cars and depleted uranium and fukushima . You are breathing the radioactive smoke from wildfires, burning, and adjacent to the city. HOT Particles and water from fracking, from nuclear medical waste.
      Nuclear reactors . Waste from closed nuclear reactors and, nuclear processing facilities.
      Breathing hot particles, drinking uranium water

      What is that half million dollar house truly worth?
      What is life in merica truly worth?
      Depleted uranium in the air from military bases, close to many american cities. It  is what turned fallujah, iraq, into one of the worst birth defects epicenters in the world

      Nuclear waste in the city dump by st louis is burning
      170 Million in U.S. Drink Radioactive Tap Water | EWG
      Uranium contaminates drinking water in U.S. West - CBS News

      What good does that nice house and car do for you? What good,  does  that middle class and above,  lifestyle do for you.
      There's Fukushima hot particles.
      There is massive car exhaust uranium in the air, at rush hour.

    2. What good is it to the kids, when there is nuclear waste everywhere? There is the threat of nuclear war. What good does that high paying middle class job and, education do for you? You  know that nuclear power plant next to you, is ready to explode. 

      What good does it do you, to have that car.  What  if you only knew, that your house isn't worth anything because of all the radioactive crap in  the soil . The radioactive and chemical pollutants in the soil, in the air, and in the water   You are breathing it, drinking it, and eating it every day.

      Watching the years go by water flowing everywhere
      Same as
      It ever was
      Only worse because now they are dumping the fukuahima water

      China criticizes Japan over Fukushima treated water release

      There you are, in the city .  The radioactive smoke from the wildfires is blocking your sunlight.

      Uranium in the drinking water. Americium in the landfills, from cheap smoke detectors across the usa. What a way to get rid of high level nuclear waste, that's worse than plutonium

      Bee die-off,as progress marches on

      And you may find yourself living in a Mc mansion house in the suburbs

    3. And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile.
      And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
      And you may ask yourself, "Well... how did I get here?"

      The green run

      A graveyard of dead babies and, dead mother's, from the green run in walla walla washington. Hanford could blow up at anytime and, destroy washington state like mayak, in russia.  They want to put more nuclear reactors there. That is the billionaires and government. Their greed and depravity, knows no bounds.
      Think of what happened with the green run and Mayak. Hanford is poisoning the columbia river, with a steady stream of Radionuclide, from hanford flowing into the columbia river.

      Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
      Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
      Into the blue again after the money's gone
      Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

      Radioactive waste in St Louis landfill burning

      St. Louis Landfill Fire - Rolling Stone

      Sailers with cancer from being on nuclear ships

      Plutonium pit factories

      Nuclear death zones los alamos
      Santa susana
      Fallon nevada
      New Mexico
      W texas
      By any of the 93 reactors in the usa
      8000 nuclear weapons in the usa
      Nuclear space wars
      30 aging nuclear reactors in space

      And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?"
      And you may ask yourself, "Where is that large automobile?"
      And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"
      And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife"

      Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
      Into the blue again after the money's gone
      Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

      Give em more radioactive blood I say they are the demons who own the stock market based on nuclear reactors and nuclear military spending
      Thiel gates musk Probly the evil syphilitic demon trump

      Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
      Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
      Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
      Same as it ever was, same as it ever was

      Water dissolving nuclear waste from the ocean floor and water moving nuclear waste everywhere
      There is water at the bottom of the ocean
      Under the water, carried in the water

      Water full of nuclear waste bubbling up from the bottom dumped by the French, UK, russia and merika

      Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
      Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
      Into the blue again, into the silent water
      Under the rocks and stones, there is water underground
      Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
      Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
      Into the blue again after the money's gone
      Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

      And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?"
      And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go to?"
      And you may ask yourself, "Am I right? Am I wrong?"
      And you may say to yourself, "My God! What have I done?"

      Letting the days go by, let the water hold after the money's gone
      Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

      Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
      Same as it ever was and look where my hand was
      Time isn't holding up

    4. I would think the cancer rates would reflect contamination. Can you account for the following cancer rates by country to their radiactivities:

      1 Australia 468.0
      2 New Zealand 438.1
      3 Ireland 373.7
      4 Hungary 368.1
      5 USA 352.2
      6 Belgium 345.8
      7 France (metropolitan) 344.1
      9 Norway 337.8
      10 Netherlands 334.1
      11 Canada 334.0
      12 New Caledonia (France) 324.2
      13 UK 319.2
      14 South Korea 313.5
      15 Germany 313.1
      16 Switzerland 311.0
      17 Luxembourg 309.3
      18 Serbia 307.9
      19 Slovenia 304.9
      20 Latvia 302.2
      21 Slovakia 297.5
      22 Czech Republic 296.7
      23 Sweden 294.7
      24 Italy 290.6
      25 Croatia 287.2
      26 Lithuania 285.8
      27 Estonia 283.3
      28 Greece 279.8
      29 Spain 272.3
      30 Finland 266.2
      31 Uruguay 263.4
      32 Belarus 260.7
      33 Portugal 259.5
      34 Iceland 257.8
      35 Guadelopue (France) 254.6
      36 Puerto Rico 254.5
      37 Moldova 254.3
      38 Poland 253.8
      39 Cyprus 250.8
      40 Martinique (France) 250.8
      41 Malta 249.4
      42 Singapore 248.9
      43 Japan 248.0
      44 Austria 247.7
      45 Barbados 247.5
      46 French Guiana 247.0
      47 Bulgaria 242.8
      48 Lebanon 242.8
      49 French Polynesia 240.6
      50 Israel 233.6

    5. That is, per 100,000 people.

  2. Realizing, of course, that cancer causes are multifactorial. Same fore birth defects. Regarding prevalence of birth defects, Japan is high for developed countries while the US is fairly low.

    1. Those statistics are also fallacious and fudged . Especially in japan. All the Radionuclide in the air in big cities in america, cause 10 thousand cases a year, or more. It will become apparent wen the next meltdown is publicized . That is, if something bigger is not already occuring. Human produce Radionuclide are incompatible with the life force. So demented, evil and insane humans are

    2. Gammas, alpha, x-rays, cosmic rays, beta, go right after dna and chromosomes. They attack and destroy strands, linkages, chemical bonds, in the most basic level.all the fouls stistal bullshi, Ihey throw at me, can't deny these basic mechanisms and truths. Ionizing radiation is the most mutagenic phenomina known in therms of repetitive and malignant destruction of cel nuclei dna breakage chromosome damage and mutation . The basis for the most dna and chromosomes damage, in the world now. I could say, that the Radionuclide pollution in cities accounts, for 1000 cases of verifiable cancer per year in that city but it is prose. Americans are a brainwashed rationalizing bunch. The nucleoapes especially want to keep getting, their blood money no matter what. They murdered karen silkwood. The american and japanese fascist powers that be would have you me offed if they thought you or I were a substantial threat however subtly it seemed u died. . Shi would the end like 1984 or the grand inquisition. They would have you renounce your heresy, as they tortured you and murdered you.
      I know what I wrote strikes a nerve

    3. Sgi would too

    4. How right you are about radiation being the most mutagenic agents, 100 fold more than chemical agents such as dioxins. Some years ago and probably even today, the American government sent special agents to groups of elderly pacificists and anti-nuclear organizers, to threaten them and attempting to brainwash them. I don't doubt that assassinations also occured.

  3. Regarding the interactive map for radium drinking water, it never loaded and I couldn't enter my zip code.

    1. It worked for me. If you are around frack or plutonium or anywhere in merica , your water is radioactive. We have probably the worst because of all the americium and thorium in city dumps from smoke detectors, welding rods, mantles, uranium cookware at walmart, yada yada yada

  4. It's a crap shoot based on routes exposure for particular radionuclides , third spacing , exercise volume of distribution antoxidents, excretion patterns. Your body has the water like nuclear reactors do to.somewhat protect you from beta and gamma rays.
    At some point if there is say 100 bq/kg cesium 137 in the environment, as dr conrad miller pointed in the ukraine, cancer birth defects, heart anomalies will be rampant.

    He spent 2 years in ukraine . Things are getting serious in America , from the sheer density of Radionuclide density.
    Friend in phoenix got valley fever after wildfires there.

    Dogs at los alamos where I lived for two years live to be only 3 to 5

    Dr busby did a retro study of dogs injected w plutonium all dogs contracted lung cancer in two weeks from the plutonium residue in the air not the injections directly

    I was in a small nuclear cluster, nuclear sacrifice zone-town in the west town where three women in a church group of 15 gotlung cancer in a year. A 35 yo 47 yo and 53 yo. The local doctor got lung cancer that year. Never smoked a cigarette in his life

  5. Thank you so much for your courage. Stay safe above all.
    Namu Myoho renge kyo.

  6. Thankyou. And thanks for namu and fluffy.
    Namu Myoho Renge kyo

  7. You are welcome to come visit, chant and meet the family.
