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Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Guidance Gosho" two translations

"Believe in the Lotus Sutra with your whole heart. The heart of  the Lotus Sutra is the guidance of the High Priest. Never accept even one word of my teachings without having first received guidance from the High  Priest. Without practice and the High Priest's guidance there is no Buddhism."  --"Guidance Gosho" NSIC translation

 "Believe in the Lotus Sutra with your whole heart. The heart of  the Lotus Sutra is the mentor-disicple relationship. Never accept even one word of my teachings without having first received guidance from the lay president of my Sangha. Without practice and the President's guidance there is no Buddhism." -- "Guidance Gosho" Soka Gakkai translation


  1. Can you link me to the sources for those quotes? I couldn't find them in a quick search. Thanks.

  2. Somebody said, "The SGI movement does not base itself on a type of worship of President Ikeda, - the mentor and disciple relationship is actualised only when individual members determine to dedicate their lives to kosen-rufu based on the example of the mentor. And this is the way it fulfils the Daishonin's injunction that the heritage of the Law can only be maintained through a community of believers, united in the spirit of "many in body, one in mind", advancing kosen-rufu, widely spreading the Law." Can you believe it? They sure do, without any doubts about it. For the Heritage of the Law to flow we need to be dedicated to the representative of the Law, being Daisaku Ikeda, forget about Nichiren's take on Shakyamuni Buddhism it's passed its used by date

  3. Mark: LOL!!

    Noel: "the mentor and disciple relationship is actualised only when individual members determine to dedicate their lives to kosen-rufu based on the example of the mentor."

    Then why is it that these individual members are not free to choose their own mentors for themselves? I mean, in the example of the three Soka Gakkai presidents, they each had a close personal relationship with their mentor - they talked to each other, did stuff together, had meals, etc. etc.

    So why are SGI members expected to settle for less?

    The definition of mentor, BTW, explicitly describes a personal face-to-face relationship with the protégé/e, with the mentor providing specific career assistance to the protégé/e and helping with the protégé/e's development. Ikeda hasn't the slightest idea that anyone other than the top leaders exists, and even if he DID realize a specific member in Brazil or Italy, or the USA existed, he couldn't possibly talk with them because, for all his vaunted "scholarship" and study and whatnot, Ikeda hasn't managed to learn any other language. Some example *eye roll*

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  4. As I have been saying for years, were one to pick a spiritual mentor, one should pick the very best of all times: Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin. Yes, Nichiren Daishonin wasn't perfect but he is most like me.

    1. I have noticed that the people who have been pushing the hardest on the Mentor and Disciple line are the National, State, Regional and Area leaders

      It's like they are morphing into little Ikedas so they can make disciples from the members who buy into the story.

      Eventually the member/disciple becomes the mentor and it goes on as far as it can go until it all starts to fall apart at the seams, it seems
      Their is such a sanctimonious pompous, aggrandizement behavior in the SGI because of what's been mirrored down from the value of the Mentors Mentor. We become like what we hold in high esteem Caveat Emptor

  5. It must be the Australian marsupial mentality. Here we have "real mammals" sniffing the arses of others ie: World of Animality.
