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Sunday, September 18, 2016

It is far more important to teach potential converts what Nichiren actually taught [than what SGI or anyone else says he taught]

“So read the thread Brother! And try chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! And please do me the personal favor of doing your best to spell it correctly. Even if you don’t understand why, please understand that some of us think it really important to tell you that.” — SGI leader Thomas Pass the Doobie

“And when the two characters for namu are prefixed to Myoho-renge-kyo, or the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, we have the formula Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.” — The Opening of the Eyes

Yet, there are those who claim that they follow Nichiren Daishonin but they chant Nam Myoho renge kyo. If they can’t even follow Nichiren on this most basic and important matter of the One Great Secret Law, how can we trust them that they follow Nichiren on any less important matters?


  1. You need to examine your flawed interpetion on this one Mark

  2. You need to examine your flawed interpetion on this one Mark

  3. "Yet, there are those who claim that they follow Nichiren Daishonin but they chant Nam Myoho renge kyo. If they can’t even follow Nichiren on this most basic and important matter of the One Great Secret Law, how can we trust them that they follow Nichiren on any less important matters?"

    There is no flaw in this literal interpretation. The flaw appears in the minds of those who are unable to accept Nichiren at his *word*

    I find this a most interesting example of arrogance of mind that is precisely why *faith* is the cornerstone of practice of the Lotus Sutra in this latter age.

    You don't follow Nichiren, Noel-- this much is obvious. So read the entire sentence Mark wrote and *realize* it does not apply to you. You follow your own common mortal deluded mind and lack the discipline to apply yourself to correct practice as Nichiren taught. You are a *me too* Nichiren Buddhist, not the genuine article.



      Priests Chanting Namu myoho renge kyo with 6 beat in time with the stick hitting a wooden object

      The 2 kanji characters for Namu get 1 beat

      Now Na-mu is usually two beats, and the “u” is aspirated. That is how the “hiki” daimoku is chanted, with 7 beats.

      For a 6 beat mantra, as often used in shodai, we treat Namu as if it is drawn with one kanji. The ‘u’ becomes unaspirated. It may be voiced as in Namu {one beat}, or unvoiced as in Nam’.


      There are several places in Gon-gyo {sutra reciting} where two syllables get one beat. Usually, the two syllables that get one beat are drawn with one kanji. For example, Hon Matsu Ku Kyo To. Matsu is drawn with one kanji and gets one beat. The “u” in matsu is unaspirated. Some Japanese voice the u, as in matsu {one beat]. Others unvoice it as mats’. It can also be contracted as “Hon Ma_ku_kyo to.” But the u in matsu is never aspirated, that would make it two beats {ma-tsu}. We never read it as Ma-tsu.

      Sometimes, for the sake of cadence, two syllables drawn with one kanji get just one beat. The example that I recall is that Sha Ka Mu Ni is drawn with 4 kanji, but read with only 2 beats — Shaka-Muni.

      This also occurs with the two {2} kanji for Nan & Mu, when they become the elided Nam’ or a one beat Namu, to create a six {6} beat mantra for shodai.

      Here are two sound files of the six {6} beat Odaimoku with the “u” voiced but ‘unaspirated’; the mantra is Namu-myo-ho-ren-ge-kyo: - Noel

      You Katie follow your own common mortal deluded mind and lack the discipline to apply yourself to correct practice as Nichiren taught. You are a *me too* Nichiren Buddhist, not the genuine article.

  4. Anonymus, can you provide the Gosho passage where Nichiren *teaches* phonetics and rhythm?

    I have never encountered such teachings, therefore, I read and pronounce the 7 characters, as Nichiren wrote them. BTW it took about 28 years for me to encounter the *correct* writing . Can you explain why Nichiren's writings would be abbreviated, changed and even forged? Even the essential practice-- EVEN the one essential phrase? You and Noel display the underlying arrogance of mind that produces these actions, that much is plain.

    If you cannot produce Nichiren's writing to support yours and Noel's eloquent discourses from your own discriminative thinking; if you cannot cite anything that was not invented or promoted by Nichiren Shoshu or SGI, --- then, difficult as it may be for you to accept, you are disregarding Nichiren and relying on your personal perspective.


  5. It is almost laughable Noel, your resistance to the truth.

    1. The same could be said for you Mark

      Mark; "We just can never harmoniously chant together if you chant Nam Myoho renge kyo and I chant Namu Myoho renge kyo. Do you think that's what Nichiren desired?"

      Yes we can harmoniously chant together if you chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and I chant Nam Myoho renge kyo with 6 beats correctly like native Japanese speakers do but we can never harmoniously chant together if you start to Moo like a cow like native English speakers do

      Nichiren's concern was that we Chant 7 characters or the 5 characters.

      Namu myoho renge kyo or Myoho renge kyo

      You, Shu and Kempon Hokke are the ones that have been making the big deal over MOO.

      Nichiren Shu and Kempon Hokke just want to be different from NST so they emphasize MU like a trademark

      The NST and SGI haven't criticised the way that Namu is pronounced during 6 beat Daimoku by Native English speakers to my knowledge but it is high time this mater is brought to the attention of those concerned

      This is the unfortunate result of what happens when Nichiren Shu and Kempon Hokke Native English speakers chant together. They are all chanting Namu myho renge kyo in harmony with each other

      Chant Namu or Nam in one beat chant Na-mu with 2 beats. If I chanted Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and you chant Namu Myoho Renge Kyo continuously in unison at the same time using 6 beats there will be discord because English speakers do not know how to chant Namu the correct way as native Japanese speakers do

      Nichiren would of chanted the 7 characters in a 6 beat format and the 7 characters in the 7 beats ( As Nichiren Shoshu do) at different times is more feasible rather than he only chanted a 6 beat or a 7 beat Daimoku all the time - Revised version

      Nichiren may have chanted Namu myo ho ren ge kyo and Nam myo ho ren ge kyo with 6 beats as I and many others including youself also do at times

      I choose to write The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra as Namu myoho renge kyo as it would have to be more descriptive of what Nichiren chanted the first time he invoked the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra at dawn facing the sun rising from the Pacific ocean

      Namu myoho renge kyo is used for slow chanting in all sects, and it is also used for fast chanting in NS ,KH etc but not SGI and NST etc

      Namu myoho renge kyo is more more versatile as it can be used with 6 or 7 beats whether we are doing fast or slow chanting so it is only fair that we write it as such

      When we are chanting fast 6 beat daimoku its up to the users discretion whether to drop the U or not after take into consideration of all the variables of the Japanese language that have been already outlined in previous posts

    2. Why would I slander the Law, Nichiren, and my chanting buddies by chanting Nam Myoho renge kyo while they are chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo? No matter how fast they chant Namu Myoho renge kyo while still still distinctly pronouncing the Mu character, Namu Myoho renge kyo can never sound like Nam Myoho renge kyo.

    3. Have you tried chanting with the links that I have provided you with in previous posts. If it doesn't sound right it would probably be because that you are not pronouncing Namu as the Japanese do.

      The more you can chant like a Japanese NS or KH Priest with a NST priest chanting Nam Myoho Lenge Kyo quickly the more alike they become

      Have you ever considered that you could be the one who is slandering Nichirens disciples because of your intense hatred of Nam



  6. the buddha warned about clinging to inferior/incorrect teachings/thoughts. let it go noel.

  7. Even though I may write Namu myo ho ren ge kyo I can pronounce it Nam myo ho len ge kyo with 6 beats or Na mu myo ho len ge kyo with 7 beats.

    "I've been through this with you all many times before but I may as well be talking to a bunch of posts

    "Yet, there are those who claim that they follow Nichiren Daishonin but they chant Nam Myoho renge kyo.
    If they can’t even follow Nichiren on this most basic and important matter of the One Great Secret Law, how can we trust them that they follow Nichiren on any less important matters?"

    You are the one who has got it wrong so how can I trust you with more important matters concerning Nichirens teachings

    It is regrettable that the 3 poisons have penetrated so deeply that resistance to the reasoning of what has been revealed has been rendered dysfunctional...something is terribly wrong.

    Having an understanding of the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren's teachings and a complete 10 world Gohonzon can help you see with a clear mind instead of being attached to warped conceptions that are holding you have already come a long way, don't stop you have done a lot of good but you still have issues to work on

    But go ahead laugh and mock me all you want and say what ever you like because I know what I believe in my heart to be true and nothing that you all can say will destroy my faith. We can never be the custodians of an others faith. We are all alike as much as we are not alike but if that's not respected all Hell can break loose


  8. what is the worse sin of the nichiren shoshit and then the sgi?

    answer: making up their own teachings based on erroneous agenda. and then teaching it to others.

    if one truly studies the teachings taught by the eternal buddha and his teacher for the latter age, one cannot possibly come up with what these groups teach. if your thoughts align with any of theres...well, you may want to look in the mirror. mocking?.......hardly, but it is a concern. this is my last reply. why? because there is nothing to argue about regarding this. good luck noel/annonymous.

    1. When compared to you and company the old Sgi and NST are like the Jesuits (intelligentsia) of the Catholic Church when it comes to the understanding of some of the deeper aspects of the faith

      What is similar to a Nichiren Fundamentalist who are oblivious to paradox and think they know it all and can't be reasoned with ?

      answer: Fundamentalist Christians of your country's bible belt that operate on literal blind unquestioning faith

      All of you are a work in progress (I hope) in need of critical external and self analysis as we all are

      'Grow Rogow Grow' and I'm not saying this in jest I really mean it as I do for all the other Nichiren Buddhists whether they belong to a sect or not

      If you are not deriving wisdom from your faith from which I see little evidence from those who are promoting bodily reading the teachings on this Mu issue, I suggest you go about reinterpreting what you are reading from Nichiren's teachings from a different angle with an open mind and hopefully some common sense which is rare will manifest, enabling you to break through the deep fog of delusion that you are stumbling through that you are not aware of that is hindering your enlightenment

      I know that is a tall ask but one can only hope while wearing the cloak of patience and forbearance

      "I, Nichiren, am the votary of the Lotus Sutra. Because I follow in the footsteps of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, those who despise and slander me shall have their heads broken into seven pieces. In contrast, the fortune of those who believe in me will grow to the heights of Mount Sumeru."

      A Sage Knows the Three Existences of Life


  9. Well, there it is. Noel considers himself enlightened and capable of instructing those who have followed Nichiren's literal teachings - undergone persecution and have experienced the " benefit" of strong pure faith .


    1. indeed. when one gets so far out there, the only appropriate reply is a woof or two, which translates to "the poison has penetrated deeply", reserved for only a few....dave c is one of them. cheers all!

    2. It's about time that you and Katie grew up and become realistic

      Yours sincerely Noel

    3. if growing up and becoming realistic means jumping into the hole of slander along side you, no thanks. if you could back up your egotistic, ridiculous ramblings with something that the buddha or nichiren at least hinted at, i would be more than happy to give you the benefit of the doubt. as i have in the past. i can no longer remain silent regarding your erroneous preachings. when mark said to you, "the poison has penetrated deeply", i have no doubt he was referring to your snuggling with the nichiren shoshit, the biggest liars in buddhism, and the mother of the hideous sgi. mark gives people plenty of room to establish a poison drum relationship here. far more than i would. every so often, for years, someone shows up here more interested in telling everyone what the real truth is and it is always at a variance with the real truth and real practice. understanding grows and as it does, for sure, the three obs and four devils will surely appear, vying with one another to interfere. intellect is worthless with an incorrect faith. in fact, it is a hinderance. the priest shinkei has tried to help, katie has put you straight and mark has said the five most feared words in the lotus sutra..."the poison has penetrated deeply. i am hated by many for speaking out for the real teachings. join in, i could care less.

      the only sects that chant nam are the shoshit and its child the sgi. all others chant namu as written in the legitimate goshos.
      should one conclude that they change the writing and the pronunciation because they are arrogant and can't follow nichiren and this is the seed for their deluded faith and practice/understanding? or could it be that because they have followed a bad teacher, the daimoku they chant, instead of leading to enlightenment/buddhahood, instead, leads to a deeper delusion as nichiren and ten tai have concurred? could this also be your problem?
      the ten world thing has got to go as well!

      "become realistic"? surely you jest!

    4. "if growing up and becoming realistic means jumping into the hole of slander along side you, no thanks. if you could back up your egotistic, ridiculous ramblings with something that the buddha or nichiren at least hinted at, i would be more than happy to give you the benefit of the doubt. as i have in the past. i can no longer remain silent regarding your erroneous preachings."

      Thanks, Greg-- I appreciate the clarity of your articulation here-- a reminder of the *common language* problem that is now making sense.

      Noel [like Nichiren Shoshu & SGI] haas abbreviated the daimoku - or rather, changed it to suit *their needs/preferences*- and likewise began to alter the meanings of the words and terms we employ to convey our thoughts in the same language..

      It is clear that when noel says "realistic" or "grow up" he is referring to something other than the original; intended meaning of these words.


    5. you see it too katie, as you see the gakkai and the nst as it really is. and this will only grow. in the past, i have held back with noel because i did not want him to feel ganged-up on. he is sincere, however, sincerity , like everything else, it is a double edged sword. heroin addicts can be very sincere about their drug. ls this not misplaced sincerity? "as practice progresses and understanding grows"......big obstacles..... ! better to admit one does not fully understand and replace knowledge with faith.

      i fear the eagle peak is the last line of defense at this time. the world has gone insane and will continue to get worse. one dislikes you, but, "faith is first and foremost".

    6. , I suggest you go about reinterpreting what you are reading from Nichiren's teachings from a different angle with an open mind and hopefully some common sense which is rare will manifest, enabling you to break through the deep fog of delusion that you are stumbling through that you are not aware of that is hindering your enlightenment

      I know that is a tall ask but one can only hope while wearing the cloak of patience and forbearance

      "I, Nichiren, am the votary of the Lotus Sutra. Because I follow in the footsteps of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, those who despise and slander me shall have their heads broken into seven pieces. In contrast, the fortune of those who believe in me will grow to the heights of Mount Sumeru."

      A Sage Knows the Three Existences of Life


    7. well noel, i for one do not believe in you. i do believe that you are confused due to woof, woof!

      i think you will fare better over on a shoshu blog. take care.

    8. "Woof woof is very similar to grrr as in it means whoever is on the receiving end of it is looking mighty fine. You are also very likely to get laid a lot if people say woof woof to you. It's probably best used towards men however as you dont want the woman to think you mean she is dog which is completely different

      You see Johnny Lee Miller, that fit guy out of Shameless or Freddie Ljungberg looking particularly shaggable simply say without the addition of any other words......
      Woof woof!
      ......a deep dirty laugh to follow can add to the impact" Dictionary

      You have talked about boning a some guy on this blog in the past Greg

      "boning Laying your man pipe in a girl's nether regions until neither party can handle it any longer.
      I'm like boning chicks on the weekend." Dictionary

      So this is your form the type of Nichiren Buddhist you are. You are a major disgrace to your self WAKEUP GREG before its too late


    9. after years of dealing with the shoshu/sgi slanderers on the net, it all begins to sound the same. your reply's are typical shoshit/sgi. nothing they/you say/write is taken seriously.

      you have been exposed noel... one can only fake it for so long......the truth always comes out. so glad i could be a part of it.

      ok noel, .........sleep tight! woof, woof, woof!

    10. Noel is going deeply into his *angry bag*-- where he finds weapons to deal with the threat he feels from hearing the truth and being exposed.

      Yup, Greg-- this is the typical SGIkeda/Nikkenstein response-- Noel has shown his true colors and is pulling a ABRN/Chas style *counter attack*-- ALL personal with these guys and is shows they have never had a connection to the True teachings of Nichiren-- They demean Shakyamuni and discard the Lotus Sutra-- "the poison has penetrated deeply"

      All about ego with Noel and Chas-- and their buddies Julian and Richard-- ALL EGO 24/7.

      And so it goes for those who followed Ikeda Senseless and Nikkenstein-- 6 of one, half dozen of the other-- two sides of the same worthless coin--

      I think Noel has worn out his welcome in this thread. I vote him *off Eagle Peak*-- a FIRST for me!


    11. nikkenstein! LOL, LOL, LOL bet!

    12. mark, i got a phone call recently from rose m in hawaii. i knew when i saw her name on my phone that something had happened because she was kind of mad at me. she told me that her husband, joey castillo had drowned. he was quite a bit younger than she. she told me that although she herself does not wish to argue......she knows that you, shinkei, and i act as a parent in this saha world. other than that she is doing well and thinking of moving back to the mainland.

      the last time i saw her was three years ago. we had a meeting at my house with several people and the priest shinkei.

      namu myoho renge kyo @ rose and joey castillo.

  10. No Anonymous Noel. We just believe Nichiren and you don't.

    Nichiren's disciples don't pick and choose Nichiren like a chinese buffet customer, 'I'll take the spare ribs but I don't like the salty fish." The few lines where Nichiren was sympathetic to the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings and the one passage where he acknowledged the exceedingly rarely to be used teaching method of introducing pre-Lotus Sutra teachings initially, are far outweighed by his numerous admonitions to abandon expedients. Here are two salient passages:

    "In Tung-ch’un we read: “Question: While the Buddha was in the world, there were many who were resentful and jealous. But in the age after his passing, when someone preaches this [Lotus] sutra, why do so many oppose that person? Answer: It is said that good medicine tastes bitter. This sutra, which is like good medicine, dispels attachments to the five vehicles and establishes the one ultimate principle. It reproaches those in the ranks of ordinary beings and censures those in the ranks of sagehood, denies [provisional] Mahayana and refutes Hinayana. It speaks of the heavenly devils as poisonous insects and calls non-Buddhists demons. It censures those who cling to Hinayana teachings, calling them mean and impoverished, and it dismisses bodhisattvas as beginners in learning. For this reason, heavenly devils hate to listen to it, non-Buddhists find their ears offended, persons of the two vehicles are dumbfounded, and bodhisattvas flee in terror. That is why all these types of people try to make hindrances [for a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra]. The Buddha was not speaking nonsense when he declared that hatred and jealousy would abound.” -- The Opening of the Eyes

    "In this age, the provisional teachings have turned into enemies of the true teaching. When the time is right to propagate the teaching of the one vehicle, the provisional teachings become enemies. When they are a source of confusion, they must be thoroughly refuted from the standpoint of the true teaching. Of the two types of practice, this is shakubuku, the practice of the Lotus Sutra. With good reason T’ient’ai stated, “The Lotus Sutra is the teaching of shakubuku, the refutation of the provisional doctrines.” -- On Practincg the Buddha's Teachings

    "Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, who is carrying out the forceful practices of the Lotus Sutra in strict accordance with the Lotus Sutra? Suppose someone, no matter who, should unrelentingly proclaim that the Lotus Sutra alone can lead people to Buddhahood, and that all other sutras, far from enabling them to attain the way, only drive them into hell. Observe what happens should that person thus try to refute the teachers and the doctrines of all the other schools. The three powerful enemies will arise without fail."-- Ibid


    1. "No Anonymous Noel. We just believe Nichiren and you don't."

      If you refuse to listen about whats been said about Mu how can anyone expect you to comprehend Nichiren...sorry Mark you don't make the grade "F"


    2. Comprehend Nichiren? Can you READ? Nothing could be simpler than to believe exactly what Nichiren wrote-- he is concise, consistent and references his teachings to the Lotus Sutra.

      YOU have a problem with *belief*-- and therefore you have a huge obstacle to developing faith-- which, IS the cornerstone of Buddhist practice.

      Check yourself-- reflect and study Nichiren's own writings-- not the disputed forged, faked "teachings" of Taisekiji --

      Try chanting the seven characters-- pronounced the way you *read* them--

      You have crossed lines here, Noel-- seriously. You have become belligerent and insulting which is intolerable, imo.

      Chant whatever you want, believe whatever you want--- but how dare you presume yourself a *teacher*--

      I was aghast at the way you addressed *your friend* Stavos-- and I am beyond aghast at the way you address Mark.

      You have described a diluted, mixed practice. you have professed ypurself to be *enlightened*-- seated in your treasure tower. YOU insult and degrade Nichiren, Noel-- he did not teach pompous self assurance preaching on a soap box about how *comfortable* he is.

      You don't practice as Nichiren did-- you are doing peaceful practices, seeking personal comfort and gain-- yours is a slanderous, heretical, BOGUS practice.

      Go ahead and continue to act superior-- I do not mind confronting you head on--- after months of respectful discourse and tolerating your patronizing, condescending nonsense, you are emboldened to attack Mark?? You are a fool-- Noel-- word up on that; you have made some seriously grave errors here.

      I suggest you stick to converting livestock-- and steer clear of human beings who have so much to lose by buying into your dime store intellect and your base minded crude, remarks.


  11. Nichiren's teachings are in perfect accord with the Lotus Sutra:

    “If I convert by a smaller vehicle
    Even but one human being,
    I shall fall into grudging
    A thing that can not be.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 2)

    “In all the Buddha’s lands of the universe there is but one supreme vehicle, not two or three, and it excludes the provisional teachings of the Buddha.”(Ibid)

    “Honestly discarding the provisional teachings, I will now expound the Supreme Way.”(ibid)

    “The World-honored One has long expounded his doctrines and now must reveal the truth.” (ibid)

    “These nine divisions of my Law
    Preached according to the [capacity] of all creatures
    Are [but] the introduction of the Great-vehicle
    Hence I preach this sutra.”(ibid)

    “…desiring only to accept and embrace the sutra of the great vehicle and not accepting a single verse of the other sutras.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 3)

    “If I were to describe the punishments [that fall on persons who slander this sutra], I could exhaust a kalpa and never come to the end.” (ibid)

    “If a person fails to have faith but instead slanders this sutra, immediately he will destroy all the seeds for becoming a Buddha in this world. . . . When his life comes to an end he will enter the Avichi hell.” (ibid)

    “Suppose that someone coming from a land of famine should suddenly encounter a great king’s feast.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 6)

    “At that time the World-Honored One addressed Bodhisattva Medicine King, and through him the eighty thousand great men, saying: ‘Medicine King, do you see in this great assembly the immeasurable number of heavenly beings, dragon kings, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas, human and nonhuman beings, as well as monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, those who seek to become voicehearers, who seek to become pratyekabuddhas, or who seek the Buddha way? Upon these various kinds of beings who in the presence of the Buddha listen to one verse or one phrase of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law and for a moment think of it with joy I will bestow on all of them a prophecy that they will attain supreme perfect enlightenment.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 10)

    “The scriptures I preach number in the countless millions. Among all those I have preached, now preach and will preach, this Lotus Sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand.”(Ibid)

    “I constantly expounded the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law alone.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 12)

    “Among all the Sutras it holds the highest place” (Chapter 14)



  12. “At that time the Buddha addressed Emminent Conduct and the host of other Bodhisattvas: “The divine powers of buddhas are so infinite and boundless that they are beyond thought and expression. Even if I, by these divine powers, through infinite, boundless hundred thousand myriad kotis of asemkheya kalpas, for the sake of entailing it, were to declare the merits of this sutra, I should still be unable to reach the end of those [merits]. Essentially speaking, all the laws belonging to the Tathagata, all the mysterious, essential treasuries of the Tathagata, and the very profound conditions of the Tathagata, all are proclaimed, displayed, revealed, and expounded in this sutra.Therefore you should, after the extinction of the Tathagata, wholeheartedly receive and keep, read and recite, explain and copy, cultivate and practice it as the teaching. In whatever land, whether it be received and kept, read and recited, explained and copied cultivated and practiced as the teaching; whether in a place where a volume of the sutra is kept, or in a temple, or in a grove, or under a tree, or in a monastery, or in a lay devotee’s house, in a palace or a mountain, in a valley or in the wilderness, in all these places you must erect a caitya and make offerings.

    Wherefore? You should know that [all] these spots are the thrones of enlightenment. On these [spots] the buddhas attain Perfect Enlightenment; on these [spots] the buddhas roll the wheel of the Law; on these [spots] the buddhas [enter] parinirvana.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter 21)

    “Just as Mount Sumeru is the highest among the various mountains , so this Lotus Sutra holds the highest position among all the sutras.”(Chapter 23)

    “Amongst all the sutras preached by tathagatas it is the profoundest and greatest.” and “…, so it is also with this Law-Flower Sutra; amongst all the sutras it is the highest,” and “… it is the most illuminating.” and “…it is the most honorable.” and “…it is the king of all sutras.” and “…it is the father of of all the wise and holy men” and “…amongst all the sutras preached by tathagatas, bodhisattvas or preached by sravakas, it is the supreme.”(ibid)

    “Star Constellation King Flower! This sutra is that which can save all the living; this sutra can deliver all the living from pain and sufferings; this sutra is able to greatly benefit all the living and fulfill their desires. Just as a clear, cool pool is able to satisfy all those who are thirsty, as the cold who obtain a fire [are satisfied], as the naked who find clothing, as [a caravan of] merchants who find a leader, as children who find their mother, as at a ferry one who catches the boat, as a sick man who finds a doctor, as in the darkness one who obtains a lamp, as a poor man who finds a jewel, …., so it is with this Law-Flower sutra; it is able to deliver all the living from all sufferings and all diseases, and is able to unloose all bonds of mortal life.”(ibid)

    “Even the Buddha wisdom could never finish calculating their [benefits] extent.” (ibid)

    “If in future ages there should be one who accepts and upholds, reads and recites this sutra,…his wishes shall not be in vain, and he will receive his reward of good fortune in his present life.”(Chapter 28)

    1. Thank you, Mark. I appreciate your posting complete passages and precise statements on this very crucial matter.

      I have lately been pondering the significance of how casually Noel and others on ARBN *blow off* the ONE essential phrase that IS THE Essential Practice for this latter age. This is most disconcerting, but after pondering this for weeks now, I too, am finding it almost laughable.

      At the start of my practice I found Nichiren's writings themselves to be the ONE distinctive aspect of *this religion*-- The *actual* words-- the teachings and the process for developing them into the *correct practice* right before my eyes!! If one can discounts this as vital to understanding, and likewise fails to study Nichiren's full body of work, one becomes lost in one's attachments and karmic impediments-- the *poison has penetrated deeply* when one cannot discern the difference between *one's own mind* and the *mind of the Buddha*-- when one believes he/she is equal to The Buddha-- in all respects.

      Nichiren warns us of this *trap*--- and I know it well-- but only here and on ARBN have I actually witnessed *the poison has penetrated deeply*--

      Anger and animality are predominantly active across the world-- -- and it s no coincidence that the Nichikan Gohonzon is SGI's *object of worship*--. SGI/NST (Noted for being "Nammers",say; "We are superior-- and We will destroy those who expose us"--[pause for laughter]

      I have firm faith in Nichiren's teachings and thus fully believe that the strategy of the Lotus Sutra is superior--. We are propagating it for the first time in 'our age"-- how wonderful to participate in this auspicious appearance of bodhisattvas of the earth emerging-- and yes, I am dancing again today :-)


  13. Lets take a vote on Noel being banished from Eagle Peak. I am loathe to banish anyone, not even ohgee who was more slanderous than Noel. What I did with ohgee was that I began to delete offensive posts, they became more offemsive and i deleted more and more of them. He eventually stopped posting.

  14. Here is a recent post by Noel on ABRN--

    "I appreciate your good intentions for warning me however I'm one of the people that all here needs to be warned about because I'm a lone wolf here and I mean business and I'm probably not the person that you think I am as I'm changing all the time.

    I can not devote my affiliations to any particular group but share certain core values with NST regarding Ongi Kuden and those in the SGI that are aligned with its essence such as Chas. I don't know enough of Julian and Richard as yet but if they embrace the same metaphysical concepts as Chas well then we are on the same wave length on that level

    When it comes to having an authentic 10 world Nichiren inscribed Gohonzon then I share that same value with Mark, Katie and maybe you

    I am with you lain in your disapproval of the Soka Corporation

    I love the old books Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, unlocking the mysteries of birth and death that the SGI use to promote before humanism and Zennification set in

    I'm pissed off with the leadership for letting this happen and the buck stops with Daisku Ikeda who could of done something about it but has been missing in action

    I can chant Nam or Namu myoho lenge kyo with 6 beats or Namu Myoho Lenge Kyo with 7 beats with everyone however I choose to write Namu Myoho Lenge Kyo "

    Let's see:

    1) Noel says he is one of the people that all need to be warned about--
    A) because he is a lone wolf, and
    B) because he "means business"--

    2) Noel states "I can not devote my affiliations to any particular group but share certain core values with NST regarding Ongi Kuden and those in the SGI that are aligned with its essence such as Chas." Bells and whistles.

    * Note: Noel canot *refute* the refutations of his *core values/ beliefs*-- and displays the same arrogance when demeaning those who refute him with *sutra in hand*, as does Chas.

    3) Noel does not recognize how these SGI propaganda publications are distortions of Nichiren's teachings, he says: "I love the old books Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, unlocking the mysteries of birth and death that the SGI use to promote before humanism and Zennification set in"-- oops! Noel forgot he practices meditation and ascribes to *original enlightenment* Zenninication to the 10th power!

    So what kind of *business* does Noel mean ?[to promote? protect?]

    Noel must think he is a master of disguise, stating; ".. and I'm probably not the person that you think I am as I'm changing all the time."

    Noel has shown very little respect for Nichiren. Shakyamuni Buddha and has his own *take* on the Lotus sutra. Noel deprecates since followers of Nichiren. He is a person destined for the Avichi Hell.--

    Associating with Noel may or may not *change his views*--- Nichiren warns that more likely he will disrupt, distract and bring confusion to those who are seriously devoted to sharing the teachings of Nichiren.

    I vote to banish him-- as would a true disciple of the Buddha.


  15. Several passages of the Gosho are applicable regarding Noel's behavior. The term, *oust* is more appropriate.

    I think the main issue is whether or not Noel is *using* this public forum for his blatantly obvious *personal agenda* . I think it is worth noting that as the *heat* was turned up on Chas, Julian and Richard on ABRN, Noel has become more outspoken in his disparagement of the Buddha's teachings and those who follow Nichiren.

    "The teachers of the True Word school and the adherents of the Flower Garland, Dharma Characteristics, and Precepts schools all believe that they have grasped the Law and freed themselves from the sufferings of birth and death."

    Does this not apply to Noel? He has regularly referred to those who follow Nichiren's teachings *as they are written* in various depricating ways, calling us: immature, *Fundamentalists*[like "Christians"]*, saying we have not "perceived the True Entity as he, Noel has-.

    "But the founders of these schools failed to discern the true meaning of the sutras upon which they based their teachings."

    Does this not refer to Noel, who continually cites "On Attaining Buddhahood" - no different than the Gakkai heretics who wrote the following in the "background"/epilogue of this Gosho:(WND p. 5)

    "Of all his writings from the mid 1250's, *On Attaining Buddhahood in The Lifetime* focuses most clearly on the tenets of the Daishonnin's Buddhism; many of the other works of this period are aimed chiefly at refuting the erroneous doctrines of other schools and discussing theoretical questions"

    Could there be a more patently FALSE statement ? Is there any doubt that this erroneous *teaching* underpins ALL of the slander committed by the largest *sects* of so-called Nichiren Buddhism in the world today?

    THIS forms the basis for the slanderous *mind only*practice of the SGI and it is Noel's *golden nugget as well*--

    The TENETS of Nichiren's Buddhism are not to be found in this Gosho-- but the ez-pass is there, for sure--- slighting the practice of shakubuku and the ordeals Nichiren overcame to do so is KEY. Noel [and Chas] attack followers of Nichiren-- they have more in common with their professed *enemies* Nichiren Shoshu and Nichiren Shu. They propagate their *peaceful practices* and tout themselves as *superior* for doing so.

    and like the teachers of the True Word school and the adherents of the Flower Garland....Noel [and Chas] exemplify the following:

    "They proceeded in a shallow manner, employing the sutras in a way that fitted with their own ideas. In doing so, they went against the Lotus Sutra, which means that their teachings were not in accord with the true intention of the Buddha."(Letter to the Lay Priest Ichinosawa" )

    The crux of this matter is that Noel makes his *arguments* based on his self professed *enlightened mind*-- ignoring all references presented from the sutra and Nichiren's writings. Noel regards himself as "... an enlightened leader of the whole world."--Lry him go the way of Tim Jankos--- the internet is still open for anyone to set up their own pulpit. .

    I would say that *outting* Noel comes first---but *ousting* him should be considered --our response must be an action that DOES accord with the Buddha's true intent--


    1. following in the footsteps of nichiren..... admonish three times...........then they are out. move on. this is not the practice land for slander. or, one can quickly delete their erroneous posts.

  16. So- how many times has Noel been admonished? I have lost count ---

    ~Katie 🙄

    1. more than three.

      if one is not here to learn the real teachings of the buddha and his emissary, and if one cannot back up ones comments* with the teachings, after one warning or disclaimer, and two to three admonishments(backed up by the teachings), it is fair to fire them.

      *bare in mind that nichiren taught that ones personal words are not just arbitrary opinion if what one says matches the teachings. if they do not , they should be considered erroneous.

      like the eternal buddha/nichiren...... once we share the truth with them, our job is done.

      i am open to correction.............but not from noel.

  17. More from Noel-- posted today on ARBN:

    "- show quoted text -
    Hi Richard,even though we have different out looks over the SGI and other matters I have empathy with you Guys that have had to endure with this horrid horrid woman. She is the substance of what nightmares are made of, and that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy but as Nichiren Buddhists we believe that their is hope for worst of the worst as the 9 worlds are in Buddha just as Buddha is in the 9 worlds

    Regarding Katie as being the Devils Courtesan, is an insult to the intelligence of the Devil. From what I've experienced of her from the past her capacity to reason can summarized in the following...."

    So that's the chit chat overheard from the window of Noel's treasure tower where he sits comfortably and peacefully --

    So much for the "disguise"--- LOL !!

    Duplicitous , fawning, cowardly, Noel-- no change noted.. YET.


  18. Meant to include the link :!topic/alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren/ra13zvjkItE

    In case anyone wants to check out how *enlightenment* is manifested, according to" Noel-- Anonymous and lyal "-- the "there faces of "Noel"

  19. Hi Katie. Please see my latest comment. It is laughable how Richard protects the Nichikan No-Honzon and berates us, we wo protect the Nichiren Gohonzon.

  20. Noel is out of here. Not banished but suspended because he brings our disagreements here on Eagle Peak public [to arbn].

  21. and yes, because he disparages the true teachings and true votaries of the Lotus Sutra with the stain of the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu teachings.

  22. Thank you for clarifying for me. I also have concerns about the causes he is making-- and of course, I already know only too well what I will incur should I worry more about *persons* than the Law--

    Recent experience helps me to appreciate that one must truly be willing to offer one's life for the Lotus Sutra-- and that when one does this the benefits are inexpressible joy and pure faith.

    Also--- have aroused belief regarding the effects one receive for attacking those who recite and uphold the Lotus Sutra---. It does still astound me though, how so many cannot believe Nichiren long enough to realize that that he must be taken literally--- Every word...


  23. In response to Jules Durais...

    “And when the two characters for namu are prefixed to Myoho-renge-kyo, or the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, we have the formula Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.” — The Opening of the Eyes
