Sunday, May 8, 2022

What Katie says is one example of her retrogression in the faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra.

“Morning sun shining bright …” Golden memories of unity … Not comparable to “ arousing joy from the Law”, but a prime example of human potential - a diverse group coming together to achieve shared goals. SGI members continue to show actual proof via myriad activities that benefit others . It’s odd that you have nothing positive to say about the beginning of your practice and no golden memories — and zero appreciation for Ikeda- but you can empathize with and excuse Putin for “ his religious beliefs”. Ikeda did not ruin any aspect of my practice — and tho I now see more of his own flaws, I don’t hate him. I certainly don’t ascribe to your belief that his son’s death was “ proof his faith was off”. That was abject cruelty for you to make such outrageous claims. Your hostility is glaring ! Not becoming of a follower of Nichiren to be sure. - Katie Higgins

Human potential? Altering the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren? Incorporating Shingon principles (Guru Yoga) into the sublime teachings of the Lotus Sutra? Acting no different than Scientologists and Moonies, love bombing the bodhisattva neophytes and bull baiting the members of the other Nichiren  sects and independents. Destroying the principle and identity of Eternal Buddha of the Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws. Unlearned untrained leaders giving existential guidance to seriously mentally ill members. Falsely lying that they will never ask the members for even a dime in donations. Top Japanese and American leaders earning mid six figure salaries for teaching (Ikedaism), what the lower level leaders do for free. Get out of here Katie. Complicit slanderers of the Law and Buddha are not welcome here.


  1. Nichiren , regarding aggressive slanderers = "leave them strictly alone"

  2. Sgi is all pejorative nonsense . this guy has some.problems too. He's too thinskimned tobe honest and humble, though
