Monday, June 20, 2022

My conclusion from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin of the prior long debate on Original Enlightenment between Reverend Yasuhara and Graham Lamont

In the general sense, as emanations of the Original Buddha, when we chant the Daimoku and perform conversion activities we are Three Bodied Tathagatas. However, our Parent, Teacher, and Sovereign, remains Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. In the "specific sense", Shakyamuni of the Juryo Chapter is the one Original Eternal Buddha. Even the Ancient Buddha, Many Treasures Buddha (Taho Buddha), though having attained Buddhahood in the remote past, is not the Original Buddha who attained Buddhahood in the most distant past. Likewise, though some of us too are ancient Buddhas, we too owe our very Enlightenment to the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni.


  1. As far as what I can make of it is that Shakyamuni was one with the Eternal Buddha. We can also be one through the mutual possession of the ten worlds. It really doesn't get more simple than that. So what's all fuss about ≈ machinations of the mind causing untold disturbances

    1. One but not one, two but not two. Two but not two alone is an arrogant viewpoint. Without gratitude for the Eternal Buddha as Nichiren, there is no Buddhahood.

  2. heart matters most...
    the unfeeling amongst us
    lacking a heart for others
    w8ill need many more lifetimes of daimoku to escape
    the sufferings of birth and death
    praise for all who maintain courage to practice and share both suffering and joy with fellow believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\

  3. To proclaim what is right and wrong what is correct and incorrect IS the heart which matters most. It is the epitomy of compassion:

    "He proclaimed that, because of this, heaven was angered, and the benevolent deities who would have guarded the nation found their powers weakened. And he declared that, EVEN THOUGH people praise the Lotus Sutra, they destroy its heart. - King Rinda

    SGI Mentor-Disciple destroys its heart.

  4. Seen your tiny ego bound heart
    Up close
    And personal
