Friday, November 18, 2022

A dishonest question and my response

"How many hours do you chant per day ? Week ? Month? Year ? Asking because this crazy commentary on this sketchy bully pulpit resembles intellect , not faith based behavior. Generally speaking , people of strong faith: chanting assiduously/ abundantly , tend to be kinder, more compassionate and even more capable of actually helping others than you guys with your crazy talk snd odious behavior! Peek a boo!!We see you 👀" ' -of course Anonymous

Faith is first and foremost. Since 1976 I have chanted several ten millions of Daimoku. Nichiren writes to Shijo Kingo:

"If you continue living as you are now, there can be no doubt that you will be practicing the Lotus Sutra twenty-four hours a day. Regard your service to your lord as the practice of the Lotus Sutra. This is what is meant by “No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality.”

and regarding himself, Nichiren writes:

"It is already twenty-four or twenty-five years since I began studying Buddhism. Yet I have believed wholeheartedly in the Lotus Sutra only for the past six or seven years. Moreover, although I had faith in the sutra, because I was negligent and because of my studies and the interruptions of mundane affairs, each day I would recite only a single scroll, a chapter, or the title. Now, however, for a period of more than 240 days—from the twelfth day of the fifth month of last year to the sixteenth day of the first month of this year—I think I have practiced the Lotus Sutra twenty-four hours each day and night. I say so because, having been exiled on the Lotus Sutra’s account, I now read and practice it continuously, whether I am walking, standing, sitting, or lying down. For anyone born human, what greater joy could there be?"

I strive to follow in the footsteps of my master Nichiren. Presently, I do Gongyo every day and chant Daimoku until joy wells up from the depths of my life. The long Honmon Daimoku helps me center my life on the Gohonzon, Eternal Buddha, and Nichiren.


  1. Daimoku is still the essential practice. Faith deepens with abundant daimoku—- maybe you just need to chant until you are able to respect all believers ? How ever long that takes …

    1. I have chanted tens of millions of Daimoku. I chanted three hours a day for two months, followed by two hours a day for two months; 7 hours a day for a week followed by 2 hours a day for months; one hour a day for many years, followed by ten hours one day, followed by five hours a day for five days. As written, now I strive to practice 24/7 like Shijo Kingo and my Master, Nichiren. Much arrogant arrent you, World of Anger, aren't you.

  2. what’s dishonest about that question? chanting daimoku = faith.
    faith is evident in one’s behavior / one as cheeky and down right derisive as you appear , sir, display a searing lack of faith .and clearly aren’t chanting abundant daimoku

    1. any mouse.... one teaching you will not see practiced in the SGI/NST is...the sword cuts both ways. wake up !

  3. It is a dishonest question because you are questioning my faith for pointing out that SGI and NST are not followers of Nichiren. You resort to the tactic of cult "Bull Baiting" (Ad Hominim) which derives from the World of Anger.. You sir are a sad individual who lacks a mirror because of your distorted faith in the mentor, interfaith, and different Three Treasures than Nichiren (or you are complicit in supporting those who embrace these wrong thoughts). Since you are NOT believers, I have not one regret in admonishing you

    1. correction : honestly and quite straight forward questioning your faith sir. you completely disgrace the basis - that all have inherent buddha nature and all who chant are believers worthy of highest respect .
      obvious you lack faith in the lotus sutra.
      never enough daimoku is the rule and stop attacking believers . really simple honest and straight forward.

    2. Putin has Buddha nature, is he OK? Your assertion that all who chant Daimoku are worthy of the highest respect is wrong according to Nichiren. You are an unsteady fool and a hypocrite for hating the Nichiren Shoshu while admonishing me. Look in the mirror. It is SHI which has sullied this great faith, not I.

    3. hating people who chant the daimoku is going against the lotus sutra , sir.
      your mistake is preaching from your own mind and inflicting many of your warped views on other disgruntled ex sgi members . many who were swayed by you have recovered and moved away from your discriminating rhetoric.
      no one is “okay” in this latter age, per lotus sutra!
      84,000 “;illnesses of the mind “; you aren’t exempt- just full of pride !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hating, disparaging, defaming, abusing believers / all rogow 24/7. discriminating , manipulating the narrative to suit yourself : all rogow all crazy all the sad saga of wasted potential
