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Saturday, March 16, 2019

More Blue Sun Incorporated

"Excellent! Excellent!!"I, also, left SGI in early 2018 and am truly surprised at how peaceful and sane my life has become.

I will NEVER FORGET that the only clear result from 30 years of Nichikan/SGIkeda philosophy was bottomless depression, misery, and confusion.

It is an organization built upon lies and control, and populated by well-meaning but extremely sick people..... The longtime, diehard members from NSA days are what keeps the org alive, and these are the very people too lazy for (actual) study, and too fearful to face the fact that years of chanting and gongyo and endless meetings meetings meetings haven't actually produced anything besides their spiritual slavery

I will say this clearly: I burned my Nichikan scroll, books, butsudan and every SGI trinkets I could find, because I (correctly) identified SGI as the main source of poison and wanted to make an irrevocable end to the cycle....

Since I purged SGI in a great fire, nothing "negative" has happened. In fact, this has been one of the best years of my life. There weren't any car accidents or injuries, and I wasn't diagnosed with cancer, either. Honestly, I haven't suffered the slightest misfortune, and if truth be told, I haven't had a serious depressive episode, either....

Again, glad to read your update

Edit: fat finger send before finish"


  1. You're living in fairy world dude! With or without some kind of sinking org, Life will be back around. If someone tells you different including anyone in this blog, THEY ARE LYING
    Read the SUTRA!

  2. No. Associating with slanderers is your ticket to Avici. Read the Lotus Sutra and read Nichiren.

  3. The Eight Winds refers specifically to the disciples and believers of Nichiren, only generally to everyone. Can one be considered "a truly wise man", were one to fail to practice the Lotus Sutra?
