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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Letter to SGI Malaysia and the Quiet Revolution

To the youth opposed to the corrupt and embezzling top Soka Gakkai Malaysian leaders...

How blind! You can NEVER win against the corrupt organization president and his top lieutenants (Vice Presidents and General Directors). Enlightened yet blind? That is an impossibility. You should study the Lotus Sutra and Gosho and follow the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren. 

It is obvious you are the just and righteous. Wouldn't the Buddha and Nichiren support the just and righteous? Would they support the corrupt, the thieves, or the slanderers? Who would they protect?

Then why does the organization support the corrupt, the thieves, and the slanderers? Why does Ikeda and his 200 top lieutenants protect the thieves and slanderers and why do they rebuke the righteous? The reason is that for all Ikeda's flowery words, in his heart he is a corrupt slanderer and thief.

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