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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Eagle Peak Blog salutes the Philadelphia Eagles



  1. In th3 time of abe, and trump there is hrrible darkness in the world. Many people not making it in america. School teachers lives in america are ruined by Trump. Many veteran american sgi members and leaders, are losing faith. They are Barely keeping their heads above water. They cannot possibly provide emotional support for others.

    1. Why would you expect differently? All those meetings and activities night after night and day after day...No time to develop personal skills and talents. Not even time to think how to properly invest our monies and some of us giving tens of thousands to the organization. Truly, little to show for our devotion to Ikeda and SGI. How much I have groen since leaving the SGI and practicing as the Daishonin taught. How grateful I am.

    2. That makes sense. I would imagine, that as times get tougher in japan, sgi will fall apart there as it is here. Your insight is right on dr rowgro. Things getting wierd in murica. If trump nucs korea will set precedent for worldwide nuclear war. Might set of 20 reactors in s korea too. America and nuclear countries in world cannot afford anymore radioactive pollution. Edison said the whole world could be electric from wind and solar. He wss right. The psychotics bastards that run things just dont care.

      National crisis of boys w developmental disabilities.

      Paper says from mercury but their are a lot worse things in water.


      1500 children every year, likely to develeop heart defects, like those seen in chernobyl and belarus from beta and gamma emitter bioccumulation in the body, in japan. Mostly from cesium 134_137, st 90, cobalt 60. It more likely 15,000 to 50,000 new cases of heart defects, in children, per year in japan. Thats because fukushima is at least a few hundred times worse than chernobyl. 1100 bq/kg of cs 137 was found as far south as tokyo, where as cesium 137 was only 187 bq/kg in ukraine and belarus.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Trumputin is supported by the Republican creeps that live in washington dc, have second houses in s america and gated communites across america. They could give a crap less, what trumputin and putin have in store for the world and, american people. They simply want their zionist russian and american oligarch and mafia benefacttors, the kochs, the mercers , and their mic and goldman sachs benefators to be satisfied. The republican dogs of war, radioactive hell, strife and damnation, in congress just voted 1.5 trillion dollars tax incentives for the nuclear power industy, nuclear arms industry, and nuclear extraction industries to move forward with trumputin and putins plans to enrich the shit, out of all the american, russian, and zionist oligarchs and trumputins mafia friends. They will mine uranium, frack, carpet the world with nuclear reactors and nuclear waste. They will make sure there is a new nuclear arms race, with 10s of thousands of new nuclear bombs all over the world! The most evil , psychotic plans possible. Nuclear waste omnicidally existant in both hemispheres. Meanwhile, America needs a massive influx to its infrastructre, a plan that would include, making america 100 % renewable. Many smaller countries have signed a nuclear arms ban. Chile plans on being 100% renewable in 20 years. Putin and trumputin want to enrich themseles fabulously, as all chickenshit dictators do. They want to to extract the guts from the earth , megaexpand nuclear weapons, perpetuate the old imperialistic massive arms dealings, and carpet the world with nuclear weapons. Murica still has a chance to get rid of the living lie that is Trumputin. Meanwhile war is about to breakout in palesine again! With trumputins blessings.

    1. As the doomsday clock moves ever closer to armagedden.

  4. This is what Abe, new komeito, Sgi, ikeda really support. Trumputins nuclear bombing of korea.

    1. Thanks for all your posts. Search out Evangelicals in Trumps White House in Newsweek. What can we expect from the Christian Isis which teach that it is the states mandate to use force, including even nukes, to realize the kingdom of Jesus.

    2. Lets not forget the uptick of neuromuscular diseases such ss Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

  5. I know you have seen many things Dr. ROWGRO. i was a medical txocicology practitioner at new york city poison center at one time. I have seen it too. I am from nuclear-cancer cluster country usa. I went to yucca in the 70s to protest. I have seen first hand, the radioactive abominations , the devils have created and done here, and in japan. When fukushima occured , enough was enough.
    My brother goes to a small church where 4 people have parkisons! They have all drank the same shitty water for years. Small downwinder communities , with uranium mills, with everyone on thyroid medicine! A dozen people on meds for slow prostate cancer. 4 generations of the same family dead of cancers leaving loved ones alone.The nuclearists, have killed us, and lied, too long. Sgi is despicable for supporting abe, in japan under the current circumstances.

    1. I've also seen a few things and believe that radiation or toxic chemicals caused my kidneys to fail. I never drank, no diabetes, well controlled BP, and no family hx of renal disease, yet suddenly and misteriously, my kidneys failed. We are certainly being poisoned.

    2. Even more scary, the acceptance of the possible use of low yield nuclear weapons and their miniaturization. Our politicians have no compassion and no vision.

    3. Sorry to hear that Dr. Rogow. Hope your Kidneys are better

    4. Been ill for 2.5 years but i'm
      still going strong. I work full time, to the amazement of my doctor.

  6. Trumputin has appeased the Mercers, that they may rape america in the stock market and, provide nothing in return. All the oligarchs, the mercers, buffett, the kochs, bill gates, the zionists like adelson, the russianzionist billionairs, russian oligarchs:googles owners, mitsubishi, sanyo, hippocritical asses  like richard branson, putin who owns thechickenshit death nuclear machine called 
    Rosatom, they all have exhorbitant amounts of money invested in nuclear reactors, nuclear navys, nuclear weapons, and the far reaching merchants of death in all militarist-nuclearist coutries, with their bloated mics. They are the death cult. They have no intention of giving their investments up. They want them to grow. 

    Washington's latest Nuclear Posture Review imperils global security in three ways: it inflates perceived threats to the US, it conflates conventional and nuclear war and it pushes for the development of low-yield nuclear weapons.
    These three new moments in US policy increase the risk of nuclear war rather than lowering it, as American Defense Secretary James Mattis claimed in signing off on the Nuclear Posture Review published last week.

    Mattis states that the long-term goal of the US is the elimination of all nuclear weapons from the world -- but Washington has no intention of ever doing this. That's because US leaders never cease to view the world as a relentlessly threatening place, justifying a $1 trillion upgrade of the nation's nuclear arsenal.

    The NPR states: "This review comes at a critical moment in our nation's history, for America confronts an international security situation that is more complex and demanding than any since the end of the Cold War."

    Four specific threats are outlined: Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

    But what's perplexing is that so little credible detail is presented by the Pentagon to justify why it considers these four entities to be such dire threats, requiring greater US nuclear posturing.

    In regard to Russia and China, the NPR asserts (on page 6):"Since 2010 we have seen the return of Great Power competition.

    China now has half a million troops amassed on n koreas border

    1. china, iran, n korea, russia...possibly evil, but we have met the real enemy and he is us ! obama showed america that hate and racism was far from dead and buried with all its ugly history. president pantsonfire shook the bottle and pulled the cork on avarice, anger and stupidity.

  7. all evidence of what wrong thought/religion will do in its manifestation. as i have been warning sgi and others about their hideous buddhists cults and about the reality of the hijacking of real buddhism and even the hijacking of the preparatory teachings for nefarious and evil agendas.....we must also warn the world of the BIG MONEY/RELIGIOUS COUP THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE IN of the not so free, home of the extremely stupid. nichiren has warned..."the sprits have run rampant", and the people have turned their backs on what is right !///the japanese and even more so, the american people don't know how to stand up for what is right. nichiren, once again is the correct example...not ikeda, not the sgi, not the shu and certainly not the christians. the christians are so confused... they elected the devil to the most powerful position. with or without daistupid ikeda....the gakkai is worthless and yes evaporating like the dew in the morning sun, but they still have money so the show goes on./// america with a fake jesus and president pantsonfire at the helm is after everybody's money and will take it from anyone . how about those evangelicals...sold their souls to the devil for 12 pieces of silver. sgi is not the threat anymore. the cancer has spread. what would nichiren say and do?/// thankfully, we have the cyber temple EAGLE PEAK and a few who speak out. good job anonymous.


    ~ Katie
