Sunday, December 11, 2022

The conceited and narcissistic ones


The Lotus Sutra is not an ecumenical scripture. Neither was Nichiren. Even if we were battered and beaten with nose and ears cut off, as the martyr Nikkyo,  we could win this debate.

Also, there is no faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day without Nichiren Daishonin. It is thanks to Nichiren Daishonin that we have faith in the Lotus Sutra and over thirty million people are chanting and spreading the Daimoku (granted, not all of whom have the same faith as Nichiren). Many people criticize Nichiren but do they have thirty million followers reciting the Daimoku and Lotus Sutra thanks to THEIR bodily reading of the Lotus Sutra?

The votaries of the Lotus Sutra fight: The armies of Mara (Emma); the enemies of the Lotus Sutra known as delusion; ecumenicists who deny the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra; those who deny the exalted position of Shakyamuni Buddha; and lastly, the ignorant laymen, priests, and the rulers of our respective countries who persecute the votaries of the Lotus Sutra.

Let us look at the word narcissism:

1). Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See synonyms at conceit.

2). A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.

3). Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development.

4). The attribute of the human psyche characterized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits.

Conceit is a near synonym: 1. A favorable and especially unduly high opinion of one's own abilities or worth.

Here is what Nichiren says about conceit:

The Mongol Envoys

"I CAN hardly express my joy at learning of your safe return from Kamakura. And I have received your news about the beheading of the Mongol envoys. It is indeed a pity that, while the priests of the Nembutsu, True Word, Zen, and Precepts schools, who are the enemies of our country, did not have their heads cut off, the innocent Mongol envoys have been beheaded. Those who are unaware of the particulars of the matter will no doubt think that I say this out of conceit because my prophecy has been fulfilled. Yet during this period of more than twenty years, this is what I have been privately lamenting about day and night to my disciples, and what I have publicly declared time and again."

On Curing Karmic Disease

"The Great Teacher Chi-tsang of Chia-hsiang-ssu temple was among the most outstanding scholars in China. He was the founder of the Three Treatises school, and lived on Mount Hui-chi in Wu. Believing that none could equal him in knowledge, he raised the banner of his pride to its highest. He challenged the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai to discuss the meaning of the passage that states, "Among the sutras I have preached, now preach, and will preach, [this Lotus Sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand]

In the debate Chi-tsang was soundly defeated and thereupon renounced his misguided beliefs. In order to expiate his serious offense of slander of the correct teaching and of those who uphold it, he gathered more than one hundred eminent scholars and begged the Great Teacher T’ient’ai Chih-che to lecture to them. Chi-tsang used his body as a bridge for the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai to climb [onto the preaching platform], supporting T’ien-t’ai’s feet with his head. Moreover, he served T’ien-t’ai for seven years, cutting firewood and drawing water for him. He ceased giving lectures of his own, dispersed his followers, and in order to purge himself of his great conceit, refrained from reciting the Lotus Sutra. After the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai’s death, Chi-tsang had an audience with the emperor of the Sui dynasty to pay his respects. As he was leaving, he clutched His Majesty’s knees and tearfully bade him farewell. Sometime later, Chi-tsang looked into an old mirror and, seeing his reflection, condemned himself for his past errors. All these many acts of penitence were done to eradicate his karmic disease."

On Omens

"The priests of Nembutsu today are exactly like the evil monks mentioned in the above sutra. Moreover, the great conceit of the school’s teachers exceeds that of Devadatta a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million times. I will briefly describe the strangeness of the True Word school. Its priests paint a picture of the nine honored ones seated on an eight- petaled lotus in the center of the Womb Realm. Then they climb onto this picture, and stepping on the faces of the Buddhas, conduct their ceremony of anointment. It is as if they were trampling on the faces of their own parents or treading on their emperor’s head. Such priests as these fill the entire country and have become the teachers of both high and low. No wonder the nation faces ruin!" How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra: 

"Question: The Flower Garland school propounds the doctrine of the five teachings and declares all the other sutras to be inferior, and the Flower Garland Sutra, superior. The True Word school puts forth the doctrine of the ten stages of the mind, declaring that all the other sutras, being exoteric teachings, are inferior, while the True Word school, because it represents the esoteric teachings, is superior. The Zen school rejects all the sutras as belonging to the realm of written teachings and asserts “a separate transmission outside the sutras, independent of words or writing.” Because enlightenment, they say, is gained merely by sitting and facing the wall, the Zen school alone is superior. The Pure Land school sets forth two kinds of practices, correct and sundry. The Lotus Sutra and the various other sutras are rejected as belonging to the category of sundry practices, and hence one is urged to “discard, close, ignore, and abandon” them. The three Pure Land sutras, on the other hand, they claim, are adapted to the people’s capacity and are wonderful sutras belonging to the realm of correct practices. Thus each school in its conceit maintains its own biased attachment. But which one represents the true intention of Shakyamuni Buddha?"

The Lotus Sutra teaches:

'Cease, cease! No need to speak.
My dharma is subtle and hard to imagine.
Those of overweening pride,
If they hear it, shall surely neither revere it nor believe in
it." (Lotus Sutra Chapter 2)

and the moment the Buddha was about to reveal the Wonderful Dharma:

"While he was speaking these words, in the assembly bhiksus, bhikshunis, upasakas, and upasikas to the number of five thousand straightway rose from their seats and, doing obeisance to the Buddha, withdrew. For what reason? This group had deep and grave roots of sin and overweening pride, imagining themselves to have attained and to have borne witness to what in fact they had not. Having such faults as these, therefore they did not stay. The World-Honored One, silent, did not restrain them.

At that time the Buddha declared to Shariputra: "My assembly has no more branches and leaves, it has only firm fruit. Shariputra, it is just as well that such arrogant ones as these have withdrawn. Now listen well, for I will preach to you." (ibid. Chapter 2).

Dharmajim writes:

“Now, weave together all of these observations. Imagine you are a disciple of the Buddha. Imagine you are a monk who has meticulously followed the vinaya, the complex code, or way of life, for Buddhist monastics. Now imagine that the Buddha announces that this code is a provisional teaching. I can understand why some monks would become offended, especially if they had generated a sense of self and personal achievement around this.

“Or imagine that you had cultivated the ability to enter into rarefied meditative states, the higher dhyanas. This had taken years of dedication and practice. Now the Buddha says that this is a provisional teaching. I can understand why some who had invested so much time and effort into this practice might feel insulted. I can even believe that some of them would get up and leave the assembly.”

The Lotus Sutra Chapter 7 states:

"Bhikshus, when the Thus Come One knows of himself, that the time of his Nirvana has come, that the assembly is pure, that their faith and understanding are solid and firm, that they fully comprehend the Dharma emptiness and have deeply entered into Dhyana Samadhi, he will gather together the host of Bodhisattvas and Sound Hearers and speak this Sutra for them, saying, ‘there are not two vehicles by which extinction is attained. There is only the One Buddha Vehicle by which extinction can be attained.’"

Nobody likes to be chastised or rebuked. There are those in the SGI who have been practicing for thirty or more years and have converted hundreds of people to the Gakkai and there are those in the Nichiren Shoshu who have a lot invested in the Daigohonzon and Nichiren as True Buddha. Then, there are others in the Nichiren Shu who follow Udana-in Nichiki, as a duckling follows it's mother. When we tell them to follow the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, they turn red, they are afraid, and defensive, or they get up and leave.

Are these not the conceited ones, the narcissistic ones who fail to believe the auspicious words of the Buddha and the sage Nichiren?

The conceited will not debate the issues, thinking themselves too good to debate or too enlightened to even consider a rain challenge which they dismiss out of hand. The narcissistic spew venom from afar for fear of smudging their make-up or dirtying their hands.

"If in some other region
there are beings reverent and with faith beseeching,
again I am in their midst
to proclaim the unsurpassed Dharma,
though you who do not hear this
will say that I am extinct." (Lotus Sutra Chapter 16)

Those that claim that Shakyamuni is not always present preaching the dharma, too, are conceited and narcissistic. Failing to believe that the Buddha only appears to pass on as an expedient, they wallow in delusion.

"I do this lest, by always seeing me,
they should beget hearts unrestrained and self-indulgent,
be dissolute and only fixed upon the five forms of desire
and thereby fall into evil ways."

Those who think of themselves as Buddhas just as they are, merely by virtue of their being alive or merely by virtue of the organization they belong to, are like this, conceited and narcissistic.

Now let me say something about poisoning the well and peeing in the soup. Perhaps there are those who will consider me narcissistic or conceited for what I am about to say:

We independent disciples of Nichiren and Nichiju of the Kempon Hokke are a filter in which the impurities in the Nichiren faith are strained and removed. Citing the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren, our points are proven. All who proclaim the Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha supreme will quickly reach the other shore. Those who deny the Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha, are base and shallow.

Nichiren Daishonin states:

"I have made a vow. Even if someone says that he would make me the ruler of Japan on the condition that I give up the Lotus Sutra and rely upon the Amida Sutra for my salvation in the next life, or even if someone threatens me saying that he will execute my parents if I do not say 'Namu Amida-butsu,' and no matter how many great difficulties fall upon me, I will not submit to them until a man of wisdom defeats me by reason. Other difficulties are like dust in the wind. I will never break my vow that I will become the pillar of Japan, I will become the eyes of Japan, and I will become the great vessel of Japan." -- Kaimoku Sho (Opening the Eyes)

We are  not the first nor will I be the last to read the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, realize their truths, and come to the same conclusions as Nichiren. Those who come later and share our beliefs (those who carefully study the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin), I pray will be ever more faithful and wise in defending what the Buddha has entrusted to us. Nichiren says, now is the time to outlaw misleading religions and philosophies, not the time to bask in the pleasure of ten thousand prayers.


  1. So, decade plus of your rantings and what has transpired is the most divisive, volition violent conditions in our society. your deride demeaning rhetoric mirrored in our politics.
    when proscribing a 10,000 year long haul for establishing the Lotus Sutra in this world, it seems the Buddha knew there would be many who would proclaim they have attained what Mark claims he “is”.
    So, all good. the Buddha entrusted the essential teaching to Nichiren. so long as the perfect teaching is shared, we can rest assured that even Mark will as a matter of course, get straightened out someday in the far distant future.

    1. As if I, one man, was the cause of calamities and disasters and not the millions of divisive SGI and NST leaders and members? It is you who are blind, not I.

    2. don't think she meant *just you*
      but then everything is about you here

  2. Outlaw misleading religions and philosophies? You’re living in the wrong country talking like that!
    If you cannot practice faithfully amidst the realities of “ where you live” ,then may I suggest you move to Russia where the ruling class enforces what they outlaw? Get some real life experience with the type of oppression you and your right wing extremist friends are hoping to accomplish here !

  3. The conceited and narcissistic

    Please don't print any of this especially the stuff about musk. I am disabled.  I am nobody. I have had violent racists and fascists threaten to find me and kill me on the inet and off

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Says If She And Bannon Planned Jan. 6, 'We Would Have Won,' Twitter Slams Republican
    By Elizabeth Stimmel
    12/12/22 AT 2:12 PM
    In a speech at the New York Young Republicans Club gala Saturday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., told the audience that if she and former Donald Trump political strategist Steve Bannon planned the Capitol Riots that "we would have won," and "it would've been armed

    If you or I said this we would be in jail or shot by cops

    Musk got millions to start his companies from his father and people he chisled. Gets billions from the US in military. Billions in subsidies from the chinese.. Got  millions from his rich father, who owned one of the largest emerald mines in the world. Billions from other crooks. He did not start Tesla. That is a lie. Several former employees and engineers who stated Tesla, sued musk for faking his credentials. He has no real college degree. No degree in physics from university of Pennsylvania. He bought that degree. Cannot write real computer code . He has never sold anything with code he has writen. Had others write code for PayPal. His boring company is a joke. His self driving Teslas have killed several
    Adults and children.

    1. Agreed 100%. Hope you as a disabled person are chanting abundant Daimoku.

  4. Please don't print any of this especially the stuff about musk. I am disabled.  I am nobody. I have had violent racists and fascists threaten to find me and kill me on the inet and off
    Marjorie Taylor Greene Says If She And Bannon Planned Jan. 6, 'We Would Have Won,' Twitter Slams Republican
    By Elizabeth Stimmel
    12/12/22 AT 2:12 PM
    In a speech at the New York Young Republicans Club gala Saturday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., told the audience that if she and former Donald Trump political strategist Steve Bannon planned the Capitol Riots that "we would have won," and "it would've been armed

    If you or I said this we would be in jail or shot by cops

    1. Greene and Bannon should be in jail. Musk is no one to look up to. Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren are those to embrace as examples.

    Musk got millions to start his companies from his father and people he chisled. Gets billions from the US in military. Billions in subsidies from the chinese.. Got  millions from his rich father, who owned one of the largest emerald mines in the world. Billions from other crooks. He did not start Tesla. That is a lie. Several former employees and engineers who stated Tesla, sued musk for faking his credentials. He has no real college degree. No degree in physics from university of Pennsylvania. He bought that degree. Cannot write real computer code . He has never sold anything with code he has writen. Had others write code for PayPal. His boring company is a joke. His self driving Teslas have killed several
    Adults and children.
    Musk says the birthrate is going down and the world needs more people. So he has had brats with 4 stupid women.  Musk is also a notorious substance abuser who goes to burning man every year.

    Musk will never have colonies in space. First of all, there is too much cosmic radiation, in space. No hull can protect humans from it. Cosmic radiation. Cosmic radiation is a hundred times more penetrating, than gamma radiation.
    Gamma radiation and neutron bursts are the most deadly on earth. One concentrated burst, of gamma radiation,, will kill you.
    Most astronauts are damaged, by their time in space. There are no known propulsion systems, that will  feasibly take large groups of people to Mars. Musk is such a liar and con. His tin can Mars rocket, will never go much anywhere.  Nuclear is a mIndfukingly evil joke, that would probably irradiate, any passengers to Mars to death, before they got to Mars. Fusion is science fantasy, and it generates tritium. Any attempt at space colonization will finish the earths atmosphere, from the massive propellants pollution, any such undertaking would cause. It's almost there already. Atmospheric pollution, is so bad from chemical pollution that it is almost unbreathable in many areasof the world.
    Autism has increased exponentially, since the advent of the atomic age, 77 years ago.
    It is probably from a defect in the 42d gene sequence. It can be a disabling developmental condition, that can range from high functioning aspergers, to the requirement of 24 hr a day care.
    In the 50s one in a thousand had autism. Then in the early 60s, one in one hundred. By the 80s, one in 60. By the 21st century there are  1 in thirty on the spectrum. That prevalence, goes well beyond any correlations, with the burst in population growth in the past 75 years. Autism exponential increase,  does correlate well with the creation of millions of tons of nuclear waste, that has grown exponentially over 77 years.  The nuclear bomb tests. The uranium mining and processing. The maniacal nuclear reactors, that spew tritium cs137,  i131 into the environment. The nuclear meltdowns and much, much more!
    Radionuclides are the most genotoxic, mutagenic,  gene altering substances. Millions of times
    more so, than the closest nitrogen mustard, or chemical mutagen.
    Elon musk is on the spectrum! 3 of his kids have disabling autism! He is a sick bastard. He said he feeds his babies fukushima applesauce. Lying fuker!
    In Japan, their solution, and one applauded by this psychotic ass, Musk and  Bill Gates, another guy on the spectrum who has 3 disabled autistic children, is to build more nuclear reactors.

    1. Disgusting human beings. Agreed. Chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and you will have nothing to fear.

  6. Please don't print this

    The old fascist Boobs in Japan that are pushing more reactors, are the ultimate nuclear criminals. They are a scripted part of Japan’s imminent collapse. One more meltdown in Japan,  will mean acute radiation poisoning and death for half of Japan. That is  because, the radionuclide prevalence will be large and “undiluted” enough, to cause visible and widespread death in Japan.

    Japanese society continues to fail, with the large initial spewing of radionuclides, as far south as Yokohama. The prevailing norm in Japan is suicidal denial. They have actually been burning nuclear waste from fukushima and spreading, the most deadly radionuclides, all over japan!
    Fukushima continues to pour deadly radionuclides into the environment. Birth defect statistics are suppressed. Cancer rates suppressed. There is putrid malaise, in most of japan.

    Musk supports fascism in Japan and elsewhere. Abe was a nasty fascist. Gates was best buds with abe

    Modern Fascism, is deeply linked to organized crime and corruption.  It is the last stage of political organization, in corrupt, industrial societies. It is antidemocratic. It denies, climate change and industrial pollution. Fascism scapegoats groups of people, as the cause of problems. Fascism ignores the results of climate change, industrial pollution, and declining life expectancies, in declining industrial nations. Fascism denies these industrial ills, that cause climate change and dangerous levels of heavy metal and chemical pollution. In fact, fascists, deregulate toxic substance controls and bans.
    Fascists, want to increase fossil fuel extraction and, nuclear energy production.
    Suicidal denial, projection, and irrationality, in a very sick society.
    Turning to fascism, signals the death-knell, for a decaying, dying nationality, in the anthropocene age because, of it's reactionary and antidemocratic nature.
    Italy’s mafias, have dumped concentrated high-level, nuclear waste, in municipalities dumps in Italy,  for  the past 4 decades. Heavy metal pollution like lead,  arsenic,  radionuclides,  and mercury is widespread and has high prevalence in all industrial societies.  Arsenic and radium, comes from car exhaust, from burning fossil fuels.
    Lead and uranium are in water, from fracking and leaded pipes.
    Mercury and radiocuclides in foods, comes  from years of mercury pollution, nuclear waste, nuclear accidents, and nuclear power.  
    High toxic pollution levels exist, in most capitalist and mixed-economy consumption-based, societies.
    The metals cause physical disability and dementia, in already failing societies.
    Western countries descending into fascism already suffer parliamentry stalemate, austerity economics, economic decline,  the interference  of other countries in their politics and economies. Pollution, climate change,  and fascism, are sure to lead to  the accelerated, suicidal decline of Italy.
    It is a society that will only decline further, with such an irrational political system, until it implodes in this anthropocene age, as Japan is, under the weight of Fukushima. As Ukraine did, under the weight of chernobyl. Ukraine is so full of radioactive waste and Hotspot that most people will die of cancer there. If the Ukraine lasts another 30 years. At least a third to a quarter of the kids in the Ukraine had birthdefects in doses and by kyiv when I was there in 2007. The scientist who did the fruit fly experiments in the193s with radiation proved that once one fruit fly gets a  birth defect Mutation from a radiation indeed chromosome break its line will die out in 10 generation or sooner. Thats why there are no blue butterflies by fukuhima any more. So much for
    musk and his bogus eugenics.
    People need to band together and help the kids now. Do something besides violence gre and more destruction

    1. It is a most sad situation for which I chant many daimoku. Fukushima has been swept under the rug by the Japanese fascists and the CEO and leaders of TEPCO, the CEO who is a vice president of the Soka Gakkai.

      Part 1
      Fascism in "Buddhism": is perpetrated by the Soka Gakkai:

      The following passages with capitalized words are from Scruton along with commentary proving that the SGI has the essential features of Fascism :

      “[Fascism is] more notable as a political phenomenon on which diverse intellectual influences converge than as a distinct idea; as political phenomenon, one of its most remarkable features has been the ability to win massive popular support for ideas that are expressly ANTI-EGALITARIAN.”

      Despite their rhetoric, there is a huge chasm between general members and their religious leaders in the Soka Gakkai. If a general member or lower level leader disagrees with a higher level leader, it is always the general member who lacks faith or should reflect. If a leader visits the home of a member, the leader invaraibly leads prayers even if the member has been practicing many years more than the leader.

      "Fascism is characterized by the following features (not all of which need be present in any of its recognized instances"): nationalism; HOSTILITY TO DEMOCRACY,” TO EGALITARIANISM”

      Not one leader has ever been elected in the Soka Gakkai but they call themselves, “the flower of Buddhist democracy”. Whenever members like the IRG group or individuals bring up elections of leaders, the higher level leaders, questions their faith or spins it that, “the SGI is already a Buddhist democracy, of what use are elections.” A leaders term is indefinite and the higher level leaders serve at the whim of the unelected “President”. Some leaders have been Vice General Directors, General Directors, or Vice Presidents for decades.

      ‘and to the VALUES OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT” [The Age of Reason]:

      Another name for this age is the Age of Free Thought. As we have seen there is no free thought in the Soka Gakkai. See how far one gets in the organization were one to take Shakyamuni, Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, or Michio Kaku as their mentor instead of Daisaku Ikeda. Free thought extends to the sphere of freedom of study. One can not even study the various extant Gohonzons in the Soka Gakkai because it is forbidden to photograph the Gohonzon. Even an independent study of the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin is frowned upon. One must utilize the commentaries of the mentor. There were dozens of debating societies during the Age of Enlightenment. There is no debate in the Soka Gakkai. It is the mentors way or the highway and they are loathe to debate the other Nichiren sects, particularly the Kempon Hokke.


    2. Part 2 Fascism and the Soka Gakkai:


      One need only observe the 20 foot banners, monuments, plaques and reliefs of Ikeda to know that the Soka Gakkai is a cult of personality. The teaching of the Oneness of Mentor and Disciple too is evidence. The memorizations ["fusing with", "burning into ones life"] of Ikeda’s guidances, aphorisms and poems, is another example. Naming dozens of parks, buildings, schools, and monuments after Ikeda, is yet another example.


      His voluminous and often ghost written books, his hundreds of paid for honorarium; “his ability to read minds and know what others are thinking.”; “‘The sun always shining when he comes to visit.”; His fidelity; loyalty; sincerity; never erring on religious or secular matter; the list literally goes on and on.


      One finds dozens of claims of the inability of people to attain Buddhahood outside the SGI organization. Every Division has their own flag and special symbols. The SGI has its own flag and symbol. Uniforms were a big part of the USA organization for years and are still worn in Japan. Uniformity, especially among the young men’s division is highly valued. Many fail to move up the organizational ladder if they have a moustache or beard. They have grandiose parades and their young men’s and young women’s divisions are run with military inspired discipline.

      “The ultimate doctrine contains little that is specific, beyond AN APPEAL TO ENERGY AND ACTION”:

      “Victory or defeat”; “ever victorious”; “life condition”; “take action today”; “It is essential for our members to raise their voices and take action.”; “Develop the will and spiritual energy to guide your members.”; give your very life for the Soka Gakkai.” “A lion is fearless. A lion is never defeated. A lion never laments. A lion is swift. A lion roars. A lion runs. And, above all, a lion wins without fail.”

      “Another way to look at fascism is as a movement of extreme racial or CULTURAL NATIONALISM, combined with ECONOMIC CORPORATISM and AUTHORATARIAN AUTOCRACY”:


    3. Part 3 Fascism and the Soka Gakkai:

      The Soka Gakkai is a country within the countries to which it has spread. There most definitely is a culture of Soka. The minor differences in the organizations of the various countries is window dressing rather than a true cultural assimilation. We would not be wrong to say it is an organization based on the Japanese cultural baggage of Bushido or way of the warrior [fierce loyalty, honor, feudalism]. They are one of the largest multi-national religious corporations in the world.

      “masked during its rise to state [world] power by PSEUDO-RADICAL POPULIST appeals to overthrow a conspiratorial elitist regime”:

      Anyone who opposes the goal of “world peace” based on the Soka “value creation” philosophy are elitists, intellectuals, or priest-like.




      Nothing could be more reactionary than the autocratic pyramidal structure of the Soka Gakkai formulated by Three Presidents and perfected by Daisaku ikeda, “The Buddha of the modern age who looks upon the people as his children”.


      Daisaku Ikeda’s Concept of Peace Cosmology is an example of SGI’s grandiose metaphysical goal. It doesn’t even limit the metaphysical goal to the earth but the entire cosmos.

      In his internal speeches since 1991, and in the latest Human Revolution series, we come to see that the evil Nichiren Shoshu priests and the the other evil Nichiren sects, in general, are the only thing preventing the realization of the worldwide actualization of Soka peace cosmology or the spread of the true teachings [Kosen Rufu].

      “In any case, in most definitions of fascism the themes of conspiracism and a NEEDED SCAPEGOAT emerge”:

      The Nichiren priests, in general and the Nichiren Shoshu, specifically, according to the SGI are the Third of the Three Powerful Enemies, to be crushed. They can’t even see that their high paid business suited lay leaders are what Dengyo terms, nominal Bhikksus or priests.

      The parallels between fascism and the Soka Gakkai are conclusive. Other parallels are, elitism, xenophobia and drive for control, for example. Then there is the false propaganda and propagandists, those like yourself.

      Daisaku Ikeda is not our pet devil nor is he even the reincarnation of Devedatta. He is our best friend in the entire World because without Ikeda and his organization, there would be no way to contrast the SGI with the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren.


    4. "Soka Gakkai is fascism with a smile" -- French author

    5. 1). "Ask in all that you do: What would the Führer do." -- Rudolph Hess Nazi leader

      "You should continually ask yourself, what would Sensei do?" -- Tariq Hassan SGI leader

      2). "Wherever you are, you owe thanks to the Führer, for his leadership enabled every victory." -- Rudolph Hess Nazi leader

      "Having gratitude for Sensei assures us a glorious victory." -- Linda Johnson SGI leader

      3). "You are all the scouts and the defenders of the National Socialist army of the movement. You are each indispensable and equal. Each of you is as unique in history as National Socialism itself. You are typically National Socialist." -- Rudolph Hess Nazi leader

      "You are the youthful defenders of the Mystic Law. Let us protect our mentor and our noble SGI organization. You are all equal and each one of you has a mission only you can fulfill. You yourself are the Soka Gakkai." -- Nathan Gauer SGI Youth leader

      4). "Being true to Hitler’s spirit means always being a model. “To be a leader is to be an example.” -- Rudolph Hess

      "Having Sensei's spirit means being a model for others. Leaders must first set an example." -- Andy Nagashima SGI leader

  7. Their faith is even more incorrect than their pronunciation of the Mystic Law
    "And when the two characters for namu are prefixed to Myoho-renge-kyo, or the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, we have the formula Namu-myoho-renge-kyo." SGI's faulty translation is, "we have the formula Nam-myoho-renge kyo".
    Since we know that Nichiren never, not even once, wrote Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. we can conclude that SGI's translation of the Opening of the Eyes is faulty and deceptive. So too is their chanting of Nam myoho renge kyo. Even were we to give them some credit for chanting the truncated Daimoku, Nichiren teaches, it is correct faith which is most important and their faith is even more incorrect than their pronunciation of the Mystic Law. Is there any doubt that there is an association between incorrect faith and an incorrect pronunciation of the Daimoku? No, it is a direct correlation.
    repeat - gregorio

    1. Myoho Renge Kyo !
      Enjoy your solitude, old man 🥹

    2. Yes Gregorio. May Katie and our detractors wake up from their slander. "One who has fallen to the ground (of slanbder) recovers and rises up from the ground. Those who slander the Lotus Sutra will fall to the ground of the three evil paths, or of the human and heavenly realms, but in the end, through the help of the Lotus Sutra, they will attain Buddhahood." - The Proof of the Lotus Sutra

    3. I have a plethora of friends and family who I love and who love me. I had helped many thousands of patients in my 35 years of practice and they have repaid my help with gratitude and friendship. So many people are envious of my relationship with my wife, children, grandchildren, neighbors, animals and others. I have many friends and family members who chant the daimoku. Nobody could be more fortunate than I. Are you anonymous one of the envious and jealous ones against a votary of the Lotus Sutra? If so, that creates among the worst karma according to the Lotus Sutra and the its Fourteen Slanders that Nichiren high;ighted. Be careful, be very careful.

  8. So, again, how did you and your self professed " sage-like" self, MISS THIS ????????
    ~Katie ;-)

    1. My my, so many attachments you have. So anti-Buddhist Katie. I already forgot how you supported nichiren and the Lotus Sutra. Sad really. Now maybe you could address the truths of my comment on SGI's features of fascism. I think I call you the Ad Hominem Queen. One othewr thing, complaining about some of my readers attacks shows your misunderstandings, lack of faith, and low life condition. You should realize what a benefit it is to be attacked (were you a votary of the Lotus Sutra.

    2. The same way you miss supporting the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, fundamental darkness.

    3. Accountability is the issue- not attachments.
      So ad hominem only applies to my criticisms?
      Publishing hate speech towards me-- you are okay with?
      No moral compass-- no evidence of human values .
      I have always supported Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra.
      You and Greg are persons I came to know as insincere, and totally phony.
      Working and enjoying my life-- just as I have done all along. You should realize how little your pronouncements mean to a woman of strong faith :-)

  9. odd that you can't "read the room"; fail to adjust your "preaching" to show respect for your audience and are notorious for being moderated on other forums for your penchant for demeaning and intimidating other believers.
    don't want to "go there" regarding your extremist secular views, but will say you have shown extremely poor judgement and a big deficit in your study of history and cultural aspects of propagating the daimoku in america. as is often the case w/ narcissists, you project your shortcomings on to others with alacrity.

    1. Nichiren was banished and exiled from many different quarters and because I strive to practice as he, so am I.

    2. nope! wrong!
      you were simply moderated for using abusive language
      which you continue here on your bully pulpit
      you whine like the maga crowd who use their bull horns to complain they are being *cancelled*
      whenever i need a good laugh-- there you are!

    3. I am not complaining. It is my greatest honor to be banished and exiled again and again for the sake of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren.

    4. LOL banished from where--- internet forums?
      like yours, where you moderate like a bat outta hell?
      you never stop tooting your little horn. do you?
      it's like a compulsion to be noticed.
      hmmm where do we see similar pathology?
      oh right-- the con man you chose for potus in 2016.

    5. But yet there you are, posting pics of you in your home ! Exiled ? Not unless someone armed to the teeth shows up to “ take your homestead “ from your willing hands !
      You’ve been moderated, not banished or exiled , for crying out loud !
      You carried on like a lunatic in front of a community center in NYC, calling leaders , cowards, etc. and were asked to leave or be arrested for trespassing %! In other words , you lacked the skill or capacity to engage others, earn respect and share your views. You lack the acumen to teach !
      And you continue to disrespect anyone who points out your blatant lies.
      ~ Katiev
