Friday, July 16, 2021

The Kenshokai cult.

 Lotomístico wrote: 

Fri Jul 16, 2021 4:30 pmHi, good day to all. Just wondering if anyone could give me any information about Fuji Taiseki-ji Kenshōkai (often referred to simply as Kenshōkai.) I'd be especially interested to hear from Nichiren Shoshu members or followers, but would be glad to hear from anyone with something to share. Does anyone have personal experience with them? I read the Wikipedia article in English, the Japanese Wikipedia article is much more extensive, but I can't read Japanese. They also have a website, but again it is in Japanese only, which I can't read. What is their current relationship with Nichiren Shoshu, if any, officially or unoficially? How are their beliefs viewed by Nichiren Shoshu, are they mostly in agreement? What are major differences? I know I asked many different things, please answer what you know, I'm very keen to know and learn more about this organization. Thank you to all in advance for your responses
Kenshokai worships the DaiGohonzon, they have a lay Sensei, not unlike Daisaku Ikeda, Shōei Asai, only more militant. They have 1,300,000 million members. They never forgave the Nichiren Shoshu (Nittatsu Shonin) for associating with Soka Gakkai, particularly when they designated the Sho Hondo as Kaidan (The Third Great Secret Law, High Sanctuary of the Nation, or National Ordination platform), not even when High Priest Nikken destroyed it.They used to have videos on You Tube of their large meetings and several of them with Kenshokai fist fighting with the Soka Gakkai in the streets. They still utilize forceful conversions and you can find online arrests for kidnapping of those who have refused to join. Their youth activities are of marching youth to militaristic songs and even marshal arts training. When their Sensei speaks the YMD raise their fists in salute and all shout HAI (YES)! They appear to worship their Sensei. The youth leaders also lead a kind of fan dance songs, like when SGI sings, Whenever the Lion Raises his Voice, fisted arms down and up, across and down and up, VERY vigorously (with always the tallest and most handsome YMD). I used to have many of their videos on my blog but now, most are "Unavailable".

Here are some Japanese videos of Kenshokai:

The first is a show of their militant militaristic youth activities...please go to 9:56

Here are some showing videos showing the Kenshokai members reverence for Sensei Asai:

Here are two videos with Kenshokai blaming the Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai for the Sho Hondo debacle and the disasters befalling Japan, particularly the Kyoto earthquake:

Here is a performance with drums, including Taiko drums, a band, and an opera singer that surpasses any performances of their rival, the Soka Gakkai:

Lastly, here is a fan dance performance:

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