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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Daisaku Ikeda is being watched over by the Devil King.

In the Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin teaches:
"To practice as it teaches, and in accordance with the time and the people’s capacity, will incite truly agonizing ordeals."
He goes on to say,
"The eighth volume of The Annotations on “Great Concentration and Insight” states, “So long as a person does not try to depart from the sufferings of birth and death and aspire to the Buddha vehicle, the devil will watch over him like a parent.” This passage means that, even though a person may cultivate roots of goodness, so long as he practices Nembutsu, True Word, Zen, Precepts, or any teaching other than the Lotus Sutra, he will have the devil king for a parent. The devil king will possess and cause other persons to respect him and give him alms, and people will be deluded into believing that he is a truly enlightened priest. If he is honored by the sovereign, for instance, the people are sure to offer him alms. On the other hand, a priest who incurs the enmity of the ruler and others [because of the Lotus Sutra] is surely practicing the correct teaching."
You will never hear these teachings discussed at SGI meetings. Were SGI to teach this to their members, they might realize that Daisaku Ikeda is being watched over by the Devil King.


  1. sensei says, "anyone who cowardly posts anonymously, or uses a phony name, is not worthy of being an sgi cultie".

    sorry folks, thats what he says.

  2. Cherished Greg,

    Previously, when I spoke to you, I did so with the assumption that you were either your cult leader's lackey or his sock account that he used in an attempt to make his outlandish views seem believable and convincing. But as we interact more, and you express yourself, the reality of your experience in this cult is becoming increasingly clear.

    You are obviously exhibiting signs of sexual abuse at the hands of your cult.leader. Please call this number (800-656-HOPE) when you feel safe and know that you aren't being watched. This cult leader can't control you if you don't allow him to.

    Nam myoho renge kyo

  3. Thanks for sharing Sensei's guidance!

  4. more lies rita?????????????. is that the best you can do? sensei is ashamed of you and to me , regarding buddhism , you are an embarrassment as all sgi cults are.

  5. senseless ikeda told me way back in the late 1960's, if one cannot discuss the teachings using one's real name , one should cut their head off. i think he said, this would be gakkai dignity. rita, you should discuss the teachings with mark rather than leave stupid comments that have nothing to do with buddhism. don't ya think?

  6. rita, no need to cherish me. i am a follower and practitioner of shakyamuni, nichiren and the lotus sutra. the buddha teaches that in the latter age those who uphold the lotus sutra will be dispised. have some real buddhism. read the teachings.

  7. Down with the Rogow Cult!

    Nam myoho renge kyo

  8. rita, senseless is pissed at you. mainly because you can't discuss the teachings of buddhism. you are an embarrassment. i spoke with him last night.

  9. i think that when someone comes on this blog and refuses to speak about the teachings of buddhism and can only leave ugly comments about the buddhas teachings, and the buddhas followers, they should be warned three times, then blocked from leaving comments. otherwise it is just encouraging slander and is not a good cause. three times is long enough.

  10. Valid argument will take that into consideration.

  11. You need to reconnect with President Ikeda and do your Human Revolution, "Greg!"

  12. whats that got to do with nichirens lotus sutra buddhism(myoho renege kyo) ? in the meantime keep reading what mark posts so you can learn about real buddhism. kisses shit face.
