Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Spring ALWAYS turns to winter...

for my Great Pyrenees. Those who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and study Nichiren's writings know what I mean.


  1. Dogs around los Alamos national plutonium pit manufacturung laboratory, only live to be 4 to 5 years old. There is the highest incidence of lung, skin, pancreatic cancer, in the world there. It's right by Santa Fe, new mexico, the capital of new mexico. People suffer from diseases there that don't exist in other places. Like dissolving esophaguses. There is plutonium and americium in the water table. Wipp.on the other side of the state, is worse. Massive amounts of plutonium that has caught fire and exploded and will continue to do so.
    New Mexico Nuclear Activists Brainstorm on How to Stop LANL, WIPP Expansion - Taos Enviro Film Festival - NH #530 - Nuclear Hotseat

  2. " The fascist racist, Nazi trump things, just want to kill everybody and everything, in one final sadistic ugly bloodbath."

    Those who chant Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, FOLLOW Nichiren and thus purify their senses, NEVER for one moment were deceived by Donald Trump-- not to mention, educated rational, decent minded people who predicted what the depraved heart cretin Trump has always been, would inflict on our country.

    "Those who believe in the Lotus Sutra are as if in Winter... Winter ALWAYS turns into Spring"-

    and Spring turns into Summer... Perceptions to the contrary are attributed to one's karma- and the deluded perceptions produced by slander-- according to the Jijage verse of the Juryo Chapter.

    It's rather disconcerting to note how the posts and comments on this blog have deteriorated into the musings of deluded common mortals :(
