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Friday, July 25, 2014

Dr. Mikio Matsuoka head of Soka Gakkai study department

Shakyamuni Buddha of the Original Doctrine, the Three Bodied Tathagata, is NOT merely an impersonal truth principle, according to Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra. He is an actual individual who is parent, teacher, and sovereign of all mankind and the one who saves us from the various sufferings and travails [again, according to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin]. He should not be confused with Buddha-nature nor should he be confused with his teaching or Law which is Namu Myoho renge kyo. We have profound gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha because he has bestowed upon us the Five or Seven Characters and the Gohonzon which contain all his merits and virtues. The head of the SGI study department has this to say:

"I would like to focus on the fact that Shakyamuni instructed his disciples just before his demise to make the Law their teacher. Generally, faith in an impersonal Law, due to its very impersonality, makes it difficult for people feel a sense of reverence toward the Law and often results in diminished religious zeal. To overcome this difficultly to revere the Law as the teacher, the need arises for a human teacher who can show people the Law through their teaching and behavior [a not so veiled reference to Daisaku Ikeda]. This allows individuals to sense the compassionate workings of the Law as an indivisible part of the teacher's life. In this way, respect for the Law as the fundamental teacher begins to blossom in people's hearts. Bergson asserted that Buddhism lacks zeal, but I believe that Buddhists who persevere on the path of mentor and disciple, living a life of compassion based on the Law, can also obtain a level of apostolic passion evidenced by believers of monotheistic religions. In addition, because their lives are actively engaged with the ultimate Law of the cosmos, they do not lose sight of their fundamental subjectivity. By maintaining steadfast faith in the Law, Buddhist mentors and disciples keep their passion as practitioners fresh and strive to pursue a human-centered practice."

Excerpt from a sellout:

Dr. Mikio Matsuoka
Researcher, Institute of Oriental Philosophy
Head of Doctrinal Studies, Association of Reformist Priests
and head of Soka Gakkai study department

The problem is, the Soka Gakkai has substituted Daisaku Ikeda for Shakamuni Buddha. Nichiren Daishonin would be appalled.


  1. This is unbelievable that is why we have Namu Myo ho Renge Kyo .That is why we have the Gohonzon as the embodiment of the law in our environment what a crafty way of making an excuse for the guru worship of Ikeda.

  2. nichiren teaches we should use the clear mirror of the lotus sutra to judge all things, especially our own behavior. shakyamuni and nichiren both teach that anyone who tries to uphold the one vehicle, the lotus sutra, in the latter age will be disliked and possibly despised. as was bodi never disparaging. to desire to be well liked and popular will result in incorrect faith. why? because the truth of the buddhas dharma comes first. cheers

    1. buddhist history has proven , people who claim to be a lotus sutra buddhist should be very careful, but never worry about offending anyone if what they preach matches the correct teachings. otherwise, it may end up slander. cheers. careful.

  3. thanks for your encouragement the other nite mark.

  4. So much for the Three Treasures. I desire to to draw near the Buddha who continues to return to this world. I am happy to have rediscovered deep respect and reverence for the Sangha. I pray someday Nichirenism finds the Buddha, the Sangha and the Dharma.
