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Sunday, July 3, 2016

"Bluebirds of happiness" resting comfortably on Sensei's shoulders?

"Where is the PROOF that the Dr. Rev General Ikeda... 

1) saw an incident of racism with children playing with a ball in Chicago 
2) said anything about it?

Is it recorded? Or is it another outright fabrication by Ikeda and his public relations hacks?

Ikeda is an expert in race relations in Chicago in the 1970's? 

This is pure unadulterated SGI propaganda. They want to portray Ikeda like Caesar who shows up somewhere and says..."I came I saw I conquered" then they build a statue to the Great Man. Its vulgar vile idolatry, the same as practiced by petty dictators around the world. Who else, other than petty dictators, get their acolytes to build statues of them? At least the pigeons will have somewhere to s-it, on Ikeda's head. As has been said since the beginning of this thread, Ikeda is an Egomaniac." --anticult

Hehe. No problem. they will have a YMD cleaning off the pigeon droppings several times a day, maybe even one chasing off the pigeons or they will call the pigeons "bluebirds of happiness" resting comfortably on Sensei's shoulders.

1 comment:

  1. "This timeless concept of the oneness of mentor and disciple is key to the continued freshness and progress of the human spirit. Its importance, in essence, is that the spirit of Buddhist humanism is transmitted from generation to generation. Ultimately, the causal Law of life, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, itself is the mentor. The model we can aspire to is a person who exemplifies living their life based on this Law.

    Nichiren Daishonin is the model of faith in the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, spending his life in harsh circumstances, constantly encouraging his followers through his writings and finally bestowing the Gohonzon. We also have the benefit of living at the same time as SGI President Daisaku Ikeda, whom we can determine as our mentor. His devoted efforts show actual proof of the power of the creative expression that emanates from the life of one who lives and breathes the principles of Buddhist humanism."

    Crucially, it is the disciple who chooses the mentor and it has nothing to do with hero worship or treating someone like a god. The disciple actively seeks to reveal their full potential by enacting the mentor’s spirit and guidance in their daily life. The guidance from the mentor is an expression of compassion and conveys a desire for the disciple to become truly happy.

    In Nichiren Buddhism, the mentor is someone who has mastered the art of living, has embodied the teachings of Buddhism and consistently expresses this enlightenment through the proof of their behaviour. The mentor leads the disciple to the Law. Challenging to enact the mentor’s guidance in daily life is the response of the disciple, enabling the compassionate and humanistic spirit of the mentor to open the unique expression of the disciple’s life.

    The spirit underlying the oneness of the relationship is that the disciple, learning from the mentor and drawing on their own creative life-force, can apply the life affirming philosophy of Buddhism to their unique circumstances and be a driving force of harmony in their environment. The shared goal of the mentor and disciple is kosen-rufu.

    SGIA members are encouraged to write directly to President Ikeda. Doing so is one means of expressing appreciation and is a determination to live a life of value and contribution.

    Please be aware President Ikeda receives a large volume of correspondence each day, and many of these letters need to be translated into Japanese. Please try to be as concise as possible, and please understand that you may not always receive a reply."
