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Sunday, October 12, 2014

SGI Gohonzon or Nichiren Gohonzon?


  1. You can see the appearances, feel the natures and essences, and experience the powers, influences, causes, effects, and recompenses of these two Gohonzons with your life.

    1. yes with the Gohonzon of the SGI ... everything starts from the Faith ... and with the Gohonzon there are no more intermediaries ... we communicate directly with the Universe ... science explains us through the composition of matter that even matter is insubstantial, being substantial (see composition of the atom) ... that is what MyoHo means, wonderful law that governs all phenomena! This Gohonzon is the representation of the forces, and the Mystic Law of the Universe, and when we come in contact with it by the recitation of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, we can feel its nature, its essence, we can experience its power, understand the causes and effects of our karma, and transform our Life so that it reflects the illuminated properties that its Happiness, purity, true Self, and eternity (to know that our Life is endless and beginning, but present to us on several forms through births and deaths) !!!

    2. Wishful thinking SGI ichantika. There is no benefit in Ikedaism. Ikeda is your intermediary. How ugly.

    3. Ikeda is not an intermediary. He is one of many who has preserved the lineage of the Buddha, if you want to get specific. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the title of the Lotus Sutra.

    4. Blind man Unknown, can't see his eyebrows so close to his face.

  2. SGI Gohonzon has a better layout. Nichiren's Gohonzon in the same layout would be more aesthetically pleasing

  3. I didn't know you could read Chinese? How about this Nichiren Gohonzon, do you think the SGI Gohonzon has a superior format to it: ?

    Perfectly "formatting" the Gohonzon [if I understand what you mean by "formatting"] depends solely on the skill of the formatter and the quality of the scroll. One could even gold leaf the border were one so inclined. I think that would be the ultimate formatting for a Gohonzon.

    Now, if you mean the layout of the characters themselves, the Nichiren Gohonzon, which I compared to the SGI Gohonzon, is a ten world Expanded Style Gohonzon. The SGI Gohonzon is missing some representatives of the Ten Worlds, for example, Devedatta.

    1. I was referring to the width of the background around the bottom and top of the Gohonzon, in retrospect I could of been more specific. I like the colour red, as it corresponds with fire, that symbolizes good fortune and joy in Chinese culture
      Briefly, the Japanese god of smallpox -- Hōsō Kami 疱瘡神 -- is intimately associated with the color red in Japan. The first record of smallpox in Japan appears in the Nikon Shoki (日本書紀, approx. 720 AD). But the disease reached Japan much earlier, around the time of Buddhism’s introduction (circa 550 AD). The disease was very dangerous. If the ill person’s skin turned purple, it was considered serious. But if the skin turned red, it was believed the patient would recover.

      DEMONS AND DISEASE. In Japan, the color red is associated closely with a few deities in Shinto and Buddhist traditions, and statues of these deities are often decked in red clothing or painted red. There are many clues that underpin the red association. The most compelling clues involve demon quelling and disease (e.g., smallpox, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, measles). According to Japanese folk belief, RED is the color for "expelling demons and illness.” The rituals of spirit quelling were regularly undertaken by the Yamato court during the Asuka Period (522 - 645 AD). Centered on the fire god (a red deity), these purification rites were designed to purify the land by sending evil spirits to the Ne no Kuni (details here). This association with evil segues easily into other links with child mortality, protection against evil forces (sickness), fertility, the caul (embryonic membrane covering the head at birth), and other child-birth imagery. The red bibs, red robes, red scarfs, and red caps found frequently on certain Japanese deities (discussed below) lend strong support to this interpretation.

      Briefly, the Japanese god of smallpox -- Hōsō Kami 疱瘡神 -- is intimately associated with the color red in Japan. The first record of smallpox in Japan appears in the Nikon Shoki (日本書紀, approx. 720 AD). But the disease reached Japan much earlier, around the time of Buddhism’s introduction (circa 550 AD). The disease was very dangerous. If the ill person’s skin turned purple, it was considered serious. But if the skin turned red, it was believed the patient would recover.

      This early association between demons of disease and the color red was gradually turned upside-down -- proper worship of the disease deity would bring life, but improper worship or neglect would result in death. In later centuries, the Japanese recommended that children with smallpox be clothed in red garments and that those caring for the sick also wear red (smallpox details here). The Red-Equals-Sickness symbolism quickly gave way to a new dualism between evil and good, between death and life, between hell and heaven, with red embodying both life-creating and life-sustaining powers. As a result, the color red was dedicated not only to deities of sickness and demon quelling, but also to deities of healing, fertility, and childbirth. Many countries outside Japan also have “red” traditions that are closely associated with sickness. See this outside site for details.

    2. ten world Expanded Style Gohonzon. The SGI Gohonzon is missing some representatives of the Ten Worlds, for example, Devedatta."

      I remember you telling me that and so immediately checked Nichikans Gohonzon and was shocked to find that not only Devadatta was missing so were the representatives of 4 more worlds of the 10 worlds which reduced our Gohonzon to a 5 world Gohonzon

      Only today I was saying how fortunate that we have Nichiren's 10 world Gohonzon in our lives and thanks Mark for making that possible despite our differences

    3. Thank the Great Muni and Nichiren1


  5. i am sgi member and searchin for other nichiren buddhism members. i know sgi gohonzon is computer gohonzon but how can i get an original gohonzon?

  6. practice with the same faith as Nichiren and study, study, study.

  7. practice with the same faith as Nichiren and study, study, study.

  8. I so and read very often in the gosho.but where do you get your gohonzon?

  9. From others, online, Gohonzon stores. Tell me about your faith and practice Madame.

  10. I practice nichiren buddhism like sgi.sorry for my English,i am more interest whats says the gosho,nichiren ans so.i still habe my problems with some facts in sgi,like daigohonzon....i still believe that there is one gohonzon for the World but i think of it as this original ans from this comes copies and so on.but i dont believe this daigohonzon is netter then my gohonzon at home or i must go to some place in the World ans chant to some special gohonzon.i so believe that wasen't nichirens i dont believe this also in sgi,germangohonzon in Bingen or kosenrufu gohonzon in Japan are not netter than my gohonzon at home.dont search gohonzon outside yourself says what do you believe.mark? Greatings michael

  11. Since you practice not-Nichiren SGI pseudo-Buddhism, I think it would be incongruent for you to possess a copy of a Nichiren Gohonzon. Certainly, were you to acquire a copy of a Nichiren inscribed Gohonzon, you would no longer be welcome in the SGI [for the better].

  12. Can You send me an private email:

  13. Tried to send you an email. "undeliverable". my email is

  14. Dim versus bright. Weak versus powerful.

  15. How fortunate we are to chant to a Nichiren Gohonzon!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Jamás busque este Gohonzon fuera de usted misma. El Gohonzon existe sólo en la carne mortal de nosotros, las personas comunes que creemos en el Sutra del loto y entonamos Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. El cuerpo es el palacio de la novena conciencia,8 la realidad invariable que reina sobre todas las funciones de la vida. Estar dotado de los diez estados significa que los diez, sin una sola excepción, existen en cada estado. Por ese motivo se lo denomina mandala. «Mandala» es una palabra sánscrita que se traduce como «perfectamente dotado» o «cúmulo de beneficios». A la vez, este Gohonzon se encuentra sólo en los dos ideogramas con que se escribe «fe».// Nichiren Daishonin

    1. Accidently removed the English:

      Anonymous March 4, 2020PM

      "Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The body is the palace of the ninth consciousness,8 the unchanging reality that reigns over all of life’s functions. To be endowed with the Ten Worlds means that all ten, without a single exception, exist in one world. Because of this it is called a mandala. Mandala is a Sanskrit word that is translated as “perfectly endowed” or “a cluster of blessings.” This Gohonzon also is found only in the two characters for faith.9 This is what the sutra means when it states that one can “gain entrance through faith alone.”

  18. Disputed text. Still, doesn't invalidate:

    or Ichinen Sanzen (Three Thousand Realms in a Momentary Existence of the Life which contains the Three Realms (realm of the individual, realm of society AND REALM OF THE ENVIRONMENT.

    nor this:

    Even though statues and paintings were made of these Shakyamuni Buddhas during the two millennia, no image or statue was made of the Buddha of the “Life Span” chapter.63 Only in the Latter Day of the Law will the representation of that Buddha appear.

    nor this:

    "Since I heard from you about Kyō’ō, I have been praying to the gods of the sun and moon for her every moment of the day. Always cherish the Gohonzon that I gave you some time ago for her protection. The Gohonzon was never known, let alone inscribed, by anyone in the Former or Middle Day of the Law. The lion king is said to advance three steps, then gather himself to spring, unleashing the same power whether he traps a tiny ant or attacks a fierce animal. In inscribing this Gohonzon for her protection, Nichiren was like the lion king. This is what the sutra means by “the power [of the Buddhas] that has the lion’s ferocity.”1 Believe in this mandala with all your heart. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?"

    Gohonzon exists both inside and out.

  19. One but not one, two but not two.
