Monday, May 30, 2022

Unknown, our nuclear expert. teaches...

New Mexico is just on fire. 400 thousand acres burned: 

So much nuclear waste and fallout there, from bomb building and testing. I would not be surprised if everyone has cancer in 10 years. Nuke bombs exploded under rivers, in nm project gas buggy. Uranium waste catastrophes.  Nuclear waste dumps in many places. Largest plutonium core operation in the world, at Los Alamos, by Santa fe. Wipp:

Watch Video released of explosion a on YouTube:

These explosions were caused by parts of the decommisioned, highly radioactive pieces, of the San onofre reactor, buried in Nevada. They later dug them up, after the explosions and, moved them to utah. Steppenwolf just stick yur head into the sand pretend that all is grand and everything will be ok This will start happening at white mesa nuke waste operation, by blanding, utah. There will wildfires at dark canyon, white mesa,  and bears ears. There was a truck fire of nuke waste at energy fuels other site, by salt lake city. The white mesa, energy fuel operation is trucking in nuke waste, from all over the world. That includes Japan. This shows the wildfires still going on in New mexico Go to New mexico


    good news


    How to deal with gun violence.

  3. the bar is set pretty low for teachers on this blog🙄

  4. Unknown. I'm like you. I detest the shootings. I'm somewhat liberal. I know how bad nuclear is. Most antinukers are liberals or greens. It's a terrible mess. I wish they would stop making nuclear weapons and, do something to shore things up


  6. this would be the place to insert the buddha's reassurance in the lotus sutra.
    taking action for the sake of others
    becoming more compassionate and capable
    that's what fuels my practice
    but then i am more motivated by reward and benefit than i am intimidated by fear and doomsday predictions.
    hey! that reminds me of how the buddha enticed his children out of that burning house.
    there is nothing exciting or interesting or noteworthy happening here

  7. Unknown Nuclear equals the end of life especially with climate change. There is plenty that can be done. Sgi is pronuclear. The Komeito has asserted Japan's right to nuke weapons w ldp. How hippocritical is that. I have many loved ones and friends, who died agonizing deaths from nuclear. I have had leukemia from it. It is not living. You are so smug. You are uncaring. Many tepco heads Sgi. You should learn more about nuclear. o many birth defects inar. Much hardship , birth defects, cancer in Japan from fukushima. Just because you stick your head in the sand, does not mean it is not there


  9. Daily mass murders as we plummet towards a climate apocalypse in a nation paralyzed by agents of greed backed by a politically overrepresented subset of citizens pickled by an ecosystem of hate-filled propaganda who'd destroy life itself before admitting its worldview's a cancer.

  10. The powerless are losing in the USA. Working class The poor. Poor whites, Non whites, gays, women. children, Elderly, disabled. their greed and violence, has no bounds . Brothers turned loose across the USA. I never thought, I would see these Orwellian times in the USA. Organised Nazis and fascist thugs, bankrolled by the rich. The dystopian propaganda. Nazis and overt fascists running the Republican party. The corporate democrats allowing them to take over. I'm not pro or anti trans but Bruce Jenner Kim Kardashian's dad is trans . Bruce Jenner is a Republican so he is not threatened. Republicans blaming gays and trans for inflation. Blaming the poor and people of color, for everything else. Trump neonazis gangs, going out to beat up people. Trump did a coup . They threatened to kill congressmen and mike pence. Trump has no criminal charges. 5 people killed. numerous injuries destruction of property. Never in my life would I have believed that Nazism genocidal racism and fascism would take over the 🇺🇸 usa
