Several comments:
1). Please go to 1:09. "Chinese students viewing Japanese fireworks will solve the poor relationship and ill feelings between China and Japan." -- Nutso Yamaguchi paraphrased
2)."Good idea. Lets export Japanese nuclear plant technology to the world." -- Nutso Yamaguchi paraphrased
3). Next to nothing in speech about Fukushima.
Nichiren had nothing good to say about Confucius calling him unwise. Confucianism is currently having a revival in China and there is no way the Chinese will ever accept Nichirenism in any form.
ReplyDeleteDo you really believe that there are not many tens of thousands of Chinese chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra in China? There are more than 100,000 Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shoshu and Nichiren Shu in Hong Kong and Taiwan and probably tens of thousand in mainland China. More importantly, Nichiren teaches that when provisional Buddhism spreads, the true teachings are sure to follow. There are at least 200,000,000 Buddhists in China and possibly more. "Namu Myoho renge kyo will spread for ten thousand years and more, for all eternity."