Tuesday, December 27, 2022

SGI's "Sparkle Test" doesn't pass the smell test

According to Nichiren Daishonin the "sparkle test" doesn't pass the smell test. Someone mentioned that he met some members of another Nichiren school and their eyes didn't sparkle like Kathy and Terry Ruby's of the Soka Gakkai. Well, according to Nichiren Daishonin, one thing can be ascertained, Kathy and Terry are sometimes in the World of Rapture. Nichiren writes:

"When we look from time to time at a person's face, we find him sometimes joyful, sometimes enraged, and sometimes calm. At times greed appears in the person's face, at times foolishness, and at times perversity. Rage is the world of Hell, greed is that of Hunger, foolishness is that of Animality, perversity is that of Anger, joy is that of Rapture, and calmness is that of Humanity. These worlds, the six paths, are present in the physical appearance of the person's face. The remaining four noble worlds are hidden and dormant and do not appear in the face, but if we search carefully, we can tell that they are there." -- The True Object of Worship

Question How then can we tell that the Four Noble Worlds are present?

Answer: Through the noble human behaviors of honesty, kindness, compassion, mercy, justice, forbearance, magnanimity, and protecting the teachings we can tell that the Noble Worlds are manifest.
SGI leaders, on the other hand, are great liars who destroy the noble teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin and work tirelessly to bring their fellow SGI members into the Lower Worlds.


  1. "Answer: Through the noble human behaviors of honesty, kindness, compassion, mercy, justice, forbearance, magnanimity, and protecting the teachings we can tell that the Noble Worlds are manifest."
    you score a big fat zero on manifesting the noble realms, but you are an ace at gossip mongering and hate speech!
    myoho permeates your lower worlds but your arrogant mind keeps you trapped in the lower realms of lower realms.... pity.

  2. Good point. It is far more difficult to embody noble human behavior than it is to write about noble realms !
    ~ Katie

  3. imagine how shocked mark was that no one needed his 2 cents in the sgi. yea, we're all just people with our karma doing our best, but somehow wise enough to see a charlatan when he peddles his wares in front of a kai kan! heard all about this dude. too bad he didn't seek professional help/therapy for his misanthropy, is the latest response to dr rogue.
