Sunday, December 19, 2021

Hypocrisy much!

Some Anonymous who criticized Dave (Kelpzoid) repeatedly criticizes me for criticizing SGI members for their faith and understanding of the teaching because they too chant the Daimoku. However, Dave chants the Daimoku yet this Anonymous criticizes Dave for a benign post.


  1. The main point is Zange. As in the spirit of the Chapter of Bodhisatva Universally Worthy.

    True protection and to erase even negative karma of past present and future. The opposite would be to continue to slander others.

    1. Repentence is certainly a part of the practice of the Lotus Sutra and the method is to sit upright and ponder the ultimate reality (Namu Myoho renge kyo). Thanks for the video Dave.

  2. I am an observer and reporter of the truth.

  3. You Anonymous reveal your shallow judgement, faith and understanding of the teachings daily. My judgment is based on the scripture of the Lotus blossom of the fine dharma and the writings of Nichiren. As I have demonstrated again and again and again, you are woefully ignorant of the teachings.

  4. Nichiren too was a common mortal according to Nichiren himself. I suggest that if you are not encountering privations as Nichiren, you are not practicing as the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach. The Three Poisons and all the Ten Worlds, their mutual possession, their appearance, nature entity and so on and the Three Realms existed in Nichiren day, exist today and will exist into the eternal future. I suggest you practice what you preach. You criticize Dave Cole and I and we chant the Daimoku. The point is to correct wrong thought from whatever quarter be they chant the daimoku or not. As long as criticisms are based on the scriptures, they are valid, regardless of context. I again suggest you sing a few bars of forever Sensei and genuflect before the High Priest. You will feel better.
