Sunday, May 15, 2022

Poor poor woman (see 4th comment below)...the last 12 of ~ 50 comments from Katie Higgins and Jerry? over the last two days.

mark - in search of enemies to skewer on his buddhism blog! all the credibility of evangelists claiming to be “pro life” ! even among those who chant the daimoku , there will be unscrupulous hypocrites, “ be that as it may”- Nichiren
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you seem quite hung up on katie- stings to be bested by a woman,eh doc? you are a votary of the tucker carlson “ fragile male ego” club! and thanks for the 😂
everybody knows “ something”- some, more than others, know what a phony baloney you are Romero ! you have the same malady as those who saw trump for what he was, then crawled straight up his behind ! nothing but disingenuous lonely old farts on this site -
you got some tech work to do if you want to keep people off your Internet forum- think you’d be more at home on the dark web
I have never met you buddy! Only on this dumpster fire would a blog administrator solicit, fuel and publish your disgusting harangue! Note to Mark : you were doing this long before I encountered you - now I am very personally acquainted with your depravity and stupid schemes to “ appear superior” You are complicit in my being attacked with foul language . Me! A woman who has been reciting/ embracing Myoho Renge- Kyo in the real world for 33 years. There’s your working definition of “ complicity in slander”, Mark. I will never deny the benefit I received from fellow believers in SGI and NST; nor will I ever be insincere about my reasons for choosing to practice independently. By the same token ,I am brutally honest regarding my “ personal” assessment of your errors and indecent behavior. Clearly, you are no match for a woman of strong faith who is not intimidated by insecure males or howling jackals. Yea, I’m responsible for the uptick in views here, and I know why 😉 Katie Higgins —
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Unknown commented on "Gregorio"
yet we live in a democracy - founded on freedom of religion ! separation of church and state ! usa is a non buddhist country - only a cretin would deign to weaponize the teachings of nichiren- someone who has great difficulty believing that those who recite the daimoku of the lotus sutra should exemplify as well as receive respect for all living beings.: someone like mark , performing for a motley crew of anonymous friends, comes to mind 🫤
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Unknown commented on "SGI meme...What makes you human?"
this is what stupidity looks like ! no regard for anything but what stokes your fragile ego- FWIW , at least ikeda’s guidance is humanity driven - caring for others ,serving one’s community, contributing in a positive way to society . eagle puke blog is grievance,gossip, grudge driven: dr mark’s “ 3G network “ 😂
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Yaddy yaddy yaddy .. Those who say it cannot be done, should not interfere with those who are doing it !
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Unknown commented on "Cute reverential little girl"
imagine how that sweet child would shriek and run for mommy if she got a look at you !
sure, your true enemy would be a woman who points to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren’s example for guidance on the correct attitude and behavior towards those who recite\ embrace , Myoho Renge-kyo I’d say , you should be ashamed of yourself, but you apparently have as little capacity for shame as you do comprehension of the True teachings. it’s obvious that you cannot discuss “ the teachings”— only control and manipulate info to sustain your bully image.
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talking to yourself again- you have no sgi contacts; no basis in the Lotus Sutra for your sleazy tactics ; no credibility. all you have is the power to fully display your shoddy character and unbridled narcissism !

1 comment:

  1. ❤️ Katie
    Compassion and stellar perceptions . Sure bet Marks gonna go after her.
    If he only knew how his thin skinned
    snark makes him look.
