Friday, December 2, 2022


Katie, I understand that you are too gentle to perform the forceful practices (except against me) but Nichiren teaches that, even if you are unable to perform the forceful practices, you should support those who do.


  1. Hmmm another judgement and more “ instruction”, absent my own words which you moderated!
    Mark, your behavior is tyrannical. Not reflective of any form of Buddhist practice.

    1. Absent your own words? We have tens of thousands of your slandserous words on the blog, if not more. I am not obliged to address anything you say especially anything praising the SGI, the NST, or the Nichiren Shu, formerly, an inviolate rule of the blog. Also, I am not obliged to post comments in which you repeat yourself ad infinitim. Reguarding many things, you are a broken record in which I have already responded several times. If you dont like the answers Katie, too bad.

    2. My slanderous words? Or simply your disdain for opposition ?
      I think you may want to reflect on how “ broken record” applies to your short fuse and personal animus in your replies! I write here to establish opposing ideas to your take on Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra. You clearly cannot tolerate anything but praise . Lol
      ~ Katie

  2. my take is more along the lines of your being too scared to allow readers to see how eloquently Katie points out your errors, inconsistencies, discrimination , etc.
    your power play is stark evidence of your weakness.

  3. can’t find any teachings that back up your statements/judgements and guidance. you’re not allowing her to address your accusations or your position . there is force being used by you — via censorship/moderation intimidation and flat out patronizing bs. to suggest Nichiren teaches support for what you’re doing is a crock.
    disrespect for her (and others) is not a Buddhist teaching . how could you not know that??????

    1. She has free rain to say anything here, or haven't you noticed? Really, I am not not following Nichiren who teaches "to leave such people strictly alone." All you can do Mr./Ms. Anonymous is cult bull baiting (Ad Hominem). Show me the teachings of Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra that prove what you say, or shut up.

  4. Perhaps because you are not well studied. Here are those teachings from Reply to Lord Matsuno or The Fourteen Slanders Gosho:

    "Though a person may have been fortunate enough to be born as a human being and may have even entered the priesthood, if he fails to study the Buddha’s teaching and to refute its slanderers but simply spends his time in idleness and chatter, then he is no better than an animal dressed in priestly robes. He may call himself a priest and earn his livelihood as such, but in no way does he deserve to be regarded as a true priest. He is nothing but a thief who has stolen the title of priest. How shameful and frightening!"

    Then two paragraphs down he teaches:

    "As a lay believer, the important thing for you is to chant Namu-myoho-renge-kyo single-mindedly and to provide support for the priests..."

    Priests are those who refute slanderers, those mandated to perform the forceful practices by Nichiren.

    BTW, in this Gosho we also read, "However, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra" which you fail to acknowledge in asserting that all who chant the Daimoku are worthy of the greates respect. I feel sorry for you Katie but remain hopeful that once again you will get it.

  5. the fact that you reach back to medieval times for writings to “support” behavior that is so clearly disrespectful is confounding. your rhetoric is problematic on so many fronts , but mainly that you are so blatantly patronizing to a woman of sincere faith . should also mention your tone which is crude - to say the least. if you think that makes you look anything but sketchy. then your perceptions have not improved since you promoted trump for potus

  6. could be your daimoku that’s “off” seeing how you the hothead who keeps mistreating a sincere female believer .

    1. maybe address the message and refrain from criticizing the messenger ?
      instead you silently condone marks disrespect and disdain for a sincere woman.
      an unprincipled lot strutting around in public you are !

    2. message over messenger bro.
      guess you are more interested in confronting me than you are in defending matters of principle or simple common decency?
      for all your railing about how off sgi is for praising ikeda, you are yourself exhibiting a person over the law practice.

  7. I believe I have studied more broadly and more in depth than you have! Jerry would agree , actually he does ! Your understanding appears narrow minded and superficial. Surely it is obvious you are rigid and intolerant !
    Nichiren was neither of those things btw. Anyone can read his letters to his followers and the dialogue format Gosho . I wonder how you fail to appreciate his eloquence and compassion. He was very well studied btw.
    ~ Katie

  8. I don't see Jerry? Is he here defending you? If so, it is because you both have abandoned what Nichiren teaches about such people as SGI members who chant the Daimoku but go against the intent of the Sutra. And, I'm sure, you both have converted as many people as I to chant the Daimoku and to continue to chant the Daimoku, despite their bitter feelings about the Soka Gakkai.

  9. Jerry's cell phone number hasn't changed. You could contact him yourself! You'll find he is strictly a Law focused, not person focused believer in Myoho Renge Kyo. He and I agree on the Buddha's intent: respect the teaching and those who embrace it; also taught by Nichiren. Neither of us needs the "defense and support" that you so brazenly crave.
    Yes, we both continue to share the daimoku , but we're not about fueling "bitter feelings". I would contend that your focus on promoting bitter feelings goes against the Buddha's intent. ~Katie
