Sunday, June 26, 2022

Response to many comments 2

Katie:"Here come multiple lengthy posts to bury the posts with comments you dismiss! Chas tactic-- ARBN. :( Copy/Paste- repeat! But, no discussion of the "teachings" because you show only contempt for other believers. Marty raised a question I'd like to know the answer to: After 19 years in SGI who amongst the many members and leaders you encountered, shared your views? And, how does your abandonment of all of your members show your compassion for "sick children", since that is what you call anyone who doesn't agree with you? And pray tell, what does yours and Greg's kosen rufu look like? Actually, I know pretty much what Greg's circumstances are and from what you've shared, it seems that unlike Nichiren's own disciples, your lots are not exemplary of growth and advancement, but have become what you call "actual proof" of following Nichiren- isolation and humble, precarious circumstances. If there was such great unity and true faith between you and "your small band of followers" a few years back, why did your temple project fizzle and fail? Neither of you "self proclaimed disciples of Nichiren" have much in common with the originals-- like Shijo Kingo, for example. All who practice assiduously encounter agonizing ordeals and obstacles, but also show amazing good fortune for persevering... become more compassionate, tolerant, capable people--Why not you and Greg? Please "discuss" ... how you behavior and life achievements reflect your adherence to the "True Teachings"!

Mark: Do you think I only have time or inclination to respond to you, a human devil? I have the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren to share, as well as, the evils of the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu. I recive 20 to 40 or more comments a day. I have other things to tend to such as helping my wife around the house, going across the street to convert my neighbors, calling on my other friends to discuss the teachings and occassionally to chant the Daimoku together, attending to my animals, doing continuing medical education, never missing dialysis, taking my BP and my my BP meds as needed up to four or more times a day. Doing the daimoku and now reciting parts A, B, and C which takes up to an hour a day and trying to salvage the faith of those who have left the SGI on SGIwhistleblowers. Also, I am involved in Dharma Wheel Nichiren and Reddit Nichiren. No one was more intolerant of the provisional teachings and those of the perfect teachings who distort the doctrines of the Lotus Sutra than Nichiren and the Eternal Buddha. My behavior in protecting the Law and teachings can only be judged by the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren. Regarding my affinity to Shijo Kingo. I too would accompany Nichiren to the execution grounds and offer my head to the Lotus Sutra. I am as protective of Nichiren's teachings as Nichiju Shonin, the founder of the Kempon Hokke.

Katie: Sorry? So, now I'm a" human devil"? And your incessant abusive language towards believers in Myoho Renge Kyo is " upholding the teachings of the Lotus sutra and Nichiren"? How insane! My statements regarding slander becoming rampant in America when "fellow believers" took off the gloves and attacked each other makes more sense in terms of the fundamentals of the LS and the Gosho. The ugly infighting that you & Greg engaged in on Fraught with Peril -- continues here. Now you control the forum. I am a nurse who continues to "be attentive to sick children". NEVER would I address them as you are doing here with "the sick children" you have identified as me, Marty and the SGI. First rule of being attentive-- "pay attention"- listen to and respect "the sick children" you wish to help. Marty was spot on about "semantics" being a major obstacle to communicating with you, as it appears you have a whole different set of concepts and definitions for commonly understood words and terms. The following are terms that describe how you treat me, Marty and SGI: 1) You are* tyrannical* and rigid in your thinking. 2) you are *intolerant* of opposing views.- cannot discuss your contentions, but immediately *attack* the person. 3) You are *condescending* 4)You are *patronizing* 5) Your arguments are based on falsehoods. " Your stating that I am defaming believers is inaccurate. I am defaming human devils like Ikeda and you who fail to abide by the Lotusn Sutra and teachings of Nichiren" In the Latter Day of the Law, reciting Myoho Renge Kyo is belief in the Lotus Sutra. By strict, scriptual definition you are "defaming believers". 6) You are *arrogant/authoritarian"- refusing to adhere to the accepted definitions and descriptions of terms clearly spelled out in the Gosho, and substituting your own concepts--like a *broken record*--but, still doesn't make a word you say, true!

Mark: Nichiren used abusive language towards slanderers. Do you expect something different from one of his disciples towards slanderers? Ugly infighting? Talk about the 30 year infighting among SGI and nichiren Shoshu leaders, members, and priests.Then and now we expose the ugly faces of SGI leaders, Nichiren Shoshu High Priests, and whomever alters or opposes the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. There are thousands of nurses who are attentive to sick children, pediatric nurses, pediatric icu nurses, neonatal care nurses, pediatric ER nurses,and psychiatric nurses. Most are christians, some are jews and hindus and a few are muslims. You are a slanderer of the Lotus Sutra, the most pitiful of all. If the views go against the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, of course I am intolerant of these views.You must point out where anything I say about the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu is a falsehood, let along the many thousands of passages of the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren are false. I already apologized for mistaking my passage regarding Daisaku Ikeda and you for human devils, for your passage.See my Response to many comments one proving that there are those, like SGI leaders and Nichiren Shoshu priests who are NOT believers in Nichiren. You too fit into this category. You accept only the teachings that resonate with you and disregard the rest.

Marty: I am not under any obligation to believe anyone but Nichiren, but I have appreciation for President Ikeda's words of encouragement and for the organization that I and many enjoy. It's where we learned about the daimoku and Nichiren and where we learned the power of unity based on daimoku. We're not perfect, but neither are you. The Law is perfect. Upholding it is difficult though it is not difficult to realize that all living beings matter and all who chant daimoku are doing their best to develop faith. That you cannot see that is most disturbing and probably the main reason that whatever knowledge you may have acquired is lost due to your behavior. Practicing for and with others is apparently your biggest obstacle, your deepest karma .SGI is the best place to work on that, IMO. Marty

Mark: That is pretty funny coming from an SGI member who hardly believes Nichiren in so many ways... Interfaith, M/D, supporting the authoritarian pyramidal SGI structure, and the exhorbitant salaries of the SGI Vice Presidents and General Directors. It is easy to talk the talk while failing to walk the walk. My how unified you are with the Nichiren Shoshu and Nichiren Shu, Mr. Marty. Regarding having encountered the Daimoku, Nichiren says it was due to "auspicious causation, not the Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shoshu, HBS, nor the Nichiren Shu. The Law is perfect, Enlightenment comes from the Law alone, not requiring Ikeda as intermediary. I hope you will point this out the next time someone states this:

"For me, I realized that the most important thing is to not have a counterfeit practice. I realized that spiritual death means not having a true practice that is directly connected to the mentor." -- Greg Wolpert of the SGI Board of Directors singing the praises of Daisaku Ikeda. He was my shakubuku. Too bad, he is now in the world of Anger.

or that

"Fearlessly following Sensei with an open heart and a seeking mind is in fact our ticket out of hell, for all eternity. His life epitomizes the essence of what Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is all about, in all aspects. That's why I will always respect and follow him. Like the story about the fly that can travel a thousand miles by clinging to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, You and I are both insignificant beings who nevertheless have the potential to attain enlightenment in this lifetime by simply following Sensei." -- Dick "Wiley Bad" Powell proud 40 year SGI member

While Nichiren teaches:

"It is thanks to OUR teacher that we can know who our parents are; it is owing to Shakyamuni Buddha that we can distinguish black from white." -- Nichiren Daishonin singing the praises of Shakyamuni Buddha.

That is why, you Marty can not distinguish black (Ikeda) from white (Shakyamuni Buddha).

Marty: I don't claim to be a teacher, just a grateful believer who has the good fortune to share the daimoku and encourage others to continue chanting no matter what. You are the self proclaimed votary and teacher here, and because your viewpoints are rejected, you attack ! I believe Nichiren's own words, as Tanya shared above. I suggest you ask yourself why you don't.

My viewpoints are the viewpoints of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren and that is why I am attacked. The viewpoints of Ikedaism are a travesty of the teachings. SGI chooses Nichiren like a Chinese Buffet, "I'll take the beef and broccoli but not the salt and pepper shrimp." I accept all the authentic writings of Nichiren. In fact, the SGI teachings derive almost exclusively from the forged and early writings, for example, from the Ongi Kuden, the True Aspect of all Phenomena, and the early writing, On Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime.

Marty: You claim you belonged to SGI for 19 years and rose to the rank of leader, and yet, you did not form any bonds of trust in all that time? Not even one of your leader cohorts were "converted" to what you preach here? Interesting. Sorry you cannot comprehend the changes that supported the infastructure required to accommodate the growing organization, which is on par with other religious organizations in our country. No scandal here. I suppose you considered yourself "picked on" in the SGI, just as you claim to be "picked on" by Nichiren forums that moderate you for abusive language. Here you moderate, control the board, calling participants names, and making the most outrageous character assassinations of people you've never met, just because they attempt to enlighten you to what following the teaching of all who chant the daimoku should be "the last to abuse each other", looks like. You don't want to discuss the teachings, Mark. You want to keep grinding your axe and severing ties with fellow believers so that you can claim to be the lone votary, tapping away on your keyboard, the only one who grasps the teachings, a poor man with no influence "picked on, just like Nichiren"? Don't mistake my feedback for angry ad hominem. I am saddened and sickened by your story, mostly because that by now, you should be able to see your own flaws and weaknesses.

Mark: My bonds of trust were broken when I began to see the true nature of SGI and I began to share the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren with my leaders, members, and friends and they rejected the true teachings for those of Daisaku Ikeda. You employ the cult viewpoint of those who left the cult, "you were picked on", "you were jealous", "you must have been passed up for a higher leadership position and you are holding a grudge." SGI brainwashed members like yourself can't see that it was a soteriological, doctrinal and existential question. My wife was dying despite years in the SGI, following no matter what, guidance after guidance. Within months of converting, she began to improve and today, 27 years after striving to adopt the same faith and practice as Nichiren, she is healthy and my rock. For example, I met Guy McClosky, Danny Nagashima, and Mr. Kasahara and talked to them at length. They are all full of SGI kaka, I met Daisaku Ikeda in the old SGI bookstore in Japan. I offered him a cigarette and we smoked together and talked briefly. He is a corrupt conman Guru, not a follower of the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren. If I had known then what I know now, I would have forcefully admonished him.


  1. Reply to Katie: " Do you think I only have time or inclination to respond to you, a human devil?" says the great (self acclaimed)Nichiren disciple, Dr. Mark Rogow.

    Don't bother responding to any of us...
    we won't come back here or in any way associate ourselves with your depravity and heretical slander.
    Andy ( Tim, Tanya, Marty)

  2. People join and people leave the SGI for their own personal reasons. I respect personal choice and unequivocally reject blaming and demoralizing fellow believers on any level inside or outside of SGI.
    Such are the values I hold dear, that it is the Law in each of us that makes each of us worthy of respect. Attacking fellow believers violates the Law in yourself first and foremost.
    As you may notice, you aren't resonating with people of strong faith, Katie being a prime example of a woman with unrelenting faith whose life itself is a beacon for all who meet her.
    How you treat her, says everything to those of us who know her well.
    Perhaps your own causes have rendered you so bogged down with daily life tasks that you cannot properly address and correctly respond to people who took the time to read your blog. There's a message in there for you.
    In any case, we are in unity with regard to any further attempt to engage you in any reasonable discussion. Could be we are guilty of provoking you to make worse and worse causes ? No way to know for sure, but easy to delete a visit here from our everyday efforts to uphold and propagate the Law via life to life connection and unity for the sake of others.
