Thursday, December 22, 2022

Focusing on the strange

Alan SGI leader: But that isn't what the SGI is at all. The SGI is built around the Gohonzon and Daimoku, the SGI is built on faith in the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin.
Me: In October of 1995, We [my wife and I] went to the opening of the new New York Culture Center. Neither "gohonzon", "daimoku", "Lotus Sutra" nor "Shakyamuni Buddha" was mentioned even once and  Nichiren Daishonin was mentioned twice during the entire two and a half hour meeting. Daisaku Ikeda was mentioned hundreds of times.This was the straw that broke our back.
Alan: Sensei is the person urging us to deepen and further our practice, our faith and our understanding, through his words and example.
Me: Were it true, there wouldn't be such a de-emphasis on the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, daimoku, gohonzon and Nichiren Daishonin.
Alan: Granted, this often comes across pretty strangely, but it is expressed in perfectly reasonable and understandable ways just as often.
Me: It can not be expressed reasonably in terms of the authentic teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. Alan, get out while you can without too much further damage. You are half way out the door anyway but you don't even see it because your brain has not regained its health and it won't as long as you remain halfway in.
Alan: It is unfortunately the case that some people only focus on the strange. It's kind of sad actually.
Me: Its sad that you don't see how truly strange is SGI and its leaders.


  1. most peopel start chanting to improve some aspect of their lives. they benefit from positive reinforcement and thoughts on correct thinking and actions not so different from confuscious , which nichiren did encourage his followers to study in the opening paragraphs of opening of the eyes. sgi members are constantly guided to respect each other and take positive action in their lives. they are *not* aspiring buddhist scholars but believed and had their belief reinforced that chanting daimoku is a powerful practice. i think you are strange, mark, because you don't seem to know much about the people who gravitate towards and continue to chant. you don't seem to be in touch with "the people" at all, which is probably why your lofty teachings were not welcome. nine thoughts to every word-- ever hear of that concept? nichiren thought it valuable to share. why? because words matter and people naturally shun those who call them idiots, strange and cowards! just look how outraged you get whenever someone points out your faults--- like being sucked in by trump! hahaha. my chiristian wife had him pegged years before he decided he should be president. and i have yet to meet a sgi member who can stomach trump--- from day one of his candidacy. talk about strange-- you got that title all to yourself.

  2. wait! myoho renge kyo IS the lotus sutra-- the whole lotus sutra, what the hell? this is pure inanity-- . wanna talk to some engaged, productive, striving and succeeding practitioners of myoho renge kyo? sgi is overflowing with good citizens, good neighbors and educated folks who care about the ills in our society and WORK to make a difference.
    all mark does is preach-- and tweet and pretend he is being persecuted for it and therefore is just like nichiren, be independent and engage in society, or practice with others in sgi- follow mark and you'll end up as twisted and irrelevant as he is!

    1. SGI is as corrupt as a 3 dollar bill. I suggest you really delve into the Soka Gakkai, their partnership with Mitsubishi Heavy Industrials, the salaries of their top Japanese Senior Leaders, their study, everything about them has nothing to do with the teachings of Nichiren, save their truncated Daimoku. Their hatred of Nichiren has brought about such calamities as the Tohoku earthquake Tsunami, and Fukushima.
