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Monday, March 26, 2018

The Lotus Sutra states, "He will be banished again and again."

I have been banished from reddit SGIWHISTLEBLOWERS; E-Sangha; Fraught  With Peril; Kempon Hokke Facebook; The Kempon Hokke Community I began on Beliefnet; several Yahoo Groups such as SGIunofficial, Nichirenindependent Sangha, and the Nichiren Shu Yahoo Group; all Nichiren Shoshu temples; and  all SGI "Buddhist" Centers throughout the world. I have also once been fired for my beliefs. Nichiren teaches:

"One who has not conceived a desire for the way can never free oneself from the sufferings of birth and death. Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, was cursed by all the followers of non-Buddhist teachings and labeled as a man of great evil. The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai was regarded with intense enmity by the three schools of the south and seven schools of the north, and Tokuitsu of Japan criticized him for using his three-inch tongue to try to destroy the five-foot body of the Buddha. The Great Teacher Dengyō was disparaged by the priests of Nara, who said, “Saichō has never been to the capital of T’ang China!” But all of these abuses were incurred because of the Lotus Sutra, and they are therefore no shame to the men who suffered them. To be praised by fools—that is the greatest shame. Now that I, Nichiren, have incurred the wrath of the authorities, the priests of the Tendai and True Word schools are no doubt delighted. They are strange and shameless men."


  1. "if you see anyone who receives and keeps this sutra, you should strew upon him blue lotus flowers full of Sandlewood powder, and after strewing him thus reflect:

    'This man 'ere long will accept the bundle of grass and take his seat on the wisdom plot; he will break the Mara host and blowing the conch of the Law and beating the drum of the Great Law, he will deliver all living beings from the sea of old age, disease, and death."

    Therefore, he who seeks the buddhaway, on seeing a man who revers and keeps this sutra, should this beget a reverent mind."

    1. I don't know where to find blue lotus flowers

    2. But I have reflected thusly: thank you

    3. Right here you will find blue lotus flowers. Thanks for your comments.

    4. I was an SGI member, for 30 years. Joined because of Nichiren; got distracted along the way. Converting to true Nichiren faith has been the greatest experience of my life. Had no idea how twisted SGI had become until I got far enough away. Very concerned for my friends, but excited for the sangha to arise

      Request private contact with you, Dr Rogow

    5. So glad to hear. Please e-mail me ...
      Please feel free to share anything you like with our readers.

    6. Have sent message(s) to this address: please check spam folder

    7. During the week i have rarely been checking my email. Will check it tomorrow. Be pleased to be without anxiety Warren.

  2. I guess Mark, you have as many dis honoraria's as P. Ikeda has otherwise.....hmmm, I must be attracted to the Dark Side - your Red Badge of Courage. Banned from meetings?....that wouldn't stop me.....nothing a Groucho Marx black glasses w/attached nose couldn't remedy!

  3. "cursed by the followers of non-Buddhist teachings" Reading this a thought popped....Hinduism predates Buddhism, Right?....what Truths or Beliefs were derived before Buddha's about Karma, or Reincarnation...and, how were these, if any, derived?....through Meditation? Did Buddha use Hindu Austerity to reach his Enlightenment?

  4. Didn't Buddha reject Hindu austerities for the Middle Way? Nichiren too who stated, "then (we're I to avoid eating) I could no longer continue to recite the Sutra".

  5. As far as karma, Nichiren taught in the Opening of the Eyes that Hindu's understanding of karma was rudimentary, spanning only several lifetimes,

  6. How ya doing Maxwell. Any problem since leaving the Soka Gakkai? Anyone hounding you? Berating you?

  7. I have big-time unfinished business left with them...if they were to know my heart, they wouldn't bother. Only then, can Maxwell-my middle name-reveal his full name....I'm hungry for my pound of flesh. More of this later.

    1. Do you think that "a pound of flesh" is from where you want to be coming from? How about for the sake of the teachings and the sake of the people.
