Sunday, June 5, 2022

Dialogue Katie and Mark Part 4

Katie: ...wouldn’t encouraging each other to continue no matter what be the ONLY reasonable , true measure of our faith in Myoho Renge kyo?

Mark: You are conflating Myoho renge kyo with the various Nichiren sects themselves. I encourage everyone to continue to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo but to drop their attachments to the false docrines and incorrect faith and practices of their current or former sects.

Katie: Isn’t that the exemplary human behavior that would best demonstrate the ultimate teaching I began to question the “ practice” of trashing fellow believers, extending to all other Nichiren sects, and attachment to differences , to conspiracy theories, etc., over the past year— and immediately became Mark and Greg’s “ enemy”

Mark: You are not only our enemy but the enemy of the teachings and of Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren. We correct you for the sake of your Bodhi and to dissuade those who might believe that you and not Nichiren is correct.

Katie: As they continue their dogma driven trashing of me, I enjoy renewed faith in the Law.

Mark: If you mean by dogma, "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true", yes. You may enjoy a renewed faith in the "Law" but it is not the Law of the Wonderful Dharma Flower Sutra. One principle of a strong faith in this Law is a purification of the senses and being able to discriminate correctly. Your powers of discrimination are poor, being unable to see the true root of disunity among the various sects and and assailing one who speaks out for unity.

Katie: I continue to pray for them to open their eyes and become motivated by the opportunity we have to become beacons for those suffering from the excruciating divisiveness in our country.

Mark: It is you who need your eyes opened and your mouth shut (regarding my remonstrances). You are insignificant and I have more important entities to rebuke (SGI, NST, NS, HBS modern Japanese KHK, etc.). If you want to remonstrate with anyone, you should remonstrate with the various sects for their causes that have led to  disunity. I merely am strive for unity, for the various sects to embrace the same faith, practice, and doctrines as Nichiren, the ONLY WAY for there to be unity among the faithful.

Katie: "With or without them , the forward momentum to propagate the daimoku via exemplary human behavior is underway —

Mark: You couldn't recognize exemplary human behavior because you fail to acknowledge the teachings and behavior of the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin. The behavior of the top Japanese Senior Leaders, Nichiren Shoshu priests, and Nichiren Shu bishops and priests is is reprehensible as I've documented a thousand times. Wake up Katie, for your own sake.

Katie: How could it be otherwise? Unless the Buddha and Nichiren were great liars?

Mark: No, it is you who are a great liar and the sad thing is, your anger and ego actually perceives your lies and incorrect understanding to be true. Utilizing the scriptures, I have proved over and over again that there is more to the faith in the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren than the mechanical chanting of the Daimoku with a warped faith, incorporating Shingon and Zen elements, interfaith, ignoring or altering the other two correct Great Secret Laws, particularly the Secret Law of the Object of Devotion, and the The Treasures of the Buddha and Sangha. Then there is the mid-six figure salaries of SGI top Japanese leaders and the expensive trinkets (cars, sandals, gold rimmed glasses, $10,000 dollar Juzu beads etc.) of the Nichiren Shoshu priests. Desiring little as Nichiren? Hardly.

Katie: No way ! Transcending differences is the challenge — not establishing person based superiority ! Cheers! ~ Katie

Mark: Transcending differences? Not differences in the fundamental principles of the faith. Not transcending differences when it comes to major slander is the correct course of action. Resolving differences in the various sects' Three Great Secret Laws and Three Treasures would be a good first step. Then they need to work on the aberrant doctrines and corruption.


  1. Okaay- so you’re going to project your anger on to me and call me “ your” enemy because my faith is centered on Myoho Renge kyo .
    Your inflexible mind and harsh attitude is palpable.
    Meanwhile, there is nothing you have said or can say that diminishes the actual proof of Unity based on shared belief in daimoku.
    Oh, BTW, exemplary human behavior is very easy to recognize - as is the entrenched behavior of rigid minded egoists. My replies were not published where I posted them - you continue posting your screed in this ridiculous format.
    I’m off to work now - the great majority of believers are not “ career Buddhists “ or students in a Buddhist seminary! Thank goodness the Buddha employed both wisdom and compassion creating the perfect teaching for ALL. it’s Myoho renge kyo - We who embrace and uphold the ONE essential phrase share the power of the Law everywhere we go— encouraging each other to continue - no matter what ! Actual proof is what ultimately disproves your belief that doctrines are superior to what has always been perfect.
    Recall, I did buy into your idealogy for awhile — I know how damaging your dogmatic, authoritative attitudes are—- hurting others I know well and yourself as well. Be that as it may — ultimately and most reassuring is the simple truth of the unlimited power of faith in Myoho renge kyo. All of the Gosho passages and Lotus Sutra passages I shared confirm this-
    I do not see a single one of these comments in your self dialogue posts ! I realize you are defeated - and it will require something more than my ardent efforts to open your eyes.
    ~ Katie

  2. Please show me the unity between the Soka Gakkai, the Nichiren Shoshu, the Kempon Hokke Shu, the Honmon Butsuryu shu and all the sects and millions of believers. Do you know the cause of the disunity/ I do. Do you know the way to cure this disunity? I do. You just say, lets all get along, kumbaya, i'm OK. your ok but attack me for pointing out the sources of disunity. It is not my ideaology. It is the ideology of the Eternal Buddha. Nichiren Daishonin, and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the universe. You have your own opinion. Of course it is not in harmony with Nichiren's or the reality of the sects.

  3. All of the sects you mention are comprised of individual believers who relate to and maintain relationships with other believers -- regardless of the "sect" they belong to--and, of course, if they choose to practice independently. Believers who chant for and with one another-- who experience actual proof of myoho renge kyo above and beyond anything you claim is "vital" to attaining benefit. This is NOT " kumbaya"- No. It is people challenging their circumstances based on chanting daimoku-- it is the daimoku that is the basis for unity and for people to deepen their own faith- with actual proof.
    I strongly disagree with your perception on the "causes for disunity" and have asked that you consider that our non buddhist , democratic country is grossly dissimilar to 100% buddhst medieval Japan at the time Nichiren began propagating myoho renge kyo. Take notice: Nichiren did not berate and demean believers who questioned him or had difficulty accepting the primacy of the Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha--- nor did he "teach" that knowledge of Buddism- history, doctrine, etc. was prerequisite to gaining benefit from reciting/embracing the daimoku. In what way is a fool's daimoku inferior to that of a sage? According to Nichiren- there is no difference. How about the analogy of mother's milk? Just as a baby is nourished with no comprehension of the composition , etc. of mother's milk, so are we nourished by "taking the excellent medicine"- chanting the daimoku. Nichiren taught “these concepts”. You are claiming the excellent medicine is of no value unless you have full knowledge of the “background”. You would have to concede that full knowledge, comprehension of myoho renge kyo is not within our capability. Right? Since you have experienced benefit from taking this excellent medicine, why do you doubt it’s efficacy for everyone of us? After all, the Buddha did state clearly and demonstrate in the Lotus sutra—that ALL would attain the same benefit as He attained—even the Dragon King’s daughter—even Devadatta! What determined their attainment of Buddhahood? Was it simply hearing and believing the buddha’s golden words, “taking the excellent medicine”? Would you contend that they first needed to become scholars on par with shari hotsu? Shari hotsu , you may recall, had a poor prognosis for attaining Buddhahood prior to the Lotus Sutra.

  4. Organized religion is part of our culture and we share this phenomenon with people everywhere! Rather than attack the lay organization, SGI and “other sets”, why not realize that chanting the daimoku is the foundation for purifying this cultural practice? Why not consider where we are in terms of the length of time predicted for the duration of Mappo--- and believe in the daimoku over the weaknesses of human beings? That’s a choice. The one that makes the most sense to me. There is no difference in terms of benefit, personal development, peace and happiness between me and my good friend the SGI Region Leader who has been chanting about 8 years longer…. And no difference in our conversations that always highlight the daimoku, Nichiren and the words of the Lotus Sutra---. But you don’t want to hear this—you want anon testimonials from angry ex-SGI members who feel betrayed. And you encourage “them” to believe it is SGI that is preventing them from developing faith. As I have said numerous times, I had many positive SGI experiences—definitely developed and deepened my faith through association with many different SGI leaders and members. I’ve challenged the same personal—all mine, karmic impediments in relationships with authority figures in the 10 years that I have practiced independently--. I cannot honestly cite SGI for the reasons I decided to go off on my own--- it’s my basic nature NOT to trust authority, but I have become capable of finding common ground and even transforming the culture of care where I work- with the aid of “authority figures”, whom I once viewed as “the enemy”. So it goes… or such is the potential inherent in the simple act of placing 100% faith in daimoku.

  5. RE: The Buddha's "ideology":
    The” ideology” of the eternal buddha is well described in the Life Span chapter: basically that none of us can comprehend the ultimate reality of ourselves, each other or the environment-- As you recall, His disciples implored him to continue preaching, and they would simply believe His words! And in that same chapter, He shared the expedient He used to get His "sick children" to take "the excellent medicine" He prepared for them. That's the point--, if you will, is that the excellent medicine, myoho renge kyo must be "taken"—That is the crux of the eternal buddha’s “ideology”-- from there, it is a matter of faith regarding the universal benefit-- that ALL are on the path to attaining Buddhahood-- according to their karma, which none of us can fathom, therefore, “reverence” for those who embrace the Law is warranted-- and the Buddha expressed this clearly, as well .

  6. Right. Ordinary people chanting the daimoku, challenging the multiple problems we are deluged with these days, should devote themselves to doctrinal study and debate until "unified concensus" is reached? Trust you over the Law? Which, BTW, few if any of us are likely to do. Why? Because based on the LS and Gosho, it is the Law and not the person that will lead us to Buddhahood.
