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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Helen Chinberg very very proud leader of the kinder gentler SGI

"Concerning this web site, I find it to be the most negative and self-destructive piece of trash on the entire world wide web. Your continous slander of the Soka Gakkai will only bring you to the achivihell of incessent suffering for many kalpas to come. I sincerely hope that Nikken steps down from his high and mighty throne and stands up like a real man and admiits his wrong doings to President Ikeda and the entire membership of the Soka Gakkai. There is only one organization that will be left standing and it won't be the Nikken sect. You have a lot of nerve to call yourselves Buddhist. I would describe you all as dogs wearing the robes of priests. Nichiren Daishonin would SHIT on you and use your faces to wipe his ASS. You may never in all of history be ever praised by the Buddha Nichiren Daishonin for the evil works that you have done to this planet and it's inhabitants. As far as I am concerned if the rest of the adherents of your concepts of what you so slanderously call Buddhism, die, as the ones that have in the past, I would not weap one tear for them. You have made a mockery of the concept of Buddhism. All of the trash on this web site should be deleted from the internet. The Soka Gakkai doesn't slander you so why in the hell should be so defensive in coming at us like you do? It is really strange that Nittasu Shonin died so mysteriously, isn't it? His body wasn't even cold before Nikken took over the Head Temple. He is not the priest that should inherit the position of High Priest. All of the leaders in the Soka Gakkai know this to be true. I am sure that Nittasu told President Ikeda who was legally to be in that position. Nikken Abe is a thief and a liar. He hates all of the members of the Hokkeko and never loved anyone else that was or wasn't a priest. Now all of you who belong to the slanderous Nikken Sect sleep in the same bed with DUNG. I stand by and watch all of the people you have swayed to come over to the temple die, get divorced, become ill, loose their jobs and status in life, their lives have been devastated and completely destroyed because they follow an evil priest that calls himself the living buddha. This is sick and demented. All of Nikken's teachings are for his benefit. He wants you to believe that he is the true buddha, he wants you to believe that everything he tells you is true. It is not, all that he tells you is false." -- Hellen Chinberg, very very proud SGI member


  1. What I find interesting is at no time did this person put up any documentary proof of their allegations it was all name calling and personal abuse .This is always resorted to by people who cannot really hold up a sensible debate.At no time was the real reasons for the organisations being incorrect in their teachings was discussed they relied on the persons not on the LOTUS SUTRA. The S.G.I an organisation they say this wed site slanders is not the Law and does not uphold the law so it is not as serious as slandering some one who is trying to defend the Lotus Sutra .If this person is so proud of being a S.G.I member why do they not hold their head up in a dignified manner.If someone is as angry as this I believe there is no logic in they're thinking but pure emotion which is either fear or a strong NEED for the organisation .The Buddha said look to the Law not to a person or persons. What is an organisation but a collection of people this is erroneous because it is not the Law but people are led to believe it is more important.The S.G.I and other Buddhist sects who do not revere the Lotus sutra need to be refuted and this is what this web site does. Anyone who does that is motivated by compassion and for no other reason.

  2. helen like all the sgi/nst has been brainwashed and does not understand what the buddha and nichiren taught. i recommend some serious study of real buddhism. cults are all the same. too bad , too sad.

  3. I haven't looked at this site for months. It's very funny to see that nothing has changed. You all are still spewing vitriol about people, SGI etc. What would you all have to do in life without all this complaint and attack?? Please get a real life. I am an SGI member, I try my best not bad mouth people, I do study and I do think for myself. You guys are really stuck in a time warp. Just let it go. If you don't like SGI, NST or KHK, then so be it. Don't go away mad-----Just go away. I notice there are only 45 people registered on this website. How do you expect to propagate this on a large scale by such negativity and vitriol?? I know you think you are saving "the stupid masses" but come on, enough is enough. And don't hide behind your interpretations of what you think Nichiren or Shakamuni said. Granted that there are still people of the "old style" in SGI however things continue to evolve and lighten up at a miraculous pace. Whatever happened to "all rivers lead to the ocean". Let's come back in 200 to 300 years and see how this has all played out. Meanwhile let's all (including me) stop being so righteous and just follow our own calling in a positive way. It never ceases to amaze me how basically all religions get into the "infighting" thing and end up calling each other names and some even killing each other. Pretty sad stuff. It would be much more helpful if we each respect each other and have a respectful discussion of our ideas without attack or condemnation. And I do mean on all sides---SGI, NST, KHK, NBAA and you guys at Eagle Peak Blog. Nichiren lived almost 800 years ago. The world has changed dramatically. His basic principles will always be pertinent but the way he had to deal with other people is not the same as today (in my opinion). We are not being persecuted by other priest or the government. Nobody is seriously threatening to kill us. Can't we please be more respectful of each other. I will try my best if you will also try. How else are we going to create a more peaceful world it we can't even stop attacking each other. Please think about this. We have a chance to create a new a bright future. Let's do it. It takes courage for all of us to let go of our egos and become more humble and respectful of each other. I really don't want to be goaded into attacking or defending. Let's just respect each other's lives and lets agree to disagree on some things. Please. Enough is enough already. Thanks.

    1. Having this online Sangha brings about an openness and freedom of expression that creates an environment that no sect can muzzle.
      Being under the control of a sect inhibits the ability of the individual to speak out because of the threat of being treated like a Leper by those who are either to scared to stand up for themselves or others, dyed in the wool fake true believers and those who's only desire is to fleece the sheep

      In Japan the majority of patients receiving psychiatric care are suffering from depression are Soka Gakkai members.

      Their is a crises of faith amongst those who believe in the core doctrines of the faith because the organization has changed its direction by moving away from it's roots without informing the members of where they are going. This problem is in epidemic proportions throughout the Globe within the SGI, just read some of the experiences that people share on this blog and you'll see what I mean."Better the Devil you know than the one you don't"

      All the Nichiren sects have issues to work out and who better than the people they are supposed to represent to bring them to account for what they are doing. If they can listen then maybe they can improve, but if nobody raises any objections when they know something is wrong what hope is there.

      I want you to know that there is more to what's going on than what you realize and that there is always room for healthy constructive criticism as it is necessary if we wish to expand our awareness even though it maybe painful but at the same time liberating.

      Nichiren is a good example of dishing out criticisms to those who had it coming, so why shouldn't those who regard him as their teacher do like wise. We only need to read Gosho to see who he is

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. anonymous is no place to be. study the real teachings and try again. what you say is no more than arbitrary opinion and does not match the teachings. wake up.

  6. Excellent Noel and Greg. How right you are and how wrong is Anonymous in the light of the Lotus Sutra and teachings of Nichiren.

  7. BTW Anonymous, you are proof that the world hasn't changed much. You are the arrogant one thinking that you can instruct Nichiren and his disciples.

  8. and insisting on the superiority of the SGI way rather than Nichiren's.
