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Friday, May 23, 2014

Data Regarding Taisekeji Priests and the So-Called Pure Lineage!

Data Regarding Taisekeji Priests and the So-Called Pure Lineage!

The heritage of Nichiren Shoshu has been broken not
once, but several times. It has allowed priests from
heretical sects to receive transmission. Regarding Boy
HP, can the "heritage" that the Priesthood speaks of, in
fact be transmitted to boys so young as to be clearly
incapable of fully understanding the teaching of Nichiren

8th.. In the Nichiren Shoshu Seiten, p. 734, by
Horii-mai Nikkyo, it is written that the eighth High
Priest, Nichi-e, transmitted the Dharma to a layman,
Abura no Joren, not Nichi-u. This is in the records of
transmission of Taisekiji itself. (Fuji Shugaku Yoshu, v. 5,
p.255, "Biography of Nichi-e")

9th..Nichiu..took heritage at 17 years old.
Nichi-u, the 9th High Priest of Taisekiji, who died of

Several people have asked for some source references for
this story. The idea that a farmer from Fuji started the
rumor is not a documented source (and it sounds fishy,

The source for the leprosy story is, of all things, from
Nichiren Shoshu itself!

From the "Fuji-Shuo Gaku Yoo Shuo" (Fuji School of
Studies V.5 p.39) edited by Horii Nikkyo himself (the
greatest scholar of Taisekiji of this century and a High
Priest, retired) says:

"The 9th generation of Taisekiji, Nichi-u, became a

And again in Vol.7, p.44 of the above mentioned edition by
Horii Nikkyo, there is an attack against Nichi-u for various
transgressions. In the "Koomom Shoo-gi", p.211 (Orthodoxy
of the Nikko School) another reference to Nichi-u and his
leprosy is made

One would ask why Horii Nikkyo would attack one of his
predecessors. The answer I got is that he was an honest
scholar and printed many things that were historically
accurate but not popular with Taisekiji. (He was, after all,
a former High Priest, and no one was about to criticize him)
It was Horii Nikkyo who said that he had no idea who
"Yashiro Kunishige" (the name on the dai-gohonzon) was, or
which story of how the mandala came into Taisekiji's
possession is true. Nichi-u himself said that Kunishige
transferred it to Taisekiji in the 15th Century, which
contradicts the story that he had it transferred to wood
from a paper gohonzon that had been "hidden" for two hundred
years. The popular version today is that the wooden mandala
was taken by Nikko from Minobusan to Taisekiji, but there is
no mention of such a large wooden mandala being brought to
Taisekiji. After all, it couldn't be concealed in someone's
sleeve and it is a heavy, obvious object.

Nichi-do, the author of biographies of Nichiren, Nikko
and Nichimoku doesn't mention such a honzon at all. In
fact, there were no wooden Nichiren honzons until the
Muromachi period. Even Nikko forbade the inscription of
wooden honzons...

It's interesting to note that all of the re-editions of
Horii Nikkyo's original compilation have been "revised" and
reformatted to omit all objectionable materials that he,
while alive, saw fit to print.

Another source reference about Nichi-u's leprosy is in
"Biography of the Patriarch (Nichiren)" by Nisshin of
Yooboo-ji (this temple supplied Taisekiji with High
Priests from the 15th to the 23rd one, because there
were no priests to serve that function at Taisekiji ).

Nichi-joo, the Abbot of Kitayama Honmonji, contemporary with Nichi-u,
wrote, "Nichi-u went against the fundamental
intention of the founder (Nikko) and inscribed the board
honzon which had never been heard of before.....he received
the severe punishment for perverted wisdom and blasphemy
agaist the Dharma, becoming a leper, and in Sugiyama in the
province of Kai (Yamanashi) hiding himself away in shame, he
has died". It is historically recorded that he died in
Sugiyama, a very remote place, so that no one would see his

Nichi-joo went on to say, with chilling accuracy, "If
Nichi-u's madness spreads throughout the world, both the
priests and the laity of the discipleship of Nikko will fall
to the unremitting hell. How sad for the future."

12th..Nichin, took heritage at 13 years old.
13th..Nichin, took heritage at 9 years old.
14th..Nichio, took heritage at 18 years old.

15th to 19th..In the period from 1596 to 1692, nine
generations of HPriests (from 15th HP Nissho to 23rd HP
Nikkei) came from Yoho-ji Temple in Kyoto.(Fuji Nempyo
P.121, Fuji Shugaku Yoshu, Vol.9)

15th..Nissho, transferred the heritage of the law to
Rikyo-bo Nichigi temporarily, who later transferred it
to Nichiju Shonin, the 16 HP (Fuji Shugaku Yoshu, Vol.5,

33rd..Nichigen transcribed a Gohonzon so that it could
be enshrined at Sengen Jinja, a Shinto Shrine. This
Gohonzon is still extant today.

53rd, Nichijo, during this term there was a great fire
at Taisekeji. Directly thereafter, he left the Head
Temple, and his whereabouts became unknown. Needless to say,
no transfer ceremony took place between Nichijo Shonin and
the 54th HP, Nichiden. (Nichiden Shonin Den; Autobiography
of Nichiden Shonin; Abridged Biog of Nichiden Shonin)

53rd, Nichijo. Regarding this, the current HP commented in a
speech at a June 1989 ceremony making the 100th anniversary
of Nichiden Shonin's passing: "I do not want the contents of
Nichiden's autobiography to become known among general

56th..Nichio, in 1904 ordered the creation of and
subsequently sold 10,000 Gohonzons specially inscribed
with the words "For Protection and Victory in War" (in
Japanese, Sensho Shugo). Later, he presided over a
ceremony to pray for victory over Russia and honor the
Japanese Emperor. He also collected donations from
participants, which he then contributed to the armed
forces. (HoNo Michi, April 1905, 12th issue)

57th..Abe Nissho applied to the Japanese Emperor for the
granting of the title of Rissho Daishi ("Great Teacher of
Rissho") to Nichiren Daishonin. He received transmission via
two lay believers from Osaka, Mitsutatsu Naka and Umetaro
Makino Associated with gamblers and beggars. Sold the
forest, which was property of Taiseki Temple, without
permission and spent the money satisfying his sensual
desires and "buying" an election. He also conspired to
arrest and prosecute his rival during an election. He
suffered from cancer of the tongue for 6 years and died in a
crazed madness without ceremony of succession.

58th..Nitchu, received the transmission of the heritage from
Nissho Shonin. Later he was impeached, and said, "the
Ita-honzon produces evil men."

59th nigh Priest, Hori Nikku, and, the 60th High Priest Abe
Nlkku lusted for power, they were obsessed with becoming
High Priest.

60th..Nikkai, before becoming HP, was in charge of
publishing the organ publication Byakurenge Magazine.
During his tenure, he allowed advertisements for the
sale of Gohonzons in a knitted frame made of cloth.
(The ad appeared starting in Vol.8, #10 of 2/7/14 to
12/14, totaling seven times.)

61st High Priest, Mizutani Nichiyu made a secret pact
with a powerful and influential believer at the High
Priest's election.

62nd..Nikkyo, deleted key sections of the Gosho (Study
of Nichiren Shoshu General Administration Bureau No.8,
9/29/41), and approved of an encouraged worship at
Shinto shrines (Nichiren Shoshu Gen.Admin Bureau
Intatsu Gogai, 11/11/43). He died suffering from a
terrible sickness. He was burned to death at his office. The
funeral was held without his body: only his entrails
remained after his death.

Ceremony of succession not held for the second time. The
tradition was broken off.

63rd High Priest, Akiyama Nichiman story of his
inauguration entails mudsllngin between two very greedy
people. . His rival, Suzuki Nikkyo, had demoted and confined
him. His rivals forced him to resign. He lived a life
hating his rivals.

64th High Priest, Mizutani Nisho. He was of mixed
parentage and blue eyed. His parents were immoral. Nisho was
an immoral and vicious person. He devoted himself to making
money raising chickens. He had a sexual relationship with
his daughter, and went to hell. The scandal was disclosed.
Nishoo dismissed the witness and had another man marry his
daughter. Kawada Toshimitsu, a Taiseki Temple priest, died
in agony because he was worried about his wife's love affair
with Nisho. To have a sexual relationship with one's father,
mother, brother or sister is immoral.

67th..Nikken erected a tombstone in a Zen temple (7/17/89)

67th..Nikken, At a lecture at Myosetsu-ji Temple. "The
Gosho is not for everyone to use. It is arrogant for
you to think you understand the Gosho. it is not for
everyone. The Daishonin did not write these letters for
everyone. People who received Gosho did not show them to is arrogant that Soka Gakkai members carry the
Gosho and quote from it one sentence here and one sentence
there as if they understand it."

Nikken gives the following speech:

Nikken: "Making them leave the Gakkai is your job, your
utmost responsibility now. Why do you ask such silly
questions of me? Just as those priests who made speeches
just now, why don't you do your best to urge the Gakkai
believers to leave the Gakkai, even one member. Why don't
you do it?"

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