Thursday, April 7, 2022

"We cannot continue to survive on the existing policies of the Republican or Democratic Partys" - Singularity University


A Social Problem For Singularity University In Summary: 

"Perhaps the Republican Party is so fat with lobby corporate moneys, that they have forgotten that they’re true constituency are ‘We The People’ because in these difficult economic times, I refuse to believe that some conservative folk are not accepting and in need of food stamps and in need of Social Security.  And this is especially the case since many of the members that totally represent the political cause of the wealthy, have deported most of the jobs needed for American people, and have been largely representatives of major corporate banks, with debatable business practices that are illegal in the foreclosure of peoples homes.  And now, that the Republican Party has been largely representative of the minority wealthy controlling the great corporate interest, and been largely responsible for creating forty-percent poverty levels in America due to deportation of jobs and home foreclosure – they have, the Republican Party created a whole culture of disenfranchised and destitute American people who need to depend on food stamps and social security just for daily sustenance in nutrition.  I believe the Republican Party has lost faith in the rule of the people, in a government by ‘We The People’ in accord with the United States Constitution and the Civil Bill of Rights in the 1960’s.

It seems to me, and please corrects me if I’m wrong, that the Republican Party for some reason is on a quest for political suicide, in particular in the coming election.  The Republican Party and it’s constituent representation have created a war of over ten years, that destroyed the young lives of men and women in the military service, and even making some of those military services personnel family destitute as citizens of America – and yes, dependent on food stamps and social security.  And food stamps in general as a program does not really give you enough money to purchase healthy foods.   If anything, on food stamps you can purchase foods that contribute to poor health – and people in a state of poor health will become dependent on medical programs like Medicare and Medical in  California, which will create a further economic dependency to the cost of health of the average American, especially the American who is disenfranchised, destitute, and indigent – homeless and indigent certainly describes many of the ex-military personnel who must also depend on food stamps and social security.

Certainly, the Republican Party has not even proposed that maybe the existing food stamp program needs editing and renovation in redesign as a program, when we consider the above account summation for the need of a food stamp program due to the poor policies created by the Republican Party – I must ask, ‘what is the Republican Party about that their legislative policy seems to be an oxymoron to the establishment of their own policies of pretence and pretexts for caring for the needs of the people. The two party system does not ensue any democratic parties duties for protecting the interests of the people a democratic party has pledged to protect.  How is cutting the food stamp program and social security by the Republican Party, protecting the American people so very much in need of the food stamp programs and social security?  In particular since the Republican Parties policies has created the peoples need to depend so adamantly on the food stamp program.  Such a policy doesn’t even make sense, even if the Republican Party wanted to create this alleged totalitarian government in the repression of the fourth amendment of the American Constitution and Bill of Rights.  If I, using a hypothetical metaphor analogy, wanted to create a totalitarian government, I certainly would not bight the hand of the peoples that feed my power interest, which is ‘We The People’, even in a totalitarian government the people essentially rule, it is always the people who rule, even in a total monarchy, one must respect the will of the people.  Yet it seems, the Republican Party regard ‘We The People’ as merely inept and valueless as the real voice of the government of the United States of America.  Being a citizen of the United States of America, I must ask, ‘well just what is the long term goal of the Republican Party, beside some sought of desire for self destruction and banishment by ‘We The People’.  It is my further understanding that even individual members of the Republican Party don’t even agree with their fellow colleagues within the Republican Party – internal factional dissension is not a good way to manage a democratic government, republican or democratic party, and ‘We The People’ had better stop letting the federal government be so irresponsible with decisions like food stamps and social security -–maybe the two party system in American has become inept due to their obvious lack of love for true democracy as a way and means to protect the people in a humanitarian manner, which is these parties great responsibility.  Certainly one of the ways a totalitarian government can establish control over a democratic society is to destroy the educational system of the society it wishes to control in its totalitarian government policy – which is what has happen recently in sudden raze in the percentage cost of student loans, and there are no jobs to be had in America to pay back these loans to the government.  Perhaps we Americans should pack our suitcases and move to the Asia or Germany to find a job, or even South America in Brazil, which would be highly impractical – so the problem the American Citizens of the United States have to face is an essential renovation and criticism of the establish two party government system called the federal government.

Certainly on the basis of sustainable systems environmental ecological perspectives of permaculture, the people of the United States of America cannot continue to survive on the existing policies of the Republican or Democratic Partys, and either the political parties renovate their policies for government or ‘We The People’ will certainly insist upon a government that is truly democratic in actions instead of a lot of pretty speeches and empty promises, and eternal wars that benefit Wall Streets profit margin of investment for the minority wealthy of the United States of America.  This is an anthropolical practicality that even the founding fathers of the United States of America exclamed must occur on occasion in a government based upon democratic principle – ‘We The People’ of the United States of America’ have arrived at the social psychological point authored by the founding fathers of America’s democratic government, which exist as a written content in the social contract of the United States Constitution as a document governing its people on the basis of democratic principle.

A Problem For Singularity University In Its Singularity,

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