Sunday, June 5, 2022

Katie and Mark, the dialogue continues with a sprinkling of Marty.

Katie: I direct you to Nichiren’s conclusion - last paragraph of the Kanjin Honzon-sho : “ Salvation Through the Odaimoku”… Lord Sakyamuni Buddha, with His great compassion, wraps this jewel with the five characters of myo ho ren ge kyo and hangs it around the neck of the ignorant in the Latter Age of Degeneration..” —- The name, entity, quality, function and teaching of the Lotus Surea, the essence of the chapter, “ The Life Span of the Buddha, is , THIS EXCELLENT MEDICINE is, MYO HO REN GE KYO! “ Remember this especially at the time of the last moment of life Have an unwavering faith in the Lotus Sutra and continue chanting the daimoku, which is the right way of meditation based on the “ actual” doctrine of 3,000 existences contained in one thought.”: Nichiren -“ Response To The Lay Priest Lord Toki “: There is a profoundly apt message in the parable of the burning house- The Buddha, protecting HIS children from the horrific dangers in the metaphorical “ burning house”, did NOT berate and threaten them! Instead He announced to His imperiled children : “ I have many varieties Of rare playthings, Excellent carts wonderfully bejeweled, Goat carts and deer carts, Now all just outside the door; Come out all of you!” You cannot dispute the fact that Sakyamuni Buddha is perfectly enlightened and that Nichiren is His envoy, the messenger who brought “ the excellent medicine” to “ the ignorant in the Latter Age of Degeneration”. Both exemplify deep concern and great compassion towards “ ignorant worldlings “- wanting to alleviate their suffering and save them from the terrors in this threefold world. Their one constant thought : How to cause the suffering people to take the excellent medicine! I ask what you’re thinking as you continue to berate believers for their “ ignorance” of the profound teachings ? I question your belief in the perfect teaching when you insist on adding your personal view of the importance of “ mindful awareness” of profound doctrines over simply “ taking the excellent medicine” myo ho ren ge kyo ! And I question your intent — as it should be clear enough by now that contentious condemnation of believers is your sole agenda here. ~ Katie - kindly post “ in your dialogue series “😉

Mark: Lets just forget everything else taught by Nichiren, for example, the Secret Law and Treasure of the Buddha and the specific and the general for example in: The Rissho Ankoku Ron; The Opening of the Eyes; On Repaying Debts of Greatitude; The Selection of the Time; and the remaining 97% of the Kanjin Honzon Sho. There is also, the two practices, shoju (the gentle practice" and shakubuku (the forceful practice), "mixing", and the "exclusive" faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. I have already shown where the Daimoku can be chanted with a warped faith by "evil" men like the SGI who mixes namu Myoho renge kyo with the evil Shingon principle of Yuiga Yoga (Guru Yoga or mentor and disciple.

Apparently, you and Marty are they who accept the teachings of Nichiren like a Chinese buffet: "I'll take the Secret Law of the Daimoku but not the Secret Law of the Object of Worship. I'll take the Treasure of the Law but not the Treasure of the Buddha and the Treasure of the Sangha. At the very least, you support those who willy nilly alter the teachings. I have explained this before. Those who begin to chant the Daimoku awaken their Buddha nature and gain immense benefit. However, when their faith becomes warped through mixing the impure with the Daimoku or associating with bad friends, especially leaders and priests who distort the teachings, that is not "keeping" the Daimoku. It is easy to receive the Daimoku, it is difficult to keep.

Lastly, why attack me for disunity and slander against other "believers". Look at the disunity Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu wrought. You and Marty are the most duplicitous, hypocritical and phony people I have met in a long time.


  1. I continue to question your refusal to acknowledge the primacy of the perfect teaching for this age.
    Looking for a fight?
    For me it’s all personal effort and struggle to totally believe Myoho Renge Kyo is everything !
    And so far, actual proof continues to trump your contentious bent !
    I question you — challenge the premise of your long standing attacks on other believers . I’m a busy “ old lady”— mostly concerned with what I can do for others —
    Maybe I’ve done all I can to open your eyes ? I’m not into waging war against anyone who chants daimoku .
    ~ Katie

  2. First off, you should really let go of the defensiveness against being attacked and slandered. Calling out attention to original writings and the clear messages in the LS is what's going down here. I don't appreciate your insults, but moreover, I find you are using personal slights to deflect from your obvious disregard of basic fundamentals of this Buddhism.
    You say you are all about strict adherence to scripture, when in actual fact, you are extremely person focused. You against anyone who disagrees with you and the name calling starts. At least realize how you are not discussing the teachings or how they speak to others besides yourself, and you are running this board like a corrupt black jack dealer, stacking the deck to make yourself look good. None of this reflects the profound and truly awe inspiring reality of the five or seven characters propagated by Nichiren.

  3. How many of the "secret laws" do you reckon the Atsuhara martyrs were well versed on?
    When was the last time you attended any SGI activity or Temple activity? But you now exactly what is happening there?
    You claim: " I have explained this before. Those who begin to chant the Daimoku awaken their Buddha nature and gain immense benefit. However, when their faith becomes warped through mixing the impure with the Daimoku or associating with bad friends, especially leaders and priests who distort the teachings, that is not "keeping" the Daimoku. "
    That is your opinion and I daresay it is not an informed one!
    Here you are talking about the "warped faith" of others, when you cannot restrain yourself from this:
    " You and Marty are the most duplicitous, hypocritical and phony people I have met in a long time."
    Huh? I know Marty has never met you and from what I gather you have a very superficial relationship with Katie. So you go on record showing how irresponsibly mean spirited you are based on what you think you know about buddhism.
    You are the attacker and the bully with the bullhorn here. But you are not the least bit persuasive. Too many people know that you spend all your time doing this, while the rest of us "ignorant" common mortals are chanting daimoku and taking action on the myriad attacks on human rights, civil law and currently tackling the number one cause of death for our children, gun violence.
    Buddhism is relevant in the hearts, minds and lives of ordinary people who care deeply for our children and their future. Daimoku is the source of our hope and the fuel for our commitment. You just singled out for your attack dujour, two people who have dedicated their lives to the well being and happiness of children and are stellar role models open about their practice.
    The real question for the millions who are proving the power of the Mystic Law, is how do we explain you?
    Harvard Class of 2022

  4. I keep the daimoku in my heart and mind.
    Recite and reflect on it everyday.
    To you, I’m a “ sprinkling”
    Which hardly matters BTW
