Monday, May 2, 2022

John Sala on the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu

Indeed, propagating the false, truncated "daimoku" of SG and NS is wicked, as is slandering the teachings of Shakyamuni, the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. The Fuji school has done more damage to Nichiren's Buddhism than those who openly oppose it by causing people to create the most destructive causes in their life by chanting to a counterfit object of worship, worse than those caused by following non-Buddhist religions. They have deceived millions, they are a dangerous high control group that has basically nothing whatsoever to do with Nichiren nor Buddhism generally. Like a "Buddhist" Scientology. Ask any SG member to tell you something about the life of Shakyamuni, or a basic idea from the Lotus Sutra, almost certainly they know zilch about anything Buddhist. Brainwashed Ikedabot Zombies. Avici Naraka is full of such wicked, lawless slanderers, law of cause and effect being in full effect, they reap their Karma. Maybe if they actually read the writings of Nichiren they would heed his warning to avoid such a fate. How did I learn about the Odaimoku of NamU Myōhō Renge Kyō? I was fortunate enough to live in Japan in my early 20s and lived very close to a temple where it was taught to me

1 comment:

  1. yes...this has been my experience for many, many years.
