“While their ambiguous status unsuits them as primary sources for Nichiren’s ideas…” — Dr. Jacqueline Stone
I am not saying that Jacqueline Stone is the final arbiter of an understanding of Nichiren’s ideas and his philosophy of salvation but L brought up a point, referencing her famous and interesting dissertation, Some Disputed Writings in the Nichiren Corpus. I would say, however, that this snippet is the crux of our argument against the Soka Gakkai’s interpretation and manifestation of Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism. The SGI utilizes the ambiguous works as the primary source for Nichiren’s ideas while discarding many of Nichiren’s ideas found in the known authentic works [primary sources]. The true Nichiren faith and practice is not found in the Soka Gakkai. As an aside, the Nichiren Shoshu depends on less than the ambiguous works. It depends on known and near universally accepted forgeries.
- Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
If you are incapable of arguing the principle set forth in the snippet, I will.Lets take the SGI’s teaching based on the ambiguous writings, those that promote the original enlightenment theory that you yourself are a Buddha. SGI members, especially when they encounter severe problems, seek out another “Buddha” to help them resolve their problems. Never in the history of the universe has a Buddha received guidance from another Buddha. Either you are or you are not a Buddha. If you are a Buddha that is the end of the matter. If you are not then you had better seek guidance from the Buddha. Nichiren Daishonin writes:“Since Sakyamuni Buddha is eternal and all other Buddhas in the universe are his manifestations, then those great bodhisattvas converted by manifested Buddhas are also disciples of Lord Sakyamuni Buddha. If the “Life Span of the Buddha” chapter had not been expounded, it would be like the sky without the sun and moon, a country without a king, mountains and rivers without gems, or a man without a soul. nevertheless, seemingly knowledgeable men of such provisional schools of Buddhism as Ch’eng-kuan of the Hua-yen, Chia-hsiang of the San-lun, Tz’u-en of the Fa-hsiang, and Kobo of the shingon tried to extoltheir own canons by stating: “The Lord of the Flower Garland Sutra represents the reward-body (hojin) of the Buddha wheras that of the Lotus Sutra the accomodative body (ojin);” or “the Buddha in the sixteenth chapter of the Lotus is an Illusion; it is the great Sun Buddha who is enlightened.” clouds cover the moon and slanderers hide wise men. When people slander, ordinary yellow rocks appear to be of gold and slanderers seem to be wise. Scholars in this age of decay, blinded by slanderous words, do not see the value of a gold in the “Lifespan of the Buddha” chapter. Even among men of the Tendai school some are fooled into taking a yellow rock for gold. They should know that if Sakyamuni had not been the Eternal Buddha, there could not have been so many who received GUIDANCE from Him. ” — Kaimoku Sho p. 27 Translated by Kyotsu Hori, 1992“Now , when the Eternal Buddha was revealed in the essential section of the Lotus Sutra, this world of endurance (Saha-world) became the Eternal Pure Land, indestructible even by the three calamities of conflagration, flooding, and strong winds, which are said to destroy the world. It transcends the four periods of cosmic change: the kalpa of construction, continuance, destruction and emptiness. Sakyamuni Buddha, the Lord-preacher of this pure land, has never died in the past, nor will He be born in the future. He exists forever throughout the past present and future. All those who receive His GUIDANCE are one with this Eternal Buddha.” — Kanjin Honzon-Sho (NOPPA) page 94You L, don’t have a clue as to the nature of a Buddha, the supernaturally divine and all pervasive power of the Gohonzon because the SGI Gohonzon derives from Nichikan and his warped “theology”. The equally warped mind of Ikeda chose for you this man’s Gohonzon because he knew it would foster co-dependency. It is time for you to wake up, take a step back, really study the teachings and readjust your faith, basing it on the Lotus Sutra and the authentic writings of Nichiren Daishonin. All the Daimoku in the world, even with one hundred million eons of effort, will not help you in the least if you don’t perceive the true nature of your life [and the SGI].We, on the other hand put forth a Nichiren Buddhist argument utilizing the undisputed writings as the basis and then [may] borrow from the “ambiguous” writings to support the primary teachings. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
For several years, all we studied, was Ikeda’s lecture on the Heritage of the Law, each time for more than a year, in the eighties and in the nineties too. Boring and possibly a disputed text to boot. The SGI’s blood and marrow are the disputed texts, such as the Ongi Kuden, On the Treasure Tower, The True Aspect of All Phenomena, On the Buddha’s Behavior, and on Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime, to name a few. They are very sophisticated and cunning when it comes to the Five Major Writings for example, those which oppose their “theology”. They change a word here or there, remove a word here or there, or change the sentence structure. They pick and choose the passages to highlight very carefully in order to demonstrate the righteousness of their teachings or as a rationale for their perverted doctrine on the mentor disciple relationship. All it takes is one word in a crucial passage. For example when Nichiren defines the Three Great Secret Laws in Repaying Debts of Graititude. I will not go into it here in detail but they are an extremely dangerous cult [to the authentic teachings of Nichiren and to the spiritual wellbeing of their members]. They also add tons of explanation and footnotes that boil down to, “Nichiren said that but meant this.”Oh Me Oh My Why Did I Leave the Soka Gakkai - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
It wasn’t a formal debate was it, like the debate 1919 in which Honda Nissho demolished the Taisekaji “theology”? One would be hard pressed, reading into the Kaimoku Sho and the Kanjin Honzon Sho, Chuko Tendai. Besides all Buddhas are equal except in the SGI where some Buddhas are more equal than others. You make me laugh because you are so blind. Proof of the depravity of the SGI faith and practice. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
If anything, we follow more the reasoning of Tamura, not Asai. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Will SGI now start utilizing Stone, picking and choosing as they do with Nichiren?More importantly, there are some parts of Dr. Stone’s arguments both for and against the utility of the “ambiguous” texts that have more holes than swiss cheese. For example, it is an indisputable fact that Nichiren railed against Shingon esotericm and even more forcefully, against Tendai, especially in his Selection of the Time and on Repaying Debts of of Gratitude. Then, to turn around and say that Nichiren incorporated Tendai esotericm, is to misunderstand the teachings.A modern example would be that even though the Nichikan Gohonzon looks like a Nichiren Gohonzon, it is not a Nichiren Gohonzon. It has the appearance of a Nichiren Gohonzon but its nature and entity is that of the slanderer Nichikan. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
You must point out to me the ambiguity in the Opening of the Eyes. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Another thing Nichiren railed against was oral transmissions and teachings such as the Ongi kuden but without the umbilical chord of the Ongi Kuden, the very basis of their Nichiren as True Buddha teachings, what do they have? Nothing! What bad disciples they are. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
and ironically, many SGI members don’t even like Nichiren, his exortation to the forceful practices and the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
“He also borrowed elements from Shingon esotericm, such as the doctrine of becoming a Buddha in this very body” … Uh Jackie, Nichiren clearly teaches that Shingon stole the Ghee of Ichinen Sanzen. She makes many mistakes. Is she your new Sensei? We have the same sensei we have had since the infinite past, Shakyamuni buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Now, you L should go see an Ikeda Video and calm down. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Evasive? Changing the topic? You initially said a snippet is hardly an argument.This snippet is the crux of the argument.Your quote of the Opening of the Eyes:‘Striking down the Causes and Effects of the Ten Realms of the Previous [Sutras] and the Manifestation Doctrine, it preaches and reveals the Causes and Effects of the Ten Realms of the Doctrine of the Original. This is the very doctrine (homon) of the Original Cause and the Original Effect. The Nine Realms are possessed in the Beginningless Buddha Realm and the Buddha Realm is provided with the Beginningless Nine Realms and it should be the True Mutual Possession of the Ten Realms (jikkai gogu), the Hundred Realms and Thousand Thusnesses (hyakkai sennyo) and One Thought is Three Thousand Realms (ichinen sanzen).”and what is it that this out of context passage is supposed to prove? The rationale for you [SGI members] running to your “mommy” for guidance? - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
I’m sure I will talk to you later. Right now I’m going to a barbecue and shakabuku some pentacostals. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
I was referring to your “mommy” territory chief or your mommy Ikeda. Ikeda too, and the SGI guidance system that has no basis in the authentic writings and fosters co-dependency, is the crux of the argument. I don’t even think you can find a basis for theses SGI teachings in the disputed texts. They can be found in the Shingon teachings of Yuiga Yoga. What exactly is the basis of the SGI argument of Nichiren as True Buddha or the Daigohonzon as super Gohonzon? - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Clown:The Buddha never placed unconditional demands on anyone’s faith.Mark:You are free to believe as you wish. Am I placing demands on you what or who to believe? I can advise you, can’t I? I am not free to advise you but you are free to believe or disbelieve as is the case?Clown:For people from a culture where the dominant religions do make such demands, this is one of Buddhism’s most attractive features. It’s especially appealing to those who—in reaction to the demands of organized religion—embrace the view of scientific empiricism that nothing deserves our trust unless it can be measured against physical data. In this light, the Buddha’s famous instructions to the Kalamas are often read as an invitation to believe, or not, whatever we like.Don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, “This contemplative is our teacher.” When you know for yourselves that “these mental qualities are skillful; these mental qualities are blameless; these mental qualities are praised by the wise; these mental qualities, when adopted and carried out, lead to welfare and to happiness”—then you should enter and remain in them. (Anguttara Nikaya 3.65)Then set up a quasi scientific study. Make a list of ten things you have as yet been unable to resolve in your Buddhist practice. Practice as taught by Nichiren Daishonin for 90 days and come back here and tell us if these issues have been resolved or you have a different [positive or negative] perspective about the Daimoku and the Eternal Buddha. - Written by Daniel about 4 months ago.
Where can I get a copy of the dissertation? Thanks - Written by Fred about 4 months ago.
CL, I think it was great that you were able to do evening Gongyo with your friend. I am sorry that he had to go through something like that. And I mean that, truly. You did a great thing for him. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
L writes:
+Reflecting something I have stated here several times:‘In the linguistic structure of the daimoku, the word namu (from the Sanskrit namas, an expression of devotion) takes as its object Myoho-renge-kyo, the title of the Lotus Sutra that was also employed in the Tendai tradition as a designation for ultimate reailty: this structure would seem to argue for the Dharma as object of worship. The same may be said for the composition of Nichiren’s mandala, on which the daimoku occupies the central position…’The Daishonin would have stopped at the “Daimoku only Gohonzon” were the Law alone the Object of Worship. We know that is not the case. The Koan Era Gohonzons are considered his definitive Gohonzons. The being or “person” contains the Ten Worlds not the Law. One thought moment represents the person and the Three Thousand Worlds the Law. Nichikan was right about one thing, It is the Gohonzon of Ninpo Ika, the oneness of person and Law. You quote Stone here but never said a word when I posted her thesis on the Object of Worship that clearly describes the Object of Worship in terms of the Person and the Law. You should research your own SGI teachings on this matter where we were even taught in the SGI that the Kaimoku Sho explains the Object of Worship in terms of the Person while the True Object of Worship explains it in terms of the Law. Unfortunately the Soka Gakkai misidentifies the “person” of the Eternal Buddha as Nichiren [rather than Shakyamuni]. Are you making up your own Buddhism, again L? - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
cL, in the end, will bring both misery to his friend and himself. What a pity. As I pointed out in the post immediately preceding this post:Even most SGI members, when they first chant the Daimoku, they get whatever it is that they need as proof of the validity of the Lotus Sutra. Improved health, an auspicious material or spiritual benefit, near boundless energy, joy, or wisdom. However, as Nichiren teaches, Buddhahood lies in continuing faith.In order to maintain such faith, the conditions of the Sangha as well as the internal causes of the believer must be conducive to a faith of sufficient magnitude and longevity to overcome the cycle of life and death. These conditions are found in the Sangha of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth and in the believer who never forsakes the Lotus Sutra nor the Original Buddha Shakyamuni who resides in the mind.The SGI believers causes and conditions are not conducive to continuing one’s original faith because they discard or abandon the twenty Eight Chapter Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
How inconvenient for Taisekaji SGI, that all the Goshos with holographs prove the righteousness of our view.As far as Honda Nissho’s successful debate with the Taisekaji sect there is a Japanese newspaper account. They lost even without their "Ikeda as Buddha of the modern age" doctrine. Would you fare any better? - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
If you have read my writings you know that there are several ways to evaluate the teachings: Taking the Five Major Writings as the final arbiter with the authentic works as a standard of norm; those disputed writings that more or less conform to this standard take precedence over those that don’t; analyzing the writing in context of the entire body of teachings; taking into account the period of Nichiren’s life in which the gosho was written.One more point worth mentioning, I don’t agree with Stone [which may surprise you] that the most important teaching are his last teachings. His two most important writings are from the Sado period. Also, the sequence of the Gosho is less important than the writings contained therein. Also, should we adopt the last is most profound criteria, the Nirvana Sutra should trump the Lotus Sutra or Chapter 28 of the Lotus Sutra is more important than Chapter 16.Still waiting for the ambiguity of the Opening of the Eyes. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
No. I despise injustice, fraud, and hypocrisy. You will bring ruin to yourself and those you bring into the Soka Gakkai. - Written by Let's say to SGI believers! Let's save SGI believers! about 4 months ago.
There was a newspaper article of Mainiti News Paper about the argument between Kempon and Taisekiji in 11th Nov in 1900.The first argument between Honda Nissho of Kempon Hokke and Abe Jisho of Fuji sect(Taisekiji) started. They criticized each other about the succession of the Darma by Nichiren shonin. Rev.Nissho asserted successfully the Succession of the Scrolls with evidences of Nichiren’s works and the Lotus sutra. But Rev.Jisho could not refute him, being at a loss for an answer.At the moment when the defeat of Fuji sect became definite, one of believers of Fuji placarded “Great victory of Fuji sect” on the wall. The believers of Kempon said ” Tear off the placard!” Hirata, one of the moderators of the Fuji sect tried to hit Rev.Nissho under the uproar. The uproar was becoming bigger and bigger, then the picketing captain ordered the debate closed.There is the evidence of Kempon’s victory in a newspaper article. But SGI and NST continue to lie.SGI says that the Lotus Sutra preached by the Buddha Sakyamuni and the Buddha Sakyamuni are useless. Stupid SGI believers are not able to understand that Nichiren Shonin respects the Lotus Sutra preached by Sakyamuni Buddha and adores the eternal Buddha Sakyamuni. They have been brainwashed by SGI. Then the disciples of Ikeda break into homes of the true disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha and of Nichiren Shonin, and shout a stream of abuse. Do you want to become like those SGI believers?The Buddha Shakyamuni is the founder of Buddhism. SGI slanders the Buddha Shakyamuni and the teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni. The teaching of SGI is not Buddhism. Bodhisattvas of the Earth are disciples of the Buddha Shakyamuni. You are not a bodhisattva of the earth. You are not in position to intelligently discuss Buddhism. If you want to become a true Buddhist, you should quit SGI. If you want to practice true Nichiren’s teachings, you should quit SGI. If you want to gain salvation ratherthan brainwashing. you should quit SGI. If you quit SGI, Nichiren Shonin welcomes you. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Just like SGI believers, always claiming great victory despite actual proof to the contrary. The fruit falls close to the tree. - Written by John C. Campbell III about 4 months ago.
Just out of curiosity … can you itemize which goshos you believe to be “Known and near universally accepted forgeries” and the “ambiguous works”? And whom (besides Kempon Hokke) falls on that list of “near universally accepted forgeries”?
and of course it goes without saying … can you call out which Gosho’s by comparison that Kempon Hokke endorses? (I don’t think I’ve ever seen a called out itemization..
jccampb - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Dear John:Stone states that there are 194 complete, definitely authentic writings either with a known Nichiren’s holograph or the holograph of one of the first or second generation disciples [56]. Are all of these 56 trustworthy transcriptions? Some writings can not be known with absolute certainty and some can. In Japan, the scholarship of the Kempon Hokke priests is highly valued but I’m not even sure if they have undertaken the task to authenticate, let alone probabilitize all the Gosho. I am certainly not equal to the task but I try, to the best of my ability, for the sake of my faith and understanding and to preserve the authentic teachings. The SGI and Nichiren Shoshu don’t even acknowledge the teachings of Nichiren and Nikko on forged writings [with few exceptions, for example, the SGI now acknowledges that the Hundred and Six Comparisons and On the True Cause are forgeries despite Ikeda singing their praises before the split]. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
I think I rather read the Human Revolution the New Human Revolution, and the New New Human Revolution. I can learn so much more about the revision of history. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
After all these years of SGI members slandering scholars as Shariputras, all of a sudden you embrace them. The next big change in SGI will by the death of your mentor. Can’t wait to see what that brings. - Written by John C. Campbell III about 4 months ago.
thanks Mark I’ll be very interested in your findings to say the least but for Pete’s sake do it at your convenience please? jccampb - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Dear L:More and more you are revealing your sickness as a child who has drunk the poison of SGI, one who is out of their right mind, unable to grasp the reality of the good medicine that is before your eyes. - Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.
Yes. This is a free exchange of ideas, a concept alien to the Soka Gakkai cult of personality.
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