Sunday, March 9, 2014

Shakyamuni Buddha Chief Executive Officer of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin Chief Operating Officer

Shakyamuni Buddha Chief Executive Officer of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin Chief Operating Officer

I (Shakyamuni) am the owner of a technology firm which I built from scratch through my creativity and very practical inventions, one of which (Lotus Sutra) is a notable improvement over my other inventions (Pure Land, True Word, Theravada) and those of my competitors (Christianity, Islam, Brahmanism). I have other companies in other lands that need me to oversee and I entrusted this company to my loyal Chief Operating Officer (Nichiren Daishonin) and told him to develop and market this invention (Myoho renge kyo) that, for one reason or another, hasn't caught on with the public as I had hoped. My COO, a remarkable man in his own right, ponders and studies the situation and comes upon a brilliant new application for my invention and a brilliant new marketing strategy. Everyone eventually utilizes my invention. I am happy, my loyal COO is happy and the people are happy. They are very grateful to me for my invention and my COO for bringing it to the world.

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