Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kieran Farah says: "Ugh! them Soka Gakkai people"

"Ugh! Them Soka Gakkai people! Sometimes they really get me going! Such Lightweights! Why cant they see or hear? They turn their backs on the True Buddha Shakyamuni, claiming Nichiren Daishonin is the True Original Buddha, giving Nichiren claims he never ever even eluded to, he did allude to possibly being the Bodhisattva Jogyo, who was due to appear in this world at this time, but not to be the Original Buddha.This is very clear in the Gosho and relevant scriptures, where on earth do these stupid people get it that Nichiren is the Original Buddha? In doing so they give enormous credit to someone who does not claim it and more so turn their back on the True Original Buddha, Shakyamuni, He's seated in the top left hand (as we face the Gohonzon) of the Treasure Tower. And for what do they do this? the Sokka Gakkai? So they can take, in the theft sense, to use , in the abusive sense, the fundamentals and ritual practice of Buddhist philosophy and spiritualism that teaches us that there is more to common mortal life, that life is eternal, infinite, that we have lived and will always live and that there is cause and effect, consequence.It teaches that this life is but a day out of our eternal life and not to live it as though nothing more was coming, that there is more to life than this existence. Nichiren wrote 'They do not hear the roar of death approaching". 'They' refers to those who claim to practice this Buddhism but in fact only pretend to and instead turn their backs and use the Daimoku, merely to 'chant about' (non-buddhist practice) their common mortal issues (non- buddhist focus), instead of the correct practice, which is to invoke the Dai Moku (Great Mantra) in order to meditate on the sound of the Great Teaching in order to solve the only one problem True followers of Nichiren Daishonins' teachings have....How can I attain the Supreme Enlightenment quickly in this lifetime? (meanwhile a common mortal is thwart with unending problems). Using this Buddhism for ones common mortal shortcomings and constant issues will not work.To give this life up to the Eternal Original Buddha is the greatest thing we can do.In return we are assured to be born in the Buddhaland after this life. If you are not interested in this and instead choose not to think about these things and wish to focus only on this life and its constant stream of issues wishing only to strive for 'perfect life' in this world then thats fine but to take the beliefs of Buddhists for your own common mortal end is to bring , ultimately, misery upon your self. If you had listened for even one moment with absolute sincerity, that you truly wished to give up this life 'Not sparing your bodily life', you would immediately attain detachment whilst remaining in this world.You will still have your common mortal life, and its issues, but you will have a place in the Buddhaland after death.This gives us a different outlook on our life, letting go of what doesnt matter and focusing on what does. The correct practice is to turn and face the Gohonzon offering reverence, thanks, gratitude and adoration to One Great True Pure Law, given to us through Nichiren Daishonin by Shakyamuni and restored by Nichiju Shonin and to invoke the Daimoku and meditate on the sound so that we can hear The Truth. We do not bellow Daimoku at the Gohonzon for it to hear. The Gohonzon already knows about the Daimoku. We invoke the Great Supreme Teaching so that we, fellow Bodhisattvas of the Earth may remember. Remember that we heard this Teaching, because we had the mind to stay and hear all of the Buddhas Teaching in the remote past.

As a common mortal currently living in this world, I have certainly had my fair share of problems and have endured many adversities.Being abused and running away from home at six years old, living on the streets, losing all my friends to AIDS, having a nervous breakdown and losing my mind, drugs, alcohol, years of severe suicidal depression, long term unemployment, an eating disorder which nearly killed me, the list goes on and yes, when i came to Buddhism it taught me to be responsible for the whole of my life and to have compassion for myself and i was able to sort out my issues over time given the strength courage and wisdom from my practice of meditating on the sound of the Daimoku, but that is to miss the entire point! Because who cares? All of this became irrelevant when I Heard Thus! I was transformed. The Lotus Sutra wove itself around my heart and i was saved. Forever. I only have reverence , thanks, gratitude and adoration for the One Great True Pure Law, the Buddha, my Father, Shakyamuni gave us, the Practice, that He Himself used to attain enlightenment. I can endure anything this common mortal life throws at me and, over time, all my hardships. I have a great life now and have proven to myself i am a strong person, capable of problem solving and can get the life i want, but i would never bring that nonsense to the Gohonzon. Compared to being a Bodhisattva of the Earth, i kick it all away like a ball and give thanks to the person who shakabukked me, give thanks to the Gonhonzon. I focus my eyes on Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo on the Gohonzon, meditate my ears on the sound of the Great Teaching i humbly invoke and gives thanks, then just get on with my life.

Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo, Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo, Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo. "

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