Friday, May 13, 2022

A Japanese person comments on the Eagle Peak Blog: SGI members can hang around only among SGI members

"FROM A JAPANESE PERSONS PERSPECTIVE It's unbelievable that a group like Sokagakkai, exists. It is absolutely a shame of Japan. I am A Japanese interpreter from Kyoto. I've BEEN TO Sokagakkai in Shinanomachi, TOKYO. It is located at the next station of of Yotsuya Station where I.hsd to go in Tokyo close to university. I helped foreign man, who was overstaying in Japan illegally. He bought a ticket to South america . HE said he wanted to go, to Sokagakkai's headquarter in Tokyo, before he left Japan. I didn't know he was SGI, but I went there as his interpreter. . everyone in Japan dwtests SGI. The sgi headquarters was a four-storied building. On the first floor, the walls in 4 directions were covered with Daisaku ikedas, photos. On the 2nd floor and, I think. Just photos of Ikeda. The second floor was mostly empty space.The 3rd floor, was empty space. Just desks, lined up in the center. On the desks there were enveloped for donations. On the 4th floor, there were some people. I don't remember seeing any statue of Buddha nor altar. The only things they have in the headquarter of the world are the pics of Ikeda and the envelopes for donations. They just want money. That's what I thought. We left soon as the forein guy, was not going to donate and I think he felt embarassed being there without donating. It is not a Buddhist religious group. Nichiren Sect(Shu) is O.K. Sokagakkai is said to be derived from Nichiren Sect. It is just not. It is not normal. SGI are quite spread in South America, too. They think it is Buddhism, but it is not! When we were living in a condo, our neighbor was Sokagakkai couple. They were nice, but An sgi wife asked me to vote for a Komeito candidate for elections. She even gave me a ride to go to the vote.. How can a non-Sokagakkai person vote for Komeito.? Komeito was made of Sokagakkai. The ruling party, Democratic Party allies with Komeito because they want the majority or more votes. Sokagakkai people could be nice but we don't like being asked for votes for Komeito every time the election ocuured . Sokaggaki is like the worst pyramid-scheme or. It has a glue that can never be torn up or broken. It became so powerful , so the only thing we can do is stay away from them. They Re like the pod people in ininvasion of the body snatchers. They can hang around only among sgi members."

Here in America that would only include Katie Higgins who is complicit in their slander. Katie has blinders on, seeing only my criticism of SGI and not SGI's criticism of all other Nichiren practitioners, even their highlighting the premature deaths of the members of Nichiren Shu and Nichiren Shoshu. 

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