Monday, September 20, 2021

Anonymous on the hydrogen bomb presidencies of Trump and Biden and the people are better off in China than in the US.

The criminal presidents are allocating a trillion dollars for nuclear bombs and nuclear submarines to harass china. Trump wanted to use a nuke to scare China. China is Where most stuff in the world and Walmart is made. There are not millions of homeless in china . It would be hard to live there but it is not a radioactive shithole like the USA. People can see a doctor even if they are broke they can pay with chickens or what they have. Maybe not a great doctor but something. People are rude and proud in china. There are almost 3 million is prison in the usa. There are 250 thousand inmates in Texas alone. Most are black and Hispanic who they use for slave labor, to farm vegetables for the major supermarkets in Texas, at Safeway, Kroger, HEB.  There are only 150,000 in prison in China (not including the reeducation camps for the Uygur Muslims) in a country of a billion people and all people in prison are hardened criminals). There are more prison guards in Texas than there are people w real stable hardworking jobs

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