Dave: “Mark, the Shakyamuni you are worshipping is not the Gautama from India. It is a fictional Shakyamuni, symbolically created by the authors of the Lotus Sutra, who were trying to enlighten people to their own Eternal Buddha nature.”
Mark: Lets just throw out one body of the Three Bodied Tathagata, the Manifestation Body, shall we?. Good. Now, that fits nicely with your dream within a dream.
Dave: The reality these authors knew for themselves from their own enlightenment. The Shakyamuni of the Lotus Sutra is a story of how a person can attain buddhahood and how he realized that the Buddhahood he attained, was not just a recent occurance (under the bodhi tree), but that Eternal Buddhahood is within all beings.
Mark: If Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin never taught you this [through Myoho renge kyo], you would be a wandering mendicant.
Dave: i know you think this connection to Shakamuni is important and it is important, but if interpeted the worng way you miss the real point.
Mark: We interpret this exactly as Nichiren Daishonin. Nichiren didn’t revere a disembodied Buddha like Dainichi or Buddha-nature. He revered The Three Bodied Tathagata Shakyamuni, as do we.
Dave: Gautama was a regular person who dicovered how to have the experience of enligtenment. Worshipping him was never his teaching anymore then worshipping Nichiren, was Nichiren’s teaching. Both taught the law.
Mark: Kobo too called Shakyamuni Buddha [of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra] an ordinary person: “In his Precious Key to the Secret Treasury he [Kobo] claims that the Shakyamuni Buddha of the ‘Life Span’ chapter of the Lotus Sutra is an ordinary person,…” — The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra
Dave: In the context of Nichiren dealing with a country of weirdos who worshipped imaginary, fictional buddhas, he pointed back to Shakayamuni a real historical person. he had to break the bad habit of worshipping imaginary beings who would forver be greater then the common mountain folk.
Mark: All of Nichiren’s tears in gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha, just a teaching device, not real tears, crocodile tears. You are cold Dave…and reading too much into a simple religion based largely on gratitude. Shakyamuni Buddha was Nichiren Daishonin’s teacher [and yours], more important than either sovereign or parent, according to Nichiren. The true votaries of the Lotus Sutra are uncommon mountain folk.
Dave: Scouring the gosho for ways to try to refute this is pointless. Nichiren either did not know the Lotus Sutra wasn’t direct from Shakyamuni or wasn’t saying. I believe he had a good idea about it though, based on various statements he made.
Mark: No teachings of the Buddha were direct from Shakyamuni Buddha. Those who put the Lotus Sutra into words were more Enlightened and better at the game of telephone than the others. They were more faithful, disciplined, and had better memories. That is one reason the present day votaries too experience hatred and jealousy. The best among us, Nichiren Daishonin, remembered the teachings he received from Shakyamuni Buddha in the remote past and again at the Ceremony in the Air on Vulture peak. But of course, if we are to believe you, unike his very real tears, he was lying or merely using a teaching device. Thankfully, it is a free country and you are entitled to believe your mind as the source [of Myoho renge kyo]. We believe it was the Buddha’s mind. We thank Shakyamuni Buddha and you thank yourself. Whose view is superior and whose inferior? Whose is based on reality and whose on wishful thinking? Whose is based on ego and whose on egolessness? Whose is based on gratitude and whose based in the World of Anger? Whose is based the Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin and whose is not?
Dave: Were it really the case that the historical Buddha was what Nichiren worshipped, then why inscribe a gohonzon, using Ichinen Sanzen as a basis? Ichinen Sanzen was not taught by Gautama and does not appear in the Lotus Sutra, except when interpreted in the light of ichinen Sanzen. Gautama had taught dependant origination, but did not go further.
Nichiren had his own awakening. So did Tientai. They both knew the Sutra does not teach ichinen sanzen directly. Instead they used ichinen sanzen as a way to interpret the core of the Lotus Sutra.
Mark: You confuse theoretical and actual Ichinen Sanzen. Actual Ichinen Sanzen is the Buddha himself, the Three Bodied Tathagata specifically, and those who realize their relationship to him generally. The Three Bodied Tathagata, one of whose bodies is the historical Shakyamuni Buddha, is best represented by Gohonzon. Gohonzon itself is Actual Ichinen Sanzen. Since Gohonzon too exists within, no external Gohonzon is actually necessary and there are other ways to represent the Eternal Buddha and the Ceremony In the Air.
ReplyDeleteWell Dave. Your comments reveal that your grasp of Buddhist concepts is severely deficient. Study the simple stuff before trying to understand the more difficult ideas.
Foolishness of people misunderstanding Buddhism, is to be expected. The truth is, that arrogant Buddhists, devoid of actual experience, while all the while proclaiming their superiority and thinking themselves smart and wise, are actually complete idiots. They wouldn't recognize truth or a real truth-sayer if it bit them in the nose, while at the same time, pretending they are exuding worshipful humility. Devoid of experience they have nothing to go on but "concepts," dogma, attachments and tortured, furtive desires. Those worshipping a man from past times is even a bigger dummy then worshipping a person living today.
ReplyDeleteSome of these people create an image of an imaginary Buddha and have humility, or some try to worship a man or a lineage and have humility. Some do this with no humility. Some, a forth kind found among the other three types, claim to already have attained what they haven't attained and loudly assert their superiority. This last type are the worst of those who misunderstand. In this last case, a person is devoid of either faith or actual awakening and it is too much to say they have had even a single glimpse of what Buddhism really is. They are like people dreaming and in their dream, run away from monsters beyond their control, while trying to recruit others to their imaginary side, to fight their own internal demons, lying to themselves and others, that they have things under control.
They wake up suddenly and the dream fades and they never see or remember the results of their previous folly. The inclination to bolster themselves falsely, repeats endlessly. It's just the humming of the Evil One, that owns the Evil world. the chortling of know it all shrimps.
No guts and just bluster no Sessen Doji.
Foolishness of people misunderstanding buddhism, is to be expected. The truth is, that arrogant buddhists, devoid of actual experience, while all the while proclaiming their superiority and thinking themselves smart and wise, are actually complete idiots. They wouldn't recognize truth or a real truthsayer if it bit them in the nose, while at the same time, pretending they are exuding worshipfull humility. Devoid of experience they have nothing to go on but "concepts," dogma, attachments and tortured, furtive desires. Those worshipping a man from past times is even a bigger dummy then worshipping a person living today.
Some of these people create an image of an imaginary Buddha and have humility, or some try to worship a man or a lineage and have humility. Some do this with no humility. Some, a forth kind found among the other three types, claim to already have attained what they haven't attained and loudly assert their superiority. This last type are the worst of those who misunderstand. In this last case, a person is devoid of either faith or actual awakening and it is too much to say they have had even a single glimpse of what Buddhism really is. They are like people dreaming and in their dream, run away from monsters beyond their control, while trying to recruit others to their imaginery side, to fight their own internal demons, lying to themselves and others, that they have things under control.
They wake up suddenly and the dream fades and they never see or remember the results of their previous folly. The inclination to bolster themselves falsely, repeats endlessly. It's just the humming of the Evil One, that owns the Evil world. the chortling of know it all shrimps.
No guts and just bluster no Sessen Doji.
We only supplicate to Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin. May humble seekers of the way never have the misfortune to encounter you.