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Sunday, June 1, 2014

I can't figure out

Which posts will get many views and which posts will be a bust. There appears to be no pattern or I can't figure out the pattern. Any suggestions would be welcome.


  1. Hi Mark,
    Just a suggestion but would it be possible to post more info on how to really dive into the teachings for a new be coming into the Nichiren fold?there isn't much info out there other than by "those that shan't be named." or others with there own agenda. would it be possible to maybe post some things that show how one can begin, continue and develop their practice for the long haul and integrate into everyday life from an authentic point not from a watered down, mixed point like what is being peddled as Nichiren Buddhism?

    Also, emailed you at gmail is this still a good address? --josh in cali.

  2. Yes but I don't often check gmail. is better. Will work on something today and post your queeries and a response. Hope you and the family are well.

  3. I have a suggestion about this. Just like we do in business, you need to go through a methodical (maybe tedious) process of gathering the information you have and check for correlations, using a method of measurement.
    For example, you could check your postings for a particular time period (say, six months or a year). Then sort each posting by subject matter (for instance: Nichiren's teachings, SGI criticism, Lotus Sutra teachings, etc.). Then look at number of responses for each subject.
    That raw data could then be sorted and translated into an Excal graph.
    That would give you a pretty good idea of which types of postings are generating the most interest.
    If you can compile the raw data, I would be happy to make a graph for you (unless you know Excel yourself).
    Just a thought!

  4. Thanks John. Sounds like the best approach.
