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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

SGI's unreliable criteria

"Fully confident of my own judgment and ability, I have not the slightest doubt." -- SGI leader

We are confident of the judgement and ability of Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin, especially when our own ideas, judgement, and ability conflict with theirs. Your criteria is an example of following the person rather than the Law. You learn arrogance and conceit by following an arrogant and conceited man. We learn humility following the Eternal Buddha and his messenger

1 comment:

  1. ""Fully confident of my own judgment and ability, I have not the slightest doubt." -- SGI leader

    I'm confident that what you claim to have attained is what Nichiren referred to as what one "cannot attain".

    Suggested assignment: Locate and share everything Nichiren wrote off the top of his head, asking disciples to take his word, because he was confident in his own judgment and ability.

    It is by no means my intention to insult to you personally or demean you in any way, but to steer you towards the truth that Nichiren applied to himself, too.
