Monday, February 14, 2022

Veggie Eddie's at it again, "THE Buddha of the 21st century" on Reddit Nichiren

 He again posted his Manifesto and bad mouthed me

Again, I responded, adding...

Nichiren also teaches that men who call themselves "THE Buddha" in the specific sense are not unlike the Great Arrogant Brahman and they are no better than the Zen men... "Volume nine of The Annotations on The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra states, 'These two types of overbearing arrogance are not without difference in degree between them. One who supposes that ordinary human beings are the same as the Buddha is guilty of great shamelessness.'" -- Nichiren [1275]

"...and [they] boast that 'we ourselves surpass the Buddha!' Persons such as these are descendants of the Great Arrogant Brahman of southern India, in the class of those who “draw blood from the body of the Buddha.”

Bodhisattva Never Disparaging proclaimed to all he met, "you are a Buddha", never, "I am a Buddha."

"Volume nine of Great Perfection of Wisdom says: 'The major world systems in the ten directions, numerous as the sands of the Ganges, make up what is called the world of a single Buddha. There are no other Buddhas there. Truly it is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha.'"


"In volume one of On The Words and Phrases, we read: 'There are not two Buddhas in the world, there are not two rulers in the nation. In the realm of one Buddha, there are not two Venerable Ones.' And The Treatise on the Upholding of the Stage states: 'In one world there are not two Buddhas, in one nation there are not two rulers. Within the realm of a single Buddha’s teachings, there are not two Venerable Ones.'”

STOP CALLING YOURSELF KASHO BUDDHA, "THE Buddha of the 21st century". Veggie Eddie is more like it.

1 comment:

  1. veggie is a nut case...he sent one to me also. rude and foolish.
