Sunday, January 9, 2022

Anti-nuclear expert Anonymous reports...

Ikedaism supports the nuclear village in Japan. Ikedaism supports the suppression of the truth about SGI, tepco and tepco-sgi executives and Fukushima

And the beat goes on.

The gift that keeps on giving. Especially from the government that started it all, The USA. But don’t look up, so many things on fire while the insane massive fission emissions continue at fukushima 10 years later

Climate change and Cold War radioactive contamination; apparently putting them together is a bad pairing.

The Chinese recently had a pretty serious Radionuclide release, from a bad french designed nuclear reactor. We will never no.the extent of the for and Radionuclide release from the faulty nuclear reactors, in China.

And yet, the worst recent nuclear catastrophe, most recently,, was the 90,000 acre wildfire at the Idaho National nuclear laboratory in 2019. Half a million tons of high level nuclear waste, there. A 70 year old, massive 100,000 acre, nuclear waste dump. 50 beat up old nuclear reactors there, constructed from 1950 into 2005. They have wanted to build smrs there to supply electricity, to utah for 25 years, but they know it’s is not coated effective and it is too dangerous. What has happened since the massive wildfire in 2019, at INL in se Idaho? It is Too radioactive at INL, to this day, for a guy like Marco kaltofen to go and do scientific sampling to see how intense the Radionuclide contamination is in surrounding areas and the Idaho National lab itself. Marco Kaltofen is the premiere Radionuclide contamination, expert, in the world, from MIT.

The massive Radionuclide contamination, from the 90,000 acre, radioactive wildfires, that occured in the heart of the reactors and nuclear waste areas of Idaho National Laboratory, by Idaho Falls Idaho in 2019 were not widely talked about in the media. Just another blip on the screen. . We’ll never know how bad that radioactive catastrophe was. We will probably never know, how bad it continues to be.

My best friend’s dad was a nuclear physicist, who worked at Idaho National labs from 1955 to1972. He was a famous Nuclear Physicist, named Alfred Alfred committed suicide in 1972. He committed suicide because, he knew the horrendous genocidal and planet killing onslaughts of Radionuclide pollution, from such psychotic folley of nuclear reactors and nuclears bombs is real.


My best friend, whose dad committed suicide , was a mechanical engineer he committed suicide in 2012, 1 year after Fukushima. He bore the scars and shame, and grief of his father’s suicide from the time he was 12 years old.

I must have touched a nerve with pronukes with my writing about pyrophoricity from Radionuclide pollution. I am constantly ad hominemed by pronuclear, conmen.

Don’t look up, because things are on fire and the crap is being spread to more and more places, in higher and higher concentrations in the world, from wildfires in the too numerous to name, nuclear sacrifice zones of the northern hemisphere, Africa and australia .

It is getting to the point where the relationship in the convergence of Climate change , wildfires and massive Radionuclide contamination is undeniable
But don’t look up because, the world is on fire. The recent massive wildfire in Colorado, originated by Rocky flats. One of the worse plutonium contamination sites in the world.

The Woolsey fire by and in Los Angeles, originated at Santa Susana. Another place where a massive nuclear meltdown occured in 1958..

Radioactive Waste Fell On Some Neighborhoods During Woolsey Fire, Study Says – 

NBC Los Angeles

And now, our professional psychopaths and sociopaths, I mean politicians, want to spread the joy of pyrophoric hi level nuclear waste, far and wide to every small town and large town public dump, and landfill in the northern hemisphere. Talking about suicide.

More wildfire fodder The big wildfire by rocky flats Just think how much plutonium that wildire spread into the Denver air and surrounding envronment, again

Despite the supposed cleanup, large swaths of plutonium contamination remains, in the vicinity of Rocky Flats:
Potential plutonium hot spot found on eastern edge of Rocky Flats.What happens if more fire hits Rocky Flats?

Edwin Lyman

I wouldn’t want to speculate. That’s a question for
Dec 30, 2021

There are houses 1/2 mile East of the flats that were built in the last 2 years. They have basements,there was no disclosures as to the flats and underground contamination. I know people who live there
Marco Kaltofen of United States
Dec 31, 2021

The lastest plutonium hotspot found in that area is massive. That’s some hot spot; nearly 1000X the site background of 0.06 pCi/g. We’d be interested in checking ash samples (no cost – so long as data is all public) for radioactive contamination if it can be safely collected.


  1. If there is a civil war in the USA, there will be nuclear meltdowns. There will probably be dirty bombs used,  and nuclear power plants attacked. Large areas of hot nuclear waste will go unattended. There will be fires, and explosions there at the unattended nuclear waste tracts.. The new dictator after the civil war, will probably use tactical nuclear weapons, somewhere. This will lead to worldwide nuclear war.
    Tweet from Jay Willard Abbit (@AbbitJay)
    Jay Willard Abbit (@AbbitJay) Tweeted:
    This will never not be funny.

  2. All Things Bright And Beautiful

    Can 20 tons of cobalt60, producedby an atomic bomb, destroy  planet? Yes, it can.

  3. Curium is more of an alpha emitter than gamma emitter. I saw a 1958 Japanese film , where they put a 30 gram pellet in an 8 by 8 leaded room with two parrots. Killed the birds in 20 minutes.the exposure, Would do the same to humans. If you dispersed 2 pounds of co60 across new jersey, it could theoretically kill everyone there. Cobalt 60 is also pyrophoric with plutonium. Nuclear blasts create much larger fire storms than white phosphorus. The nuke monkers, were also thinking that 2 or 3 tons of Cobalt60 in or generated by a nuclear blast, could catch the atmosphere on fire. What crazy, evil monkeys: nuclear monkey's are. Curium would be radioactive for 8000 years but, not lethally radioactive like co60
