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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

"Thank you Ivan for posting my favorite daily guidance of Sensei."

"Buddhism is a battle against devils and obstacles. You can defeat them only with the power of strong daimoku. Having an accident shows that you have been defeated by devils. So, when you meet with an accident, you should take a strict look at yourself." -- Daisaku Ikeda

Helen Chinberg SGI Area leader says, "Thank you Ivan for posting my favorite daily guidance of Sensei." 

Reading this guidance by Daisaku Ikeda, I couldn't help thinking about one of the top SGI senior leaders in New York whose car was run over by a snow plow in the 80's. He died after many agonizing hours in the hospital. Surely, he was defeated by devils by Ikeda's reasoning. I wonder if at the last moment he took Ikeda's guidance to heart, "I must have really slandered, I've been defeated by devils." 

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