Monday, September 13, 2021

There is less affliction and death from covid in those who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo with same faith as Nichiren

“One would therefore expect to find more victims of the epidemic among Nichiren’s followers than among the believers of Nembutsu, or priests of the True Word, Zen, and Precepts schools. For some reason, however, there is less affliction and death among Nichiren’s followers. It is indeed mysterious. Is this because we are few in number, or because our faith is strong?” — The Treatment of Illness – 1278


  1. The Nuclear Bomb Makers at Alamogordo, were very Reluctant to detonate the first nuclear bomb made at Los Alamos by them and Oppenheimer in the early 1940s. They were afraid the Nuclear Bomb would set the atmosphere on Fire.

    There is much more, of the most poisonous substances, in all parts of the environment now. Wildfires across the USA are burning 10s of thousands of the most poisonous, substances known to man that has been, biocumulated in the burned  trees. Organic, heavy metals, pesticides, radionuclides, halogens, and more.
    3 years ago, I said there would be, twice as many wild fires, as there were in the previous year, in the USA. . I’m a toxicologist. I said the wildfires, would be spreading out further across the USA, in the next year, in 2019. I said wildfires would infiltrate suburban and, city areas in the next year after that, by 2020, that had never experienced wildfires, and they did.
    Wildfires occured IN Phoenix AND BY IT'S Palo Verde, NUCLEAR REACTORS in 2020. Valley fever and chagas are worse epidemics than the pandemic because of all the shit in the air from pollution, wildfires, and global heating

    Wildfires occured all over California, Oregon , and Nevada.

    Wildfires occured in Las Vegas Nevada, parleys canyon and city canyon Utah. There were wildfires in the humid east last year and, the year before that. Smoke In eastern cities.

    1. A year ago, I said wildfires would be twice as big as the previous years . I said wildfires, would infiltrate places, never seen before. They did . There were the largest wildfires ever seen, in the core of the largest mountain groups in the USA in Colorado and Utah. They made way for flash flooding, that disrupted local economies this same year in large areas in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado.
      There are multiple and widespread annual and perenial wildfires, in Nuclear Catastrophe zones and human nuclear manufacturing zones, in the world. This has been occuring for at least the last 40 years.
      Chernobyl, mayak, Hanford, Los Alamos, Fukushima, France, Kazakhstan, n Africa, Santa Susana, Los Alamos, Inl, white sands, Nevada, Colorado operation Dune Buggy, by nuclear reactors, Siberia in west china, in Pakistan, in Israel.
      The radioactive reservation and Nuclear Catastrophe zones fires, spread pyrophoric and extremely poisonous radionuclides further out .
      There are mini-nuclear catastrophes, occuring again and again, throughout the world and a lot in the USA, at least semiannually.

      All radionuclides are pyrophoric. A great deal of the physical damage, from nuke detonations, comes not only from radiation and emitter fallout, there a firestorms.

    2. Incredibly  murderous firestorms that burn bpeople alive. The very large firestorm from a nuclear blast, are directly caused by relatively small amounts of the most pyrophoric substances known, plutonium.

      Plutonium from the rocky mountain plutonium pit plant built in the 60s, pryophorically burned and contaminated Denver Colorado, in the 60s, 70s and eighties. They just lie about all the cancer and birth defects that eco-genocide caused, in the major city of Denver. Why would the build anything so evil, so close to a major city?  Cheap labor. People too stupid to say or do anything. Kristen Iversen, documents her life, in the Arvada area, as the nuclear genocide unfolded, and she she discoveref more about the nightmarish, consequences of the plutonium pits fires at rocky flasta, in Denver, Colorado, as she wrote her book.  Kristen Iversen's book is, Full Body Load
      Uranium is a by-product of Nuke bomb, blasts. Uranium is used for it’s pyrophoric properties, in all munitions in the USA.

      Inl  or Idaho National Laboratory, is  the most radionuclide concentrated area, on the planet . There have been 3 reactor meltdowns at Idaho National laboratory , over the past 75 years, like the salt reactor meltdowns at Santa Susana, north of Los Angeles. There are multiple fildfires by Santa Susana, every couple of years .
      And Bill Gates wants to build a big salt Nuclear reactor, in Wyoming, at tax payers expense. Bill gates is the worst criminal, oligarch-psychopath, in history!

      The Fukushima and Chernobyl evacuation areas, are the most regular pyrophoric radionuclide spreaders on earth. They consistently have wildfires. Fukushima and Chernobyl Havel
      annual and perennial, radionuclide induced, wildfires in the evacuation zones..

    3. Idaho National laboratory, is where small and large navy reactors are and, have been built. There are multiple types of nuclear reactors at inl. Idaho National Laboratory  has 50 nuclear reactors and has had 100 reactors there over time. . Inl has  as many nuclear reactors, as all of Japan in that small 100000, acre area in south east Idaho. The wildfires usually go much further and spread lethal, carcinogenic , mutagenic, fallout all over the USA .
      The last INL wildfire by Idaho Falls, at INL in SE Idaho,  was a monster 100,000 acres in 2019. My doctor friend at the Pocatello haspital said there was a dramatic increase in miscarriages and cancer after the 2019 INL fires. you will not see epidemiological studies of this for the same reason, you see bogus studies of Fukushima and chernobyl and though millions have died as Drs Caldicott , busby, dr miller and many others have noted. It is because the United States of America,  is a nuclear terrorist state . The World Health Organization, WHO, is controlled by the USA

      Many of the reactors at Idaho national laboratory,  are smaller but, they are also some of the most dangerous nuclear reactors known. Sodium reactors, breeder reactors, plutonium reactors etc . .

      Inl has the most concentrated area of nuclear waste, in the world!
      Nuclear catastrophe,  occured at Idaho national laboratory in 2019 that burned 100,000 acres and contaminated the western USA.
      BLM officials discuss wildfire issues IDAHO FALLS, Idaho – Local fire management officers are preparing for an above average fire season this year. Wildfires have a huge impact on lands across the Gem State every year.
      -IAFF Local 83
      Search domain
      -INL, BLM officials discuss wildfire issues IDAHO FALLS, Idaho – Local fire management officers are preparing for an above average fire season this year.
      -Wildfires have a huge impact on lands across the Gem State every year. Over the last 10 years, wildfires have burned more than 790,000 acres in southeast Idaho.

      -INL firefighters prepare for potentially high wildfire …
      -The largest fire in recent years was the 2010 Jefferson Fire, which burned over 100,000 acres, and the last major fire was 2012’s Midway Fire, which consumed more than 8,000 acres.
      -This summer, INL has already experienced three wildland fires, the largest involving over 80 acres.
      Preparations for INL’s 2020 fire season underway – INL
      -Search domain inl.gov
      Fire is a fact of life on the Snake River Plain, the land on which INL sits, and the memory of 2019’s Sheep Fire, the largest in the Site’s history, is fresh in everyone’s minds. Over 120 firefighters from 15 different regional agencies were involved in bringing the 2019 INL Sheep Fire under control with no injuries.
      INL blaze breaks record for wildfires in area | News …
      -Search domain

      -IDAHO FALLS — A wildfire that started near the gates of the Idaho National Laboratory at 2 p.m. Tuesday has grown into the single largest blaze in INL history, covering a total of 109,000 acres …

      The united states will be so contaminated, from radionuclides from wildfires, heat from climate change, wild fire poisons, wildfire destruction, nuclear fires and breakdowns that the country will not exist. It is not happening slowly till 2050 u dorks, IT IS HAPPENING NOW. IN 5 YEARS THERE WILL BE NOTHING! I cannot get this published on OEN , or anywhere. It is because humans are stupid and evil. It is because evil, old baby boomers don’t give a shit . From Chris Floyd empire burlesque:

      “The US is ruled by very, very old, very, very rich people whose guiding principle is “Apres moi, le deluge.” They do not give a shit about global warming. If they don’t start a planet-poisoning nuclear war with China, before they crawl off to the graveyard, I would be very surprised.
      The USA will burn down, faster than it is, as things go the same and denial goes on. ”

      Dogs around los Alamos national plutonium pit manufacturung laboratory, only live to be 4 to 5 years old. There is the highest incidence of lung, skin, pancreatic cancer, in the world there. I worked with cancer patients for a year, there. Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Factory, is right by Santa Fe, New Mexico, the capital of New Mexico. People suffer from diseases there, that don’t exist in other places. Diseasesike dissolving esophaguses that is related to pharyngeal cancer.  What else would you expect, at an evil deathhole, Like Los Alamos, New Mexico?  Pharyngeal Cancer is one of the highest incidence cancers, for workers in Fukushima. Right up there, with the hundreds of children, who have developed thyroid cancers, who are from Fukushima   the children have develop cancers, since the ongoing-Fukushima tragedy occured, in 2011.
      There is plutonium and americium in the water table at Los Alamos, New Mexico.
      Wipp, on the other side of the state, is worse. It is where they store all the unused and scrap plutonium, from the Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Factory. Massive amounts of plutonium are stored at The salt dome by Carlsbad NM. Dozens of tons of the most dangerous, poisonous radioctive death element on earth. A millionth of a gram kills hundreds of people  the pyrophoric plutonium at WIPP was foolishly mixed with Lilly litter, by the cheap, Crooked East Indian Contractor, that is responsible for plutonium burial at WIPP. wIPP has caught fire and exploded several timesit will continue to do so, till the end of time.
      New Mexico Nuclear Activists Brainstorm on How to Stop LANL, WIPP Expansion – Taos Enviro Film Festival – NH #530 – Nuclear Hotseat

    5. No one talks about radionuclide pyrophoricity. There have been perennial wild fires, around radioactive sieves like Hanford, Mayak, Los Alamos, Fukushima, Santa Susana, Chernobyl, and the Idaho national laboratory, for years.

      There have been and are, worldwide, expansive wild fires, “On All major continents.” They are burning trees, that have accumulated pyrophoric nuclear fallout, over the past 75 years. Bomb detonation-fallout, Chernobyl, Fukushima and all the other meltdowns . There is  radioactive ☢️ fallout in the environment you do not know about!
      Radionuclides, from covered-up, radionuclide catastrophes, they lie about and lie about.The extremely toxic radionucleides, are going back into our food supply, air, and water. It is going into the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink. It is making climate change, much worse.
      The wild fire areas, are doubling in ferocity and breadth every year. There are, wildfires adjacent to major cities and in towns.
      The first rainstorm ever recorded, has occured at the.summit of Greenlands largest glacier.

      There are probably only 5 years left for humans on earth.
      I was in a mountain valley, after a 9000 acre wild fire struck there, this summer. The heart of the rocky mountains on fire, leading to paralyzing floods in mountain valleys, from the loss of the trees, that keep soil and water in the mountains..
      House flies are impacted and largely gone in the valley I was in, whereas there are usually significant housefly problems , in the summer. Fly reproduction cycles are the most vulnerable, to radionuclide mutation and toxicity.
      There were 4 hummingbirds coming to the feeders in the spring and beginning of the summer. No hummingbirds for 2 months
      People simply ignore it. It is getting far worse than this pandemic. Soon systems will fail in a juggernaut of collapse. There is other pestilence that is out of hand. People won’t be able to breath or survive because of the heat and smoke. How stupid humans are. Many insect and bees are already gone. A mass of insane deluded, gluttonous, evil-monkeys.

      27 Years Later, Radiation Still Hides Out in Chernobyl’s Trees (Fukushima’s Too) | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine

      radionuclides in trees fukushima - Google Scholar

      radionuclides in trees fukushima - Google Scholar

    6. Pyrophoric Radioactive Cesium Can Burn In Air and Explode Underwater Just Like Radioactive Depleted Uranium, Hafnium, Thorium, Plutonium, Cerium, Neptunium, Sodium, Plutonium, Radioactive Lead, Cesium 137, Strontium 90
      Can Burn In Air and Explode Underwater Just Like Radioactive Depleted Uranium, Hafnium, Thorium, Plutonium, Cerium, Neptunium, Sodium, Plutonium, Radioactive Lead, Cesium 137, Strontium 90
      Pyrophoric Radioactive Cesium Can Burn In Air and Explode Underwater Just Like Radioactive Depleted Uranium, Hafnium, Thorium, Plutonium, Cerium, Neptunium, Sodium, Plutonium, Radioactive Lead, Cesium 137, Strontium 90

      Can metals burn underwater? Can metals burn in air, with no ignition source? The answer is a definite yes, that there are multiple metals that can and have been known to do both of the above given the opportunity and right circumstances. Many of the most toxic, radioactive and deadly dangerous man made artificial elements created by the nuclear industry are pyrophoric.

      The nuclear monopoly wants to keep this information secret, because if the general population ever found out how dangerous, toxic and deadly, plus explosively pyrophoric poisonous are, any of these man-made, artificial, nuclear scientist created elements, really are, the entire nuclear monopoly would be shut down


      Wikipedia; "A pyrophoric substance (from Greek: πυροφόρος, pyrophoros, 'fire-bearing') is a substance that ignites spontaneously in air at or below 54 °C (129 °F) (for gases) or within 5 minutes after coming into contact with air (for liquids and solids).[1] Examples are iron sulfide and many reactive metals including plutonium and uranium, when powdered or thinly sliced. Pyrophoric materials are often water-reactive as well and will ignite when they contact water or humid air. They can be handled safely in atmospheres of argon or (with a few exceptions) nitrogen. Class D fire extinguishers are capable of dealing with pyrophoric fires

  2. I almost died last night and an ex shi friend was there to help. SGI is an evil oligarcil materialist prosperity cult that has nothing to do with spirituality or Buddhism. The lowest of lows an SGI cockroach monkeys told me that nuclear power is the safest and cleanest as Fukushima kills millions in Japan and there are millions of abortions and miscarriages I have been to Japan I would never go there again. Two best friends did of cancer 3 years after Fukushima. Leading tepco execs greedy SGI genocidists. Julie went to Tokyo for Microsoft in 2013 . I warned her not to go. She has throat cancer at university of wah in Seattle getting chemo as I write you sstupid evil SGI robot son of a bitch!There is mush cobalt 60 and plutonium and cs137 in Tokyo air at mishi moment it registers 10000 milisieverts on scintillators and Geiger's in Tokyo that's 99950 normal u incredible asshole!



    Is SGI a cult?

    SGI meets all accepted criteria to qualify as a cult (see the list further on).

    SGI does inspire passionate opinions on both sides. Members are told repeatedly that criticism comes only from supporters of the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood or "enemies of the Lotus Sutra." The possibility of legitimately disaffected members is never presented. I practiced for nearly seven years, was a leader for two; earlier this year, I started to observe flaws. Believe me, if someone had told me even then that I was a member of a cult, I would have become extremely defensive and angry. I am much too bright to fall for that! Right . . .

    Their beliefs, basically, are founded in Nichiren Daishonin's interpretation of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren was a 13th century monk who focused on the study of that sutra (and exhorted the emperor to behead those who disagreed with him - not very Buddhist). SGI touts that they are the only school that teaches you can achieve enlightenment in this lifetime (not true, there are other schools) and that their form of practice is the only true one. As a body, the members (including leadership) are startlingly ignorant about Buddhism in general, and are not encouraged to read outside of SGI's publications; they will tell you that there are no prohibitions, but try asking probing questions in a meeting.

    1. They believe that chanting nmrk will solve everything; if your troubles persist, it is because your practice is deficient or you haven't connected with their mentor, Daisaku Ikeda.

      Ikeda is one of the wealthiest men in Japan, who spent his earlier years jetting around the world on recruitment campaigns. As a member, you will be exposed to his interpretations of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings; there is no study of the original Sutra. Ever. Ikeda is nearly deified, and is considered a Buddha by some of the members. He accepts all of this with no argument.

      With the exception of one person, I have been "shunned" by every single friend I made in the organization. The most recent dumping was by the woman who brought me into the organization (a dear friend for 13 years); I "defected" six months ago, and while she's been as friendly as ever during that time, I discovered that she was going to other members that I knew, discussing my personal business and putting together a little chanting group to bring me back into the fold. That doesn't sound so terrible on the face of it, but while she was doing all of that, she was lying to me about it. This is typical and encouraged behavior - anything goes if you're trying to bring a former member back . . . lies, deception and dishonesty. Does that sound like a legitimate "religious" organization? Selective morality is no morality at all. Sadly, members are so brainwashed that they honestly don't see anything wrong with this conduct; they genuinely believe that if they are doing something "for your own good," anything is acceptable.

      I copied the following from ; it is completely true and accurate, based on my experience with the organization. None of the commentary is mine, but the author's. The first statement of each numbered section comes from the standard cult-identification criteria.

      Authority without accountability. Soka Gakkai claims to have absolute authority with regard to Nichiren Buddhism; Nichiren Buddhism can only be correctly practiced if one is a member of SGI. Daisaku Ikeda is promoted by SGI to be the foremost authority on Nichiren Buddhism for the modern age. But SGI provides no accountability — members have no control over their leaders and have no mechanism by which to affect the policies and procedures of their organization.

      No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry. There are no opportunities to publicly question or critique the teachings of SGI in organizational publications. Critiquing SGI at small discussion meetings may be hazardous too your health they tried to ruin me


      This was copied from me. SGI is a destructive cult by definition

  3. Anecdotal. It is a grave Buddhist sin to doubt not only the Lotus Sutra but Nichiren, the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra, and his disciples and believers.

    1. Buddhist sin? Nichiren terms it "Slander", Slander of the Mystic Law; read the Fourteen Slanders. Buddhist sin, not helpful.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You really need to study more Tikiluv. Nichiren makes reference more than 100 times to "sin". In fact, one whole Gosho, On Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sins is devoted to "sins".

  6. Now, with the loss of 700,000 American lives due to Covid 19, having entered the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" in a climate of hostility even toward the most evidence based protection against the spread of infection, religious zealot rhetoric is viewed as a threat to life!

    This is neither the country, nor the time to proffer religion as protection from the dire effects of this deadly disease. That is in no way diminishing the power of daimoku, but interjecting reason, which distinguishes Nichiren's teachings from other religions.

  7. It is actual proof that there is less affliction and death among the disciples and believers of Nichiren. One reason is that we are reasonable. We, for the most part are vaccinated. The other reason is that we possess great good fortune in believing and practicing the Lotus sutra Buddhism of Nichiren. To doubt the beneficence of Namu Myoho renge kyo is cause for regret.
