Thursday, December 22, 2022

If my critics stop lying about me....

I will stop telling the truth about them.


  1. LOL!
    As if … only you know the “truth” ?
    Yet I see your lies daily on this forum as you continue to write your own narrative and attack anyone who actually knows you .
    Dream on , Mark.
    You have long been engaged in the most egregious attacks on believers and shown no growth or benefit from deep study. Done with your doomsday, gossip mongering , hate speech littered sham “ Buddhist” forum. First time I have no interest in reading your spam posts !
    Can’t unsee what you and Greg have shown me by way of self absorbed , cowardly, mean spirited behavior — all personal experience
    Copy paste and preach all you want I have confidence that anyone who continues to chant daimoku will perceive your hypocrisy.
    Be well ,
    ~ Katie .

  2. not having the personal contact with these guys doesn’t diminish the glaring evidence of their hypocrisy
    they are so compromised , bet they couldn’t see a dead bird on their windshield !
    so, why are their mirrors so tarnished ?

  3. SGI certainly are not believers in the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren (save for what resonates with them). They believe in Ikedaism. I hope you will accompany them in Singing Forever Sensei, and studying the New Revolutiom. Do you too want to be Shinichi Yamamoto. Maybe you should assist them in their interfaith activities? Do you hate the Nichiren Shoshu as much as they? do you too practice Vajrayana Yuiga Yoga (Guru Yoga)? Do you also feel that the Lotus Sutra has lost its power in Mappo and the True Original Eternal mentor, I mean Buddha is Dais..., I mean Nichiren?

  4. but few believe you, mark. why is that? common sense suffices. between your snarky digs and your riveting propensity for bizarre accusations, you lost credibility long ago.
    hooray for dave returning here to set you straight, once again on the primacy and profundity of myoho renge kyo!
    the damioku is the lotus sutra. thats my practice.
    does anyone hate sgi and nst as much as you do?
    well chas does hate nst as much as you do, me? i know of no one in my area of sgi who hates nst.
    as much as i cringe at your behavior, i don't hate you.
    pity is what i fell toward you and for anyone who chimes in to agree with you or post some horrible hate speech that you decide to publish.
