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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

SGI members are icchantikas or men of incorrigible disbelief

Question: "What is the essential quality of the icchantikas [men of incorrigible disbelief]?
Answer: The rejection of scriptures." -- Mahayana Nirvana Sutra

Another sutra maintains that those desirous of profit [GAIN] are icchantikas. Does "Beauty, goodness, and GAIN" ring a bell?

By these standards, we conclude that SGI members are icchantikas.


  1. To be fair-- SGI members cannot possibly "believe" what they are averted from knowing about--- Take the actual writings of Nichiren, for an example. They (the WND) are subordinated to a lottery presided over by SGI study department big wigs, who parses them up with long winded pontifications from whoever is ghost writing for Ikeda these days, and then disseminates them top down style to assure ALL Chapter Leaders are in "lock step" giving the monthly "Gosho Lecture" . Nary ever a reference to Shakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra there!

    Shouldn't SGI members make use of the two volume set of Nichiren's writings published by the Gakkai, and study on their own? Heavens, NO! say SGI leaders "concerned about members not spending too much money" on study materials-- "just keep up paying for your subscriptions to WT an LB-- all you need to study is right there " !!

    But-- still, why not just read the Gosho on your own? Like I did for 2 decades before getting my third and final excommunication letter from SGI Boston--- Like Nichiren says, test the validity of the Buddha's words for yourself---but by all means CONTINUE to read the Gosho,only the Gosho, skipping the footnotes-- and behold ! ALLof the solid evidence, the reasons for believing Nichiren. By then you will know what liars the SGI have been all along....


    1. thank you !

      chant NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO and follow nichiren as best you can. everything will become clear.

  2. I verily believe that those who study as you prescribe will come to the same conclusions as we.
