Wednesday, April 1, 2015

EXTRA EXTRA SGI Creates Peace in Iraq, Yemen, Israel, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and Nigeria

Building human pyramids for SenseiEXTRA EXTRA SGI Creates Peace in Iraq, Yemen, Israel, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and Nigeria


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  3. Sounds like the beginning of the rule of the Anti Christ in the Bible.....

    "It is easy to see that our world already bears the marks that suggest a fulfilment of these conditions. It is my conviction that the world itself is ready for Anti-Christ ( Anti - Buddha) to appear. B. The Corruption Of Religion - 2 Thess. 2:3 tells us that the Antichrist will appear during a time of a religious apostasy, which the Bible (Gosho) calls "a falling away"(slander of the Law) This refers to a time when organized, visible religion will depart from the doctrines of the Word of God (Nichiren and Shakyamuni.)

    Since the New Testament (Gosho) was written for and about believers, it makes since to conclude that this falling away(slander of the Law) will be apparent in churches and denominations (Nichiren Sects) which operate under the umbrella of Christianity".(Nichiren Buddhism) Sounds Familiar!
