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Thursday, March 17, 2016

More weird SGI Guru Yoga personality cult


  1. They really love their sensei and doesn't he love to perform for them, so sad how its all turned out

  2. The more i thinK about it, the more Ikeda reminds me of Donald Trump. However, as a secularist and non-slanderer of the Lotus Sutra, Trump is a million times less dangerous than Ikeda. Charisma Virtuoso is a powerful form of power and governance, usually for evil. Scriptural authority based on the Law [or Constitution] is far more salutary.

    1. Trump, unlike Ikeda doesn't speak in platitudes. Maybe the only similarity is that both use money and influence as a measure of virtue, only Trump brags and lies about his wealth where Ikeda is silent.

  3. Hopefully Trump will be a benevolent dictator should he win the presidency. Ikeda is a malevolent dictator.

  4. You may well be right ohgee. We will see.

  5. Videos of Daiseku Ikeda and his followers spectacularly taking the "sense" out of "Sensei" and replacing it with "Nonsense"... Quite a feat and I'll give them this, quite a sight to see...a lot of production went into making that absurd point. The trouble is, those people seem to be taking it seriously!!! :O Maybe they need some Monty Python animation?...

  6. Remarkable how similar the furnishings and artwork in Trump's penthouse apartment are to the furnishings and artwork in Ikeda's Makiguchi Hall. Ikeda doesn't have to brag about or demonstrate his wealth. It is common knowledge that he is one of the richest men in Japan and in all of Asia. At least, Trump sometimes stays in Holiday Inns while Ikeda stays only in five star hotels. Make America Great Again is the platitude used by Trump.

  7. Don't forget the Australians

  8. The song's in Japanese, and No I wouldn't have it in my music library. I try not to ridicule religious rituals of other faiths unless it involves sacrifice or hate.

    "Remarkable how similar the furnishings and artwork in Trump's penthouse apartment are to the furnishings and artwork in Ikeda's Makiguchi Hall. " I wouldn't know Mark since SGI would not give me a visitor introduction to Makiguchi Hall and I could care less about Trump's casinos with it's crystal chandeliers.

  9. When were you in Japan. Your experience there? Why were you not allowed in Makiguchi Hall?

    1. I went to Taiwan and thought I might stop over in Japan. I applied for a letter of intro. SGI never got back to me before the deadline to book my fights, so I skipped Japan. I figure it had something to do with my refusal to renew my subscriptions.

  10. Many of SGI's songs are quite militaristic. Worshiping a man is an odious religious ritual. Quite objectionable and worthy of remonstrance.

  11. I agree Mark, it's not just a song, it's a powerful shared experience, which has been videoed and then shared more widely across Japan and the globe and it is focused on one man, essentially it's an act of worship and used as such.

    It's also interesting to note the use of the raised arm gestures throughout the final sequence.

    This dominant signalling is found in primates too and invites submission from others. Mark can probably dig out the research on the hormonal changes such body postures create in both parties but the effect seems to be real, significant and crucially below conscious awareness. Coincidental? Innocent? I'm not so sure...

  12. I think you are right mudpie. I read somewhere that a high percentage of top SGI employees have degrees or backgrounds in psychology.

    1. The big ape Ikeda has been tuned in by Accenture that is a world leading authority in the monkey business on all the best ways to monkey around with peoples minds
