Friday, September 17, 2021

Why I don't respond to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who vilifies me...

"Since I willingly bring these troubles upon myself, when others vilify me, I do not rebuke them. Even if I wanted to rebuke them, there are too many of them. And even when they strike me, I feel no pain, for I have been prepared for their blows from the very beginning." - On Repaying Debts of Gratitude


  1. Seems you are going to a lot of trouble deleting challenges to your interpretation of Nichiren's teachings. There aren't very many folks commenting here-- and precious few who want their names associated with your pity party :(

  2. You don't like "my interpretation" of Nichiren's teachings then why don't you create a blog, go to reddit Nichiren, and/or go to the Dharma Wheel Nichiren forum with your "correct" interpretation?

  3. SGI jerks are all fake Buddhist, and pronuclear fascists. They should all be rounded up. They caused Fukushima

    1. Did you know that many of the top TEPCO administrators were SGI?

  4. Sorry? My point is regarding the fallacies of your “ arbitrary views”. My contention is not premised on personal preference, but corruption of Nichiren’s words— his mind expressed and his living example of the Lotus Sutra!

    You want your critics to “go away” while Nichiren wanted to encounter and engage with his critics!

    And because you contend that you are a votary of the Lotus Sutra, your behavior has been scrutinized and you continue to call your claims of superiority into question “ giving guidance “ I.e., “ go away and start your own blog “

    Are you calling this your forceful means for propagating Nichiren,s teachings?

    1. You are all talk Katie and I won't let you sully my blog which does not point to me but to the the Lotus Sutra (Shakyamuni Buddha) and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin. I embrace the very Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws as Nichiren. You should be attacking those who alter the teachings.

      The Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren teaches us to praise the Lotus Sutra and those who uphold the Lotus Sutra and it is a terrible sin to expose the faults of the votaries, even if what you say is true. My testimonials, benefits, merits, and good fortunehave one purpose, to praise the Lotus Sutra. You started this tiff with me attempting to convert the evil ruler of our nation by whatever means necessary and Trump wasn't the first, Clinton was the first one i attempted to convert, to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo.

      I have so many critics and have banned all over the virtual Nichiren landscape that it has spurred me on to muster my faith, practice even harder and study more. I reflect daily. BUT I won't let you sully my blog. If you have nothing positive to contribute you are not welcome UNLESS we have a formal debate which you have refused several times.

  5. There can be no “ formal debate” on your moderated blog or any Internet forum. I’m surprised you cannot comprehend that after claiming to be devoted to faith in what Nichiren taught !

    You cannot engage fellow believers without judging and threatening them — exact MO of SGI, BTW.

    I have specifically called out errors in your version of Nichiren’s teachings with reference to Nichiren’s writing and you removed and then entirely deleted my comments while leaving a cryptic one of your own- replete with judgment and doom predictions!

    You control the narrative ‘ by disregarding and defaming me , a believer who stood up more strongly against SGI than you ever have!

    Whose “faults” are you railing about here ? A believer and follower of Nichiren, Katie Higgins. Just as you defamed Greg Romero and Jerry — all of whom one could find in the archives of EP- before you lost your mind in 2016– the mere fact that call yourself the arbiter of our faith and actions proves you are off base regarding Nichiren’s teachings and example of treating fellow believers . It’s a two way street and level playing field in Mappo - your superior stance itself is slander - that’s a grave offense , not a mere fault.

  6. Regarding your tweets to win over Trump before the 2020 election — they speak for themselves as does your original promotion of him — something that cannot be called the wise judgment of one who upholds the Lotus Sutra— there’s a lot you should be accountable for — good reason Greg, Jerry and me have called you out , but it’s your response to us , long time and way more experienced and studied than you , that exposes you — faults of yours ? No , grave slander.

  7. You will, without doubt fall into the Lower Four Worlds. Your anger directed towards a votary is absolute proof of this. Remember, Nichiren continued to encourage his samurai warriors to support their Lords but to admonish them when called for. You will notice that my support for Trump was brief and then I admonished him as Nichiren taught. I also wrote to Clinton to convert to Namu Myoho renge kyo.

    You and Greg talk and act if you were perfect. Your admonishment of a fellow believer proves that you far from perfect. You started this, not I.

    The Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren is the arbiter of our faith. I have offered you a platform in which to debate several times and you turned it down. I make this offer of a debate once again in which I promise that it will not be moderated.

    As I talked about in the past, you would be better off admonishing the Soka Gakkai, Nichiren shoshu, and Nichiren shu who have millions of followers rather than I who have no followers (because I only point to the Lotus sutra, the Eternal buddha (Gohonzon), and Nichiren. If you don't accpt my offer to debate, you will be wasting your time because I will not approve any of your comments

  8. I refuted the SGI - all the way to Ikeda- Unlike you, I haven’t made a career of vilifying them. Propagation and shakubuku is a life to life endeavor for me. I bear no grudges and don’t issue ultimatums. Likewise, I don’t do online debates since ARBN 3 years ago. I learned how ludicrous internet Buddhist debates become- I discuss the teachings with friends and never consider myself the ultimate authority. True believers tend to reach agreement based on their own faith, or soi have found. Disagreements only turn into nasty banter with the know it all’s like you… and your followers 😒

  9. I don't have any followers, only good friends in the dharma. I point everyone to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. How many good friends in the dharma do you have? I see, you refuted SGI all the way up to Ikeda and spent more than a year refuting the Soka Gakkai but no longer refute them. Who is more worthy of refutation? Who is most in need of saving? I contend it is SGI members. You wrote: "True believers tend to reach agreement based on their own faith." I don't consider you to be a true believer, you are wrong about Nichiren's teachings and hardly model yourself after him.

  10. Judging. Censoring rebuttals to your commentary !
    Rewrite the narrative and the history of my challenging you in a personal email to be accountable for your actions promoting Trump on your “Nichiren blog”.
    That was a long while ago. You have yet to answer my questions but rather have corrected, demeaned and now outright slander me on your “Nichiren blog”

    You have been responding to me here mostly— where you control the narrative, defaming me and Greg as though anyone in your audience knows anything about us? Especially that you have been in contact with us and known Greg for years ,Just your judgments are published — and now those actions have exposed your own dubious character. This is how you have degraded , disregarded and slandered Nichiren’s teachings, the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra. And this is why I have been pondering this matter and taking action from my vow to uphold the Lotus Sutra.

    I have a more inclusive understanding or more profound realization that encompasses the behavior of many who began chanting daimoku in the SGI/NST in America, a nonBuddhist country ! Reflected deeply on my own attitudes over the past 33 years. I am no authority on these matters , yet I strongly believe it is time , based on the conditions here in our country, to ponder deeply how ALL of us with the fortune to be able to chant the daimoku are connected to evidence of widespread slander.; not seeking the answers outside of ourselves : not by venting anger and disdain for SGI or any Nichiren sect. It seems reasonable that only by upholding the Lotus Sutra as Nichiren did , can we propagate his teachings.

    First and foremost recognizing we live in a nonBuddhist country with a complicated history of freedom seekers and heinous oppressors of human rights. Our government was founded on “ the will of the people , by the people, for the people”;— Here on this blog, Buddhism is portrayed as a perpetuation of this saga of division and destructive supremacy. And the combatants all chant the daimoku ,
    That is cause, I believe , to pause and reflect.

  11. I have decided to no longer censor you. I have been criticized and slandered by hundreds of people and have refuted them all, trying my best to model myself on Nichiren. All have fallen, thanks to the Lotus Sutra, Eternal Buddha and Nichiren: SGI members; Nichiren Shoshu members; Nichiren Shu priests; Honmon Butsuryu reverends; Vajrayanists; Tibetans, Zennists, Theravadans and now two slanderers without a follower among them. I have made several predictions that came true, also thanks to the Lotus Sutra, Eternal Buddha, and Nichiren who entered my life and yes, I have made mistakes. Instead of encouraging my blog devoted to the Lotus Sutra, shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo chapter and Nichiren, you would tear me down and my blog that has demonstrated actual proof.

    You demonstrate your misunderstanding by not supporting me but rather opposing my refutations of Christianity, Islam (and their dirty Quran), Hinduism and its caste system, provisional Buddhism, SGI and all those who alter and distort the teachings.

    I believe also in Nichiju who taught in his will and testament:

    "Among the disciples of the school of Nichiju, nobody should be chosen, directly or indirectly as an heir disciple. However, anybody among the priests or the laymen of my congregation that spreads the teaching in Kyoto and swears that other sects are the root of all evils and that only the Hokke Sect makes us enter Nirvana can be my disciple. And if candidates are equally gifted, they should propagate during the summer, practicing in turn. You should consider a person who spreads the teaching like this as the true disciple of Nichiju and Nichiren Shonin. So in the days to come, this shall be my will."

    You will never understand the great favors of the Lotus Sutra and the Buddha unless you stop your slander of me as if you both were perfect in your faith and practice.

  12. Again and again, and again, Nichiren taught that there are many who chant the Daimoku who slander the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren either because they criticize him or fail to believe. You are in this category, along with the SGI leaders, Nichiren Shoshu priests and apologists, Nichiren Shu Priests and their apologists and others. As I often stated, neophyte Bodhisattvas from whatever quarter are to be overlooked and encouraged. You, SGI leaders, Nichiren Shoshu and Shu priests should know better.
