Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"Take those statues of Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren off your altar" -- SGI leader


  1. note that the stanchions on either side of the gohonzon are lotus flowers. neither nst or sgi crap. done by myself and rose munoz.

  2. This is breathtakingly beautiful. Do you actually make the gohonzon scrolls yourself, or do you get them from somewhere? Thank you!

  3. I don't believe that I mounted this Gohonzon. It is possible that this is a printed and professionally laminated Gohonzon. Greg Romero would know. One may buy them already mounted or print one out on fine acid free or parchment paper and mount them on a blank wall scroll using so-called Zen wheat paste. One may also laminate them or frame them and hang them directly, Nichiren inscribed them directly on a blank wall scroll. Traditionally, Gohonzon are mounted on scrolls because of the persecutions befalling the votaries: A scroll can be easily rolled up, hidden, or carried as the person flees. A statue arrangement [Nin-Hohzon], or fixed wood carved Gohonzon, fixed plastic carved, laminated, or printed Gohonzon are not so readily hidden and protected.

  4. C.E. , thank you for the nice words. this i did myself. our priest nikke marchesso is having some made on very nice scrolls as we speak at a company in los angeles. a little expensive but it is what the company charges. our priest charges nothing. cheers.

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