Sunday, June 19, 2022

Truth in the Soka Gakkai cult (Ikeda cult).

 Question: It sometimes happens that another Buddhist activity or event for private life does not allow you to do the activity sokahan. What should be given priority?

Answer: "We have the Gohonzon and we must use it to the fullest. You have to make a choice. The important thing is to use the Gohonzon and strengthen our faith without succumbing to rationality. In this way, whatever we decide to do will be the right choice. The assets are used to support our life. The important thing is the spirit with which we are in front of the Gohonzon. " This was the answer by Domenico Giannocaro (deputy national coordinator sokahan ).

Response: According to SGI international leader Joan Anderson, "The truth must me negotiated." SGI is no better than the politicians of the world who insist like Clarence Carter, "don't believe the video of me cheating, believe what I tell you." The truth to SGI is not what the Lotus Sutra terms "Thus" [or such] or what is is, the truth to SGI is what is agreed upon. Even in this statement by Joan Anderson who is one of the most influential non-Japanese Soka Gakkai functionaries in the entire world, we see the lying disingenuous nature of the Soka Gakkai where nothing is "negotiated" but rather decreed by the mentor emperor. Outside the SGI, in their dealings with others, everything is negotiated [compromised] but within the Soka Gakkai, not one thing is negotiated. What would the Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin think of them?

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